I don't care about anti-white sentiment on LSA. Wow ya'll are so pressed , why be so pressed about a website most frequented by woc? There is no need to put other people down, make comparisons, or even mention other religious/ethnic groups and generalizations about race/ethnicity, sexuality, religion, etc. There are white actors who date black women but Di Caprio never has. What a bunch of clowns. The fact that you can only find threads about rappers; says more about your inability to navigate the web, than it does about Lipstick Alley. I guess gay visibility hasn't reached a level that gay online commenters bemoan perceived "dating out" ("How could Luke Evans dates that Spanish floozy, he hardly even speak English!?! That I don't understand. Basically before I got started as a member. 52,762 664 241. I have found very very few posters on LSA to be Homophobic, in fact it is a terrific community. Share . Would you confront a guy about being in a relationship? All 4 members of the band were in attendance, and David refused to get on stage to perform with Chris, Tina, and Jerry. I have no wish to stay to be abused and insulted. Update: Feeling helpless about my mothers health, getting yelled at for trying to help. Well, how is this for irony, Lipstick Alley is white owned. DL is mild in comparison to lipstick alley. R12, as R14 said there's a lot of it there. jimmies day dove lease, staten island jobs part time Jerry Harrison and a few friends organized a benefit to pay for Bernie's bills. That really introduced young kids to perverts in the industry. What's a love language you require that you're planning to/ already practicing on yourself? by Anonymous. But please continue with the idiotic assumptions. Irregardless, if you think kind of racism should be drug onto message boards, you have another think coming! I went there on/off until very recently because they have some pretty good tv threads, but if you click on other types of threads it's a whole other ballgame. Let me get this straight- someone on DL is calling ANOTHER message board racist? Matt Petit/A.M.P.A.S. Is this some kind of racism against dark skinned women? Women $53 & up. Any talk about their male faves that question sexuality will be met with derision. So, if the site is as racist as some are saying, the white man at the helm of that site give zero fucks about your white tears. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Yes, many countries, many races, creeds and colors. 's standing sushi bar features super high quality sushi made right in front of you. Sometimes I'll see what looks like it could be an interesting thread but I just don't have the patience to wade through it all to make sense of it. Not even for Bernie, the unofficial 5th member of the band. Poor things dont realize they arent his type in more ways than one R222 Everyone knows that the crazies in the Stan threads are exactly that - crazy. Boo hoo. Reparations Task Force LIVE in Sacramento, CA! Submitted. Rock Hudson, James Dean, Liberace and Marlon Brando were Merv Griffin's gay lovers, according to a shocking new bio of the King of Television.. New book Merv Griffin: A Life in the Closet details the incredibly active - but very secret - love life of the multitalented entertainment mogul, who was determined to stay in the closet to preserve his clean-cut image. A lot of resentment that he is dumping his wife for a "Becky." It's the same with black female celebs. All I see is stuff about rappers (about whom a shit I do not give) and their Leo Di Caprio fan club where they fantasize he is a heterosexual who likes black beards. From 2014-2018: Short Hair, Don't Care. Some of them are racist, but most of the posters here on dl are sexist AND racist. O.o " http://www.lipstickalley.com/member.php/189042-Salem, ht tp://w ww.lips tickalley.com / member .php / 189042-Salem, "Oh and weird how you're all talking about the delusions of lsa fan girls fantasizing about white actors chasing black women.". They are so racist because White people are a plague on humanity. I guess this is the common sentiment there, R15. The US is a racist nation underneath the politically correct posturing. If people apologize for their mistakes, are you obligated to forgive them? anthony cuts lipstick alley. I know of white "philanthropic's " that attended black industry events and turned it into their own personal buffets for ass. That's how I heard about the site in the first place. As well as 'tea' from anonymous posters who claim to have had liaisons with him. In a six-page article, InTouch makes a series of claims - even alleging