Thank you so much for your insight into BPD relationships. Any man reading this wpuld of course run away from a partner with bpd if it was put like this! 1,2. It might be more accurate to describe it as using selective amnesia for the parts of their history that dont serve their new narrative. With scheduled visits about 4 times a year. When a person with BPD feels threatened or fears abandonment, their . We offer mindset coaching only for individuals nationally and internationally. Thank you for your well written informative posts on Understanding women with traits of BPD. Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder by Shari Y Manning, Marsha M Linehan available in Trade Paperback on, also read synopsis and reviews. A learned person learns how to respect themselves and set important boundaries and this helps both partners to grow. That said, one morning, after she had been outside in the yard drinking, after a confrontation with him, and he and I were both sleeping. However it is quite easy to regulate another persons emotions. She does not physically abuse them, but she does denerate them in terrible, terrible ways. She may have kicked you to the curb in anger. During a moment of clarity she said to me I am such a basket case, I dont know how you put up with me Its like she just cant help it. Most of their acting out is done to drown out precisely these feelings of worthlessness. Once they leave home, so can I. The type of personality that so often gets caught up in a relationship with a woman with traits of BPD is what we might call a nice guy type. It is amazing to sit back, read your response, and have it resonate so much with my situation. This allows you to actively seek it out. The nice-guy type often cannot get himself to believe that this woman is no longer capable of giving back to him. By the way, your website, blog, and materials are really great. Unstable relationships, fear of abandonment, impulsive behaviors, unstable identity, substance abuse its all there., Fatal Attraction has long been viewed as the absolute worst depiction of borderline personality disorder. The participants viewed a facial photograph of each target individual, along with a brief biography. And I think got too close for her comfort and she pushed me away. Both parties in every relationship have to take full responsibility for their actions. Many men are in your situation, and it is truly surprising how many women engage in this kind of behavior. Were only a few months in, but so far, so good. We offer mindset coaching only for individuals nationally and internationally. Woman with bpd are not hopeless mistakes ppl should run from! I think you are doing a great job. Does she have difficulty accepting if she doesnt get her way? In anyway ! You are definitely right when you say their decisions are based off their emotions that they just cant seem to get past. It is providing some answers and healing for those that got no closure at all. Part of me thinks she was just saying that to me to make me feel sorry for her and to keep me from leaving but the other part thinks she really meant it. In some cases, they even have the advantage, Blanchard added. The reason these techniques are offered is because many women with these traits do not begin the devaluation phase until they are in a committed relationship or have a child with their partner. wow!! I hope my comment help some people. Yes, we feel, and we feel deeply. Because he knows better than to trust on face value, he will be much more likely to cut his losses when he discovers her true nature. She prob did like the gifts but struggles to show appreciation. In other words the push-pull (*) pattern is already visible. In the meantime, ill go with my natural need for emotional rest after any break- up and enjoy any healthier interactions that may surface. So yes, most women with traits of BPD do have an underlying belief or fear that they are unloveable. So they know you want to stick around but dont if that makes any sense. I opened myself up to her like I never did before not even with my ex-wife of 10 years. But the person with traits of BPD masquerades as a nice guy (girl) type, and they are often the nice guy types first close relationship with an insecure and abusive person, which the world is sadly full of. (They were there to a lesser level all along, but I just thought my wife was very sensitize and vulnerable). BPD affects the sexual functioning of many of those who suffer. Thanks for bringing this up, and I hope that helps to clarify it. Nice guys will take the abuse and overtime it will distort you. The nice-guy type gets very high marks in the area of relationship safety and security. Ill briefly expand on my post above. Her method of coping with her great longing for intimacy and simultaneous fear of being hurt can lead to a pattern of abuse. I replied the next day and agreed a basic chat the following day: She called saying she had seen a doctor for depression but now had to run into work and we could talk later (all of 30 secs!) It is better be a wise guy and use the knowledge and wisdom you provide to detect and avoid women who do not have the necessary skills to maintain a healthy and sustainable relationship. One point of contention, we have moved into three houses since married. Please know that many people reading your comment are supporting you. So I get a call the next day with her crying and telling me she doesnt want to lose me. Couldnt answer a simple question like yes or no. Anyways I am