But hes winning at the game of animal first names. Chalupa Batman. Best Life reports that Stewart also has a cat named Empress Tang. Her story is told by several books and the film Born Free. Robin Frijns and Sam Bird are Formula E drivers and are both on the Envision Virgin Racing team. The Biebers added a new member to their family back in 2018. The actor just got his newest member of the Tatum tribe in October 2020, after his sweet pup Lulu passed away back in 2018. He has been described as the most faithful dog in the world. What is my surname? Major was first fostered by the Bidens and then adopted by them in 2018. Next, scientists named an entire genus of goby fish was after the musician, followed by an orb-weaver spider whose black markings reminded the researchers of Zappa's signature mustache. Here, we've compiled a list of famous (and infamous) people and the often quirky species named after them. He is quoted as saying that, Nothing gives me quite so much joy as when people tell me they've had their pets spayed or neutered.. Dewey: His full name was Dewey Readmore Books and he was the the library cat of Spencer, Iowa Public Library. (LogOut/ His name is Oscar and we assume he is indeed a very good boy. 5. Phoenix is a longtime vegan and supports many of PETAs campaigns. From Kylie Jenner's Norman and Meghan Markle's Guy to Miley Cyrus's many unique pup monikers and Channing Tatum's newest addition, Rook, here are some of our favorite celebrity dog namesoh, and their famous owners too. It has literary ties as well. Candoleezza Rice. Laddie Boy: An Airedale Terrier owned by President Warren G. Harding. She serves as an administrator and co-chair on the board of trustees for the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association and she is quoted as saying that, You can always tell about somebody by the way they put their hands on an animal.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I was surfing internet for some entertainment and celebrity news, then I found an interesting thing. When I first sat down to write this article, I already knew of some of the more popular animal rights activists, such as Betty White and Ellen DeGeneres. Colt: Colt, inspired by the baby horse would make a cute baby boy name. Thanks for naming your kids this, Busy Phillips! Celebs love to post their dogs on social media, take them on red carpet runways, or even enjoy a casual Saturday stroll in the park. 18 Awesome Celebs Who Are Devoted To Saving Animals, The Best Online Fitness Platforms For Your At-Home Workout, The Best Eye Makeup Methods To Make Your Eyes Pop, Reasons Why Your Hair Tangles Easily & What To Do About It, 10 Things To Do Before Ending Your Workday & Transitioning Into Personal Time, 10 Ways To Romanticize Your Life & Feel More Positive, 10 Hobbies To Help You Practice Mindfulness, The Best Versatile Bags For The Modern Women, 10 Gifts To Shop For Your Best Friends Birthday, Everything You Want To Know About The Dune Sequel, 10 Wedding Gift Ideas That Isn't Home Decor, 10 Signs You Are Doubting Yourself & How To Battle It. Bubbles: A chimpanzee once kept as a pet by singer Michael Jackson, who bought him from a Texas research facility in the 1980s. Lex: The first active duty, fully fit military working dog to be granted early retirement in order to be adopted after working for United States Marine Corps. cc-by www.flickr.com crazymandi 8165495019 Celebrities From the 2000s/Recently Kate Mara is not only a friend to the animals and environment, she is also a Green Monster! With names like these, they share qualities with some of nature's other critters! Greyfriars Bobby: A well-known Skye Terrier in Edinburgh who was said to have spent 14 years guarding the grave of his owner until he died in 1872. Animal themed-names offer an immediate, appealing image - Bear can be cuddly and fierce, while cheerful Lark flies high. Profile Quizzes Subscribed Subscribe? Those eyes! C3 Pee-O. The creator of the Far Side comic strip, Larson's namesake is a species of owl louse. Seal has seen Heidi Klum naked many times. Although some are lucky to share names with great foods, I think rice might be the lucky one here. Take a look at the gallery below for more animal monikers from stars including Jason Momoa, Zooey Deschanel and Liam Payne. As a result, we often know a lot about their furry friends, including what they've been named. Think Celebrity Pet owners, Animals from the movies, and royal Animals for inspiration to ace our free Famous Animals quiz. Birdie,. Her role as Temperance Brennan in Bones shows a compassionate woman with a strong love for animals. ), Frequently when devising names for new species, scientists will fall back on famous people or historical figures who have inspired them over the years, or whose work in some way reflects an interest or relationship to that organism. Deadmau5 is a DJ. Given that Cowell has such a tough exterior and became famous for his blunt opinions on American Idol, it may be shocking to learn that he is a die-hard animal lover. Top 18 Species Named After Famous People. What do George W. Bush, Roy Orbison and Darth Vader have in common? I can't take it, I can't even look at it. These stars were all named after animals. Of the seven or more species in the franchise, Darthvaderum is a mite in Tasmania and Trigonopterus . Nagraj: Nagraj is an Indian baby boy name inspired by animals. Check out these lists of neato facts, pics, and vids of science working around you, all day in every way. Being very outspoken and true to the cause, in 2009 she received a Humane Award from the Helen Woodward Animal Center and is quoted as saying, I have always been an animal lover. . Shoot. King