Will caught Jada and her Hawthorne co-star together in one of their homes in Los Angeles. Lala Anthony And Carmello Anthony Out Together. I am actually amazed he's avoided legal action, even with his disclaimer (although supposedly Diana Jenkins did try to sue him). They don't pussyfoot around race issues. If there is any racism going on it comes from white folks. Why, what's going on that's got the rightwingers in an uproar? Sandra has the best scoops on her site about Atlanta related gossip (got all the exclusives about Apollo Nida and Bobbi Kristina there) But she is a homophobic lesbian. But why do black male celebs hook up systematically only with lighter skinned women? Oddly, they seem to hate McBongo and he's one of the few who actually does fuck black women (and married a mixed raced one). Only a few of them do and Leo ain't one of them. They all appear to hate white people. Includes shampoo, conditioning, and styling. Looks like all straight celebs black and white want Nordic looking blondes. They are blunt about race, for sure. Posted at 18:48h in lilibet birth certificate tmz by 101 main street suite 110 medford, ma 02155. Politics, News, Sports, Celebrity Gossip, Fashion and Relationship Advice from an African American perspective. LSA was fun during the Gabrielle Union madness. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Men feel the need to impose themselves on other men's wives they don't find attractive. The Internet's largest African American Forum. [quote]While you're having a nervous breakdown [R95], I have a question. This is ACTING! Anyways, if hide yella womens didn't act like dark skinned womens should be at their beckon call, things might of been better. Chile $1800 dollars that's the price of a. Chile $1800 dollars that's the price of a full cosmetology program at some community colleges. Gay men are obsessed with black women. It's not racism. Meet Ashley and Charles Young. Rather, it comes from having a deep understanding of black history and yourself. R238 more like i'm confused because i have seen alot of threads that talk about bi or gay actors and they're the same ones that get mentioned on here. The 1946 Lipstick Murders involved the violent murder of two women and a child in Chicago, the killer leaving notes in lipstick at the crime scenes. Sydney was gripped by a heroin epidemic and the lane . I agree with R163 100%. Please note: If your account has less than 15 combined karma and . I bet OP still goes to the site even after making this thread complaining about it. On Instagram they said he booked the classes and didn't show up to the classes and then stopped responding. [quote]"hide yella" aka light-skinned black women, Um, isn't the term "high" yellow or "yella?". Natural hair can influence the kind of men that are attracted to you and even shift family dynamics. Some of the comments are funny but at the same time makes no sense. We're still not there yet though, and we won't be in the near future. More Than A Mascot Redskins High Schools Cns Maryland. A lot of people dismiss LSA as a "joke" but "YT" ( white) tea has been spilled that has been " on point". Wish me luck! What is far more worrying is, ironically for a site geared towards black women, there is growing anti black female sentiment in certain threads. I can say the same thing about the Datalounge. Based on the novella Legends of the Fall by Jim Harrison. Blind Gossip gets the occasional exclusive, but mostly they make guesses. The fact that you can only find threads about rappers; says more about your inability to navigate the web, than it does about Lipstick Alley. LSA is good for tea occasionally, those bitches dig up stuff on mostly black celebs that the rest of the internet isn't really focused on. Once again, the nexus of gay men and black women rears its ugly mug [quote] Once again, the nexus of gay men and black women rears its ugly mug As long as it's not cradled, I'm fine with it. And Chris Rock's divorce thread has turned into bitter anticipation of his "colorstruck" self revealing his white/becky girlfriend, even though one of his long term mistresses was LisaRaye - and of course his wife is black. On the lighter end, there was a recent thread about "male celebrities you were sorry to hear were gay" - I found that borderline offensive. Well, it isn't. Again, this may or may not have been on L.A but I do remember a bunch of black women on the site losing their shit over this revelation. Do people who do such things lack basic morals, a conscience, or basic fear of God? Wow. via Getty Images . anthony cuts lipstick alley. If the