uncertain what to do with my nonbiological son with her. I am faithful, loyal, and honest person, she made me delete and end contact with her, no matter how many times I tried to explain to her that she knows Im with you and she wishes us all the best nothing helped, until i told me former partner and very good friend to not to contact me again. Very insightful stuff. CPTSD, EUPD, & Borderline Personality Disorder recovery work is often painful and difficult. I am in a relationship for 6 years now, its been really hard work, but I believe people can make it work. An onslaught of disrespectful raging,verbal abuse and fabricated accusations about our insensitivity to her needs left us speechless . By drawing him in close and simultaneously attacking him in an attempt to disable him from hurting her, she is able to meet both of these opposing needs. This method shows you easy techniques that let you reverse the negative behaviors of high conflict personalities. The effects of BPD are most severe in intimate relationships. Unless people like her get help, there is no amount of love that can change her. Your writing taste has been amazed me. We offer mindset coaching only for individuals nationally and internationally. In his article for Psychology Today called, Borderline Personality Disorder in the Movies, David M. Allen M.D., wrote that Evies background is a spot-on representation of the dysfunctional childhood experiences many with BPD live through. Fast forward 2.5 years. Falling in love is usually something that can be beautiful, exciting and wonderful. Thanks for your comment. Sanders. Bibi. I would ask her to visit me and she would make excuses and question why I did not understand her and that she needs someone else. Contact us today at 1-844-9-THRIVE. Just to add she always wanted to be do things alone. I wanted my whole life to feel just like that. However my wife refuses to acknowledge any borderline traits as everything in the relationship is my fault. Now she is in a horrible depressive state, and I am getting her into a 2-month hospital treatment program. I pity children who will be born from such dysfunctional partner combination. You better hope that someone with this illness, who perhaps hasnt gained a lot of strength with coping with it, sees this when they are low. Like everyone, else we need and deserve love and although sometimes difficult, we can be wonderful partners. And, childishly, they simply dont want to lose all the benefits you provide. I would recommend psychological testing before marriage along with the typical police background check ! (the first time after my saying we should sort this amicably) . As a note, not all the movies listed below show characters officially diagnosed with BPD or any mental illness. Seriously, it helped me immensely to get over a three year relationship with a BPD woman. Vasu talks about the need for acceptance, a strong support system, and the beauty that unfolds when we stop avoiding emotions and start believing that life can and will get better. Her fear of betrayal may be overwhelming, but it is no match for her obsessive desire for romantic love. I eventually couldnt deny that she indeed has many, many traits of BPD. Sincerely, It is like she forgets she agreed this is not a wise move, but then it always comes back. This lasted the entire ride home and for about 10 minutes after until she finally calmed her self down and exhausted herself. THAT is what breaks my heartthat she may never allow herself to be happy. To the men out there who have been in a relationship with a woman with BPD traitsI recommend this website and getting a book called No More Mr. Nice Guy which provides practical ways to get out of our nice guy syndrome. You bring up a very common theme in breakups with women who have traits of BPD. This statement would have been a subconscious tactic to get you to trust her. She deserves my understanding and support. Both of you should get educated get help and commit n work loving together!! Are these people good or bad by character? I let rip over a number of texts, yet she still resumed attempts to communicate via text / calls? Then she may notice that once youre gone she is feeling very warm towards you. In order to understand the dynamic of this couple, we need to answer a very important question. Both nice-guy types and women with traits of BPD tend to believe that the other possesses the same natural skills and deficits. But when my wife yells, slaps, hits in the middle of the night from hell that she hates me and I am the worst person in the world, I also now understand that she is also speaking from her heart at that moment to. JT, in general they tend to be ruled by their emotions. My wife is highly intelligent and has a good career in health care. Thats why I know if asked her to marry me after 3 months she would have said yes. Female Anger In Relationships Why Is She Always Mad At Me? Baylie shares her own personal story with borderline personality disorder, substance use, love addiction, and the importance of addressing her trauma through treatment in addition to sharing about the. He is in a good home at present and his needs are met, so I think he is fearful of being put back into the situation. I had never noticed this sort of extreme emotionality before the marriage, in fact she was rather a meek & mild depressive. Dialectical behaviour therapy is incredibly expensive where we live, and I work 2 jobs, but we are definitely low income. Its very difficult to keep someone like