of the Wild Frontier, Tigers first baseman in 1901 and, apparently, the youngest man to ever play professional baseball -- at least if his card is any indication. There's a parasite named after. Socks: An adopted stray cat of the Clintons who lived in the White House. Plenty of stars have gone with human names for their dogs, like Norman or George. By Author Kay D. Rhodes at When naming your own dog, think about your pet's look, personality, and breed type when choosing the right name. She is also actively trying to get African lions placed on the Endangered List and, when the lion Cecil was killed by an American dentist, she said, I was heartbroken along with so many Americans who are mourning the terrible killing of the lion Cecil by a man from Minnesota., We all know Howard Stern from his radio show and bluntcommentary. He was released into the wild in 2002. He has gone through many life changes and now says, Im a proud vegan, whistle-blower, and animal rights activist. Surprise! They even made a guest appearance during the duchess's recent sit-down with Gloria Steinem. Mickey, Katy Perry, and Minnie. In 2012, after Howard and Beth lost their beloved bulldog, Bianca, Howard Stern told us that, She was the love of our lives. One of the biggest animal lovers in Hollywood, Cuoco says that she always had animals growing up. See more ideas about celebrity name puns, puns, celebrity names. Ace - a name of Latin and English origin that means "one who excels." 14. Darth Maul (for a small, harmless dog) Deputy Dawg. You might not believe it, but everyone gets excited about naming their new best friend, even the stars among us. Thank-you for all your work, Ellen! Moose: The wire-hair Jack Russell Terrier who portrayed Eddie Crane on the American television sitcom Frasier. In real life, Emily speaks out against factory farming and animal cruelty. Bob Barker would end each show on The Price is Right by asking his viewers to spay and neuter their beloved pets. 40 Photos of Old Hollywood Stars and Their Pets. He said President Bush called to thank him for the gesture. Were all out of cat-related jokes. Alvin - meaning 'a noble friend" of Old English origin. Who is your favorite? Credit: Rich Fury/Getty Images for MGA/L.O.L. Dibyayan_Chakravorty Hamburglar. Jackman has two doggy friends: Dali, a poodle mix, and Allegra, a French bulldog. I dont have children of my own, so she was my everythingmy light, my love, everything that a dog encompasses in a household.. The 50 Most Beloved TV Couples of All Time According to Best Life Online, Nostalgic (Early 2000s) Children's TV Shows, Seen It is a new app from the creators of List Challenges. They are actively involved with the North Shore Animal League and have even helped them raise money by producing pet calendars for the organization. But when it comes to naming pets, celebrities are even wackier. Kerry Knudsen, the lichen curator in the University of California, Riverside Herbarium, picked the name to "show my appreciation for the president's support of science and science education.". 4. The post received more than 65.000 notes from February till April. Hefner's organization has donated money to support research about the endangered "bunnies. Trakr: A German Shepherd police dog who helped discover the last September 11th survivor and was named one of the most historys most heroic animals by Time magazine. Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images. Angelina (Italian origin) means "a messenger of God". Bud: Along with his human Horatio Nelson Jackson, he was the first dog to drive an automobile across the United States in 1903. They have an all time total of 10 wins and 25 podiums. Every year, scientists recognize 15,000 new animal species each one needs a new name. The child of Joel Madden and Nicole Richie. Well, even a jackass can grow up and become an admirable man. The actor also revealed that she got a new puppy, named Lord Chesterfield, on October 11, 2020. 3. 6. Incitatus: This was the name of Roman Emperor Caligulas favorite horse. Alicia Keys and Alicia Silverstone are two popular celebrities with this name. ", .css-v1xtj3{display:block;font-family:FreightSansW01,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:100;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-v1xtj3:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.1387rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1rem;margin-top:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-v1xtj3{line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.18581rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;margin-top:0rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-v1xtj3{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.2;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}Cocaine Bear Isnt the Only Animal Getting High, Highly Intelligent Super Pigs Are Invading America, Maybe We Shouldnt Resurrect the Woolly Mammoth, Nothing Dumb About Dodo Bird De-Extinction Efforts, Scientists Reincarnating the Woolly Mammoth, Scientists Claim They May Soon Talk with Animals, 45 Cool Animals That Will Do Anything To Survive, The Loch Ness Monster Absolutely Can't Be an Eel, Solution to Riddle of the Week #21: Racing Camels, 20 Endangered Sea Animals That Need Our Help, This Could Be the Worlds Strongest Spider Web, Why Evolution Keeps Veering Toward Crabification. The "House of Cards" actress is constantly tweeting about environmental causes she . You definitely want a name that is uniqueand plenty of celebrity dog names check this box. J. Fred Muggs was born on March 14, 1952 in French Cameroon. Nemo: Over 4,000 dogs served in the Vietnam war and only about 200 of them survived - including Nemo. Wheeler is responsible for this choice, which was meant as a compliment. Smoky: A Yorkshire Terrier who was a famous war dog from World War II. I'm working on a project (vaguely game related), and I need examples of names of celebrities, altered to include the names of animals, or animal-related terms. 