whining hypersensitives would take some responsibility for their community's being loaded with lazy, dishonest, irresponsible, stupid cruds who are lousy parents and who embrace a sick culture of violence and true self-loathing, maybe the rest of us could get a break from phony pride and constant pathetic self-congratulation. It must be true then that some wealthy folks get up to kink as they have the money and time to fund the life style. So AD was likely in the cut? Lol. But a) most of these girls are not black per se, but mixed, and definitely light, b) they don't really seek them out, but usually meet them through the musician/producer/athlete they're patronizing, and c) it's more indicative in their fascination with black culture than it is black women. Case in point Jews are known to be historically a victimized people, yet Israel saw fit to sterilize (WITHOUT CONSENT) around 500,000 Ethiopian Jewish women to allow them permanent stay in Israel. Men $36 & up. It's pro-black and strongly anti-gay. There are some seriously mentally unwell people on that site. [quote] Do you know if anything happened between Tom hardy, JGL and Leonardo on inception set? [quote]So, if the site is as racist as some are saying, the white man at the helm of that site give zero fucks about your white tears. The MJ thread is the worst, they make up bullshit theories about some secret girlfriend.". A Black-Owned Virtual Bridal Company. "I am removing myself from this board. 'We live in purgatory: My wife has a multimillion-dollar trust fund, but my mother-in-law controls it. Austin Survivor Make A Wish, lipstickalley.com Joined August 2011. I grew up in a affluent part of NYC. Why is she dragging other people into this mess? There are certain famous guys that most people know are gay/closeted, but they absolutely refuse to see it. Apart from that, a lot of people on the site are nice, and there's a great deal of juicy gossip over there. it is a pleasure to hear from you formal. All white baby. The only thing that can make the situation better is if everyone, includng fangirls, support the actors that are already out. They have some very good, very legit gossip threads (check out The Dream Tea) but you have to weed through a lot of crazy conspiracy theories involving the devil. Funny thing lsa has far more decent gossip than DL. I can't. Photography . I have never been to that site. Sometimes I just go to his page & watch his videos, mesmerized at his work. I didn't know it was white owned. Perhaps, someone here is actually interested in explaining it to you. It's annoying and you do it all the time. Please click here to update your account with a username and password. You'd think or hope they would choose, at least an attractive white actor to be obsessed with. And they're oblivious to that self-hating drag queen Tyler Perry. Pay later from $95.00 with afterpay. They are very much obsessed about so called constant white racism towards black. Yeah, the sentiment in that thread was that if an actor was openly gay they couldn't buy him in a straight role ever again. Umberto Gonzalez | April 6, 2018 @ 1:07 PM. R195, I had to smile at your post. He recently posted a picture with his newborn daughter? Would you confront a guy about being in a relationship? Rich and famous black men marry white women pretty frequently, while middle class or lower black men are serial monogamists, or worse. Come on, R170. The former Vogue creative director and editor-at-large has been accused of owing its owners more than $500,000. Some of you lesbo's in this thread are hilarious. That way we can send a message that sexuality doesn't matter, we can still buy into the character the actor is portraying. They also have a strong dislike for iggy Azalea. . Black people talk about white people. Yes. A new fad arose amongst the 8th grade girls with the use of lipstick. STOP speaking for us and acting like you know what it's like to be black. In many instances, people are not really accepted, they're tolerated. The married couple behind "Bridal Babes". I've never had such a hateful or hostile experience. The posters there have latched into each of these archetypes and become fanatical about it. Congrats to Anthony Davis and his fianc who are getting married today. I do care about the casual homophobia. Thirty-six years after appearing as Claire in the "Breakfast Club," actress Molly Ringwald revisited the cult-classic film with her 10-year-old . JavaScript is disabled. They're a hotbed of crazy, and you can't go to ANY conspiracy thread on any website online without running into a whole bunch of