this in your good graces. Why is this?? While it can seem like Hollywood either depicts BPD badly or not at all,there are actually movies some believe accurately depict symptoms people with BPD experience. Rob, I am so sorry to hear this is happening to you. Your husband might not be willing to try anything new at this point, but you can use this technique to regulate his anger and if you write down the suggested language for him, he may be willing to say the words to you that will allow you to express your upset feelings in a less destructive way. I could see I was going through increasing devaluation and didnt take kindly to the disrespect. My problem is if I leave, the children will suffer. A weaker partner will just give in to help calm things and or get past the scene without solving the problem. She has a 12 year old son. In my case, knowing enough about the disorder and crucially, our arms -length situation meant that i was able to sit back and observe throughout.That still didnt stop at least three periods of decent personal upset/ annoyance (as you are still putting in effort and loyalty when the inevitable curveballs come). The stigma around BPD is unjustified because there is a good prognosis. Yes, I do have bpd, however I can say with 100% honesty that I am not selfish in the least in my relationship. Why dont we acknowledge that men and women are sufferers from BPD at equal rates, but that in the past more women have been diagnosed with it than men because in our society its OK for men to ehibit anger and aggression? Have you ever been left by someone with BPD traits? In a response I received via email, you stated that my ex may have kicked me to the curb due to anger (its more than that Im sure) but then might feel very warm towards me when I am gone. I wish I could point you to some useful books, but this is a very new area of study and people are only just beginning to understand what is behind this relationship dynamic. Unstable relationships, fear of abandonment, impulsive behaviors, unstable identity, substance abuse its all there., Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, mental health professionals have explained BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder in the Movies. She has since defriended several other girlfriends in our social circle because they continue to talk to me. The real motivation behind BPD behavior is often the exact opposite of what it looks like from the outside. Now when I feel the panic I learned to be calming to myself. I cried. End up with two young kids. A man in this position could simply learn how to not give unless the other person proves they are capable of giving back. To the contrary, these were efforts to please her. But I am aware of my behaviors. You know theres something not quite right but when you leave it it kind of all unraveled. If you have your own porous boundaries, then seek a partner whose boundaries are more defined. So this is a long story. I shall in future however, many many thanks. I really appreciate your input. Thank you for this important comment. I feel beaten up and changed, and depressed thinking its my fault, and anxious ,as I still love her. I know therapy is very expensive, but even if you can only afford a few sessions, it is essential you get professional guidance on how to navigate through this very difficult time. Especially, when a catch a lie or something just doesnt make sense. They run into terrible problems with over-trusting. What should i do? A woman with traits of BPD will be at her most defended in a situation where her flaws are being scrutinized. More likely these changes are due to instability in Jasmines view of the relationship. The study has been published online in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. We offer mindset coaching only for individuals nationally and internationally. So it does feel very real and in a sense it is. Her behaviors are addictive in nature. This approach over time can provide partners with a sense of boundaries they are unable to provide for themselves. Remember to spread the word that BPD/CPTSD/EUPD are all disorders that hurt, though that we can recover from with tenacity, patient endurance, and hard work! The set of techniques you are referring to are for committed partners or family members to be able to create a safe and abuse-free relationship. Well I hate to make it sound like revenge cause I am so not that kind of person but its what they do to you and its shocking My husband of 11 years has had it with me and wants out. She is so insecure and so emotionally underdeveloped, she requires a lot of empathy but at the same time tough love. Many people only know BPD based on stereotypes, so its easy to question whether compassionate depictions of BPD and its symptoms exist in pop culture at all. I finally have told my wife that I can not take the behavior any more, and that if she will not participate in professional help and recognize that her actions and behaviors cant continue like this, then our marriage will end. She would deflect, deny, or change the subject, eventually getting mad and projecting back on me. JT, youre exactly right. She periodically blames me for losing her son, her suicide attempt and all manner of things. I control myself by locking myself I the bathroom (the only room with a lock) when my sister and I fight (only when were alone). I am a decent human being but wont be a doormat to walk on , no I wasnt always perfect but I was pretty close to be being a good partner