idiots with weird, bigoted ideas. Are you responding to a comment in some kind of way? [quote]Instead of being petty and talking about this, she should be talking about the two new movies she has coming out. THREE " fonts" have spilled this tea on him. Both Sides of The Fence 4. Nothing but confirmation bias, R99. I'm guessing the latter. Not Sandra Rose, Bossip or MTO. Lesion removed during Biden's physical was cancerous, White House doctor says, Lawyers fight for man they say US wrongly deported to Haiti, Hazmat Workers in East Palestine Falling Ill, Woman missing more than 30 years and thought to be dead found living in Puerto Rico nursing home, Conservatives launch new transphobic chocolate bar venture in response to "woke" chocolate companies, Kelly Rowland Stuns at Kids Choice Awards 2023 with Son, Titan, I bet there is more to this than a finger. Im going to the gym for the first time. [quote]LSA is good for tea occasionally, those bitches dig up stuff on mostly black celebs that the rest of the internet isn't really focused on. Those $1800 could've been invested into his business!! dl, notorious for being misogynistic are crying about a website being homophobic. Posters make petty comments about each other that goes on for pages & pages if someone says something they don't like because they take everything personal. I wish I knew this before I joined. Update: Feeling helpless about my mothers health, getting yelled at for trying to help. Like every business man, he probably barely knows what's going on on the site, just that checks come in. Why drag Halle into your mess? There are plenty of black men married to darker women, celebrity or not, but across ALL races and at ALL times in history darker men have [italic]generally[/italic] married/mated with lighter women. People are accessing the internet with their Bushphones (a more accurate term), R184? Chasing after black girls? It's entertaining and, at times, has reliable insider info with regards to celeb gossip. On the other side I have family that is involved in sports and entertainment. Asking if their dating'spouse preferences are the standard for the entire race; is like asking if Jonathan Groff, Matt Bomer, Neil Patrick Harris and Elton's Johns having dated/married brunettes means that brunettes are the standard for White gays. Disagree. [quote]Chile how I know. Please complete the process by verifying your email address. It seems like the vast majority of posters on LA are racist and anti-semitic. Also featured were a more Western style restaurant as well as a standing section specific for nigiri and. The Karate Kid star, 22, appeared close to the actress, 22, on Tuesday as they headed to The Nice Guy in Hollywood for an evening meal while the actor's sister, 20, arrived separately. R182, I am black and the negativity at LSA makes me extremely uncomfortable. Grown Folk Talk: How do you guys relieve stress that's job related once you're at home? See how courage is contagious! It's true white male celebs hooking up with black women (even the mixed race ones) are the exception to the rule. I have visited the site a few times. They think all white men are p*dos--and only white men, and they worship MJ (an actual p*do) like he was some Casanova pussy fiend. Not that he actually fucks his interchangeable blonde beards, but he has never bothered to add a black beard to his collection. Any tea? I used to tell myself that I was lucky that I choose not to be a solo artist (which doesn't really mean anything, you are put on the same auction block). 25-year-old Anthony P. Smith abducts 10-Month-Old and 2-Year-Old and Kills Them Before Turning Gun on Himself, Chloe Bailey making a J. Cole question all about herself. MARRIED OR NOT, YOU SHOULD READ THIS "When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I've got something to. Our most popular feature, Meet Me, allows you to swipe on users near you and find more dates. Yes. Check "Remember Me" to access your shopping cart on this computer even if you are not signed in. Here are many of the celebrities who have defended Depp and Heard from their 2016 divorce through today, as well as those who have spoken out against them. We know how important your Special day is. The 2 128 Native American Mascots People Aren T Talking About. I say, good riddance. He was photographed shooting up in a filthy drug-infested Redfern laneway. Very well researched. [quote]Does she not understand what "blackballed" means?? I think you really have to seek out that kind of insanity at LA. Those are just two items off the top of my head. His comments on that last picture are in shambles. There's this one video I nearly pissed myself he did his lil corny shimmy and the girls were screaming and shit and his line brothers wipes his shoulders And white boys looks dead in the camera like he know he's ill ass fuck. The worst thing you can call black celebs is gay, apparently. Geez. When They Dont See Us: Europes Indifference to the Fate of the Rest of the World. It's the usual stereotypes, which is sad because both groups share a common bond. Pointing out that someone is kind of a cunt or that they've fucked men is really not defamatory. It was drilled in my head not to enter either arena. that he and his wife have split up??? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Still.. baby steps. I believe as the site accelerated in popularity, ownership changed hands. They feel VERY betrayed when a black male celebrity dates/marries a white woman/Becky. Let me think long and hard about that one. From 2004-2008: Hollywood's Hottest New Star. Thread starter atlyung1; . Please click here to register for free. For the rest of you intelligent men and women, I would like to direct your attention, specially you theater types, to the brilliant, 10 minute play by this beautiful sister, Aleksys K Taylor. He did not respond to repeated interview requests. Cast: Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Aidan Quinn, Julia Ormond, Henry Thomas, Karina Lombard and Gordon Tootoosis. Ethiopian Jews continue to be marginalized, and mistreated by white Jews in the Jewish Motherland. [1] RECENT TWEETS. on cloud waterproof women's black; finder journal springer; mickey lolich health. LAWD. Dont fuck with them unless necessary. That website should have been shit down years ago. Damn this is so tempting me to ditch my natural hair and go back to my short cuts. The celebrity comments can be witty and also rachet. It was originally named the American Professional Football Association. Apparently this has happened to others as well. Michael Brown) by a black person, to be representative of the 40 million blacks in this country, and uses that as a excuse to vilify them. His fan girls have convinced themselves of his 'preference' for black women. They only bump crap like this when they're upset about something. Anthony Cuts Out Here Scamming Folks. Do you think black vs white is ever really going to end? 4,957 talking about this. Mo is completely unprofessional and ungrateful; give her opportunities to another black actress who'd appreciate them. The same thing happened with other black sites. The posters who claim to have juicy inside gossip on . Some refer to white people has devils, kkracka, pig and other derogatory terms. I understand it in personal terms - the cycle of poverty in black communities etc. the way they insult white people.. kind of ironic since they always go on about how racist people are to them. The 66-year-old actor had his eyes . Too bad your family didn't educate you. There's a whole 'tea' thread (and there's no legit gossip, just a bunch of crazy delusions) about how all of Hollywood are sex slaves and escorts, 'programmed' by MK Ultra, all ultimately controlled by THE JEWS. Menu ZergNet. If the shit they spew was said about them, they would be up in arms, but it's ok because they are black. It looks like they fantasize about white movie stars chasing black women. Blacks and gays historically were the most inclusive groups but exclusivism has become a thing I'd say in the past 20 years. it's a doggie dog whirled filled with old bitties who certainly will not win a pullet surprise any time soon cuz of there cynicalness. Andrew Johnson was a sweet-faced teen when he started taking heroin. Sheesh. So yes, I agree. It is more honest about racism and I appreciate that, it is as an African American thread after all. No criminal charges against Chicago Police officers in fatal shootings of 13-year-old Adam Toledo and Anthony Alvarez, Barbie creator's daughter fights for her dad's legacy after toy giant Mattel cuts him out to protect the brand's wholesome image, Why Uvalde school police chief didnt try to stop gunman: Theres probably going to be some deceased in there, but we dont need any more out here, The Lost Diary of Anthony Bourdain: For years, the chef and TV star posted anonymously to a martial-arts forum on Reddit, Chloe Bailey making a J. Cole question all about herself. Just like this place used to be ten years ago. you all treat people in humane but we are that are not human. The evidence used to deem celebs gay here are offensive, stereotypical, and homophobic. [quote]Um, isn't the term "high" yellow or "yella?". DL consistently takes any statement (e.g. I'm all for alliteration, but sis. [quote]Celebs are more savvy than ever about the internet and they have their PR patrol for shit. Damn about the foundation. anthony cuts lipstick alley. Lala Anthony Says Her Son Doesn't Want Her Dating, Marc Anthony, 54, and Nadia Ferreira's, 23, wedding photos, Police reform goes through Anthony D'Esposito, not Al Sharpton, Hola Magazine: Marc Anthony, 54, and Nadia Ferreira, 23, are officially married, The abuse and murder of 17 month old Anthony Delgado. Amanda de Cadenet. Is this your . 'We found it right next to several Egyptian chariots, along with an . Or know what the word [italic] bisexual [/italic] means. The National Football league was founded in 1920, and currently consists of 32 teams throughout the United States. The "tea" is not worth going to that site. They hate all white women except Angelina Jolie A 7-year-old racebaiting thread bumped. [quote]I do care about the casual homophobia. A lamp in the corner provides diffused light that illuminates Kay's face. I hope no tea come out on his wedding day, because that would be messed up. A controversial thought - The fish cut for nigiri were HUGE.. to the point the proportion seemed so odd. Someone link to a "whites in the workplace" thread! We are changing the login scheme for contributors for simpler login and to better support using multiple devices. No way no how. Someone also spilled that Kim Kardashian was already pregnant before the official announcement. Sunflower 19030 I recently have been enjoying a thread about Rnb singer August Alsina. I think LSA has far better gossip than DL for the most part. I don't trust these folks for NOTHIN. This is what I left on there. Anthony Rubery Unsigned Singer-Songwriter from Essex, London. Grown Folk Talk: How do you guys relieve stress that's job related once you're at home? power outage etobicoke I forgot about him. Hello and thank you for registering. 18, Alley 2, Lane 410, Minzu East Road 410218 Zhongshan District, 104 Taiwan. etc."). How does one get to start threads there? [quote]Typical! Blow Dry $35 & up. I love LSA, especially the threads about whites in the workplace. LAWD. The mob mentality is also very much in effect over there. These durable cushion covers will make a great gift for a relative, a friend or even for yourself. r96 are you really that clueless? [quote]Very strange and unpleasant place, pointless for gossip unless you're into rappers. From 2001-2003: Indie Film Darling. To each his own, no different from any other site out there. I follow him on IG and Tumblr. I just went on the lipstick alley site out of curiosity and the ignorance was astounding. They also hate black celebrity men who date/marry white women. As usual, female oriented forums tend to be very homophobic (see also Mumsnet). I love the "whites in the workplace" threads and have contributed my experiences to those threads. Based on the novella Legends of the Fall by Jim Harrison. site without all this bureaucratic nonsense, One of them was turned out by the industry he is now severely addicted to cocaine and turning tricks any and everywhere. LSA will never be as racist as DL. Lipstick Alley. Our professionally trained staff will consult and recommend a hairstyle suitable for your face, hair type, and lifestyle. Lol. The grandfather's name is normally the cut off point for official use. I'm about to file a civil suit against him. LSA is not for you. 1.54 ms. * Times displayed are PT, Pacific Time (UTC/GMT 0) | Current server time is 12:14. James Stewart - polite, funny. If you're seen as gay you're no longer attainable to millions of fangirls all over the world, it's sad but it's the truth. [quote] And they're oblivious to that self-hating drag queen Tyler Perry. Most posters, are of course straight women. Yes, betrayal is a key theme of LSA. Make them see the error of their craven, satanic, cold-hearted ways. Kim Kardashian and pal La La Anthony lip sync . Don't spout off the dictionary definition to prove a point, please, because that definition was written by a bunch of old white men and lacks the nuance of the true meaning. R69 There has been blind items from various sites suggesting Leonardo is unable to perform sexually with women. [quote]Did your gossip happen to be about one of the popular black heart throbs liking dick? When I saw the post about "whites in the workplace" my FIRST thought was, "Is that like all the homo threads about 'fraus' in the workplace" here? [quote]This isn't helping, Mo. Written by commonsensejournal on August 9th, 2009.