17 Kaley Cuoco One of the biggest animal lovers in Hollywood, Cuoco says that she always had animals growing up. This cannot be undone. Do you know who Pula, Dodger, and Norman belong to? Can you guess which bugs, birds or big cats correspond . Since then, they've added Gino (a surprise anniversary present for Jonas) and Panda to the family. He is well known as the former host of The Price is Right and an amazing animal lover. Wheeler named another slime-mold beetle in honor of the fictional Star Wars villain. Not only is he an avid animal lover, he also runs the Ian Somerhalder Foundation that raises money to support no-kill pet shelters. Known as the actress in The Princess Diaries and Les Miserables, Anne Hathaway is more than an Oscar winning beauty. Top Celebrity Dog Names Augie (Ellen Degeneres) Penny (Blake Lively, Chrissy Teigen) Norman (Kylie Jenner, Jennifer Aniston) Oprah (Eva Longoria, 50 Cent) Foxy (Matthew McConaughey) Daisy (Jessica Simpson) Isaboo (Rachael Ray) Poppy (Sandra Bullock) Bambi (Paris Hilton) Tinkerbell (Paris Hilton) Atticus Finch (Jake Gyllenhaal) Also, you can track what you've seen, want to see, like, or dislike, as well as track individual seasons or episodes of shows. We may earn commission if you buy from a link. Whether you just brought home a new puppy or have rescued a new four-legged friend, you have a big task in front of you to give your dog a name that sounds just right. In fact, she used to want to be a veterinarian as a child. The hat goes all the way. While some celebrity dog names might be TOO unique for your liking, there are plenty that have a cute, whimsical, or hilarious twist. When Selena says you stop, you stop. Buddy: A German Shepherd who was the first seeing eye dog. Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site. The Sussexes currently have two dogsMarkle's beagle, Guy, whom she owned before meeting Harry and a black Lab reportedly named Pula. Apple . Famous for his hip hop and rap acts, it may be a little surprising to learn that Simmons is vegan and practices yoga, above all he is very passionate about animals. She was a celebrity cat who gained fame after her photos went viral when posted on Tumblr in 2011. The amazing Bob Barker also has a charity foundation, DJ&T Foundation, that has raised millions to support neutering, spaying, and animal rescue programs. Mellon is the co-founder of the luxury Jimmy Choo brand. Lets see some actual seals pull off that trick! If we had nine lives, wed use them all to get into her pants! ; Arabella - An Italian goddess from mythology also known as Iris, this feminine name means . Sophia Bush loves pit bulls so much that she has actively participated in the rescue of multiple pit bulls. A 32-year-old woman named Shirley Duaguay went missing, and . During his life, and especially during the 1750s, he classified an extraordinary number of animals that he collected on his own. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it pours, sometimes it's rainn wilson. It's not just humans that take the spotlight, there are plenty of well-known animals as well. Quiz by Quizmaster. Jeffrey Crowe (born 1958) played test cricket between 1982-1990, while Martin (born 1962) played test cricket between 1981-1996. Dian Fossey (1932 - 1985), Jane Goodall, and Birute Galdikas were dubbed "the Trimates" and "Leakey's Angels" because they were chosen by paleoanthropologist Louis Leakey to study . Scientist Bryan Lessard said it was. Celebrity Dog Names From the '90s Homer is the most memorable name of the '90s; if anyone asks you can always claim you named your puppy after the Greek poet. OK, so everyone's favorite Backyard Baseball character probably wasn't named after the guy who spent one season in the Brewers' farm . Two types of insects bear Ford's name. In an interview with David Letterman in 2010, she said, "I know he looks kind of scary, he's a wolf. She also openly supports PETA, especially on her Twitter account, as well as numerous other animal charities. Major: One of President Biden and Dr. Bidens two dogs. | Public, A MonkeyFamous for playing as:"Dexter" in Night at the Museum (2006) and Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009)"Drug-dealing Monkey" in The Hangover Part II (2011)"Donald the Monkey" in Zookeeper (2011)"Dr. Rizzo" on Animal Practice (2012), A DogFamous for playing as:"The Dog" on The Artist (2011)"Queenie" on Water for Elephants (2011), A HorseFamous for playing as:himself in Mister Ed (1958-1966), A BearFamous for playing as:"The Bald-headed Bear" in The Great Outdoors (1988)"The Kodiak Bear" in The Bear (1988)"Bear" in Legends of the Fall (1994)"Bear" in The Edge (1997), Actress | Sam: Unsinkable Sam, according to a possibly untrue story, is the nickname of a cat who served during World War II and survived the sinking of three ships. We want to see the good in the world and we want our favorite celebrities to be a part of it. The Chopra-Jonas household is extremely dog-friendly. Martha Stewart has very creative names for her pets. In 2005, scientists named woolly lemur species after the British comic actor to recognize his work in lemur conservation. Carl Linnaeus (1707 - 1778) Linnaeus was a famous botanist, physician, and zoologist who is considered to be the father of modern taxonomy. I am a well known clergyman - and a little feisty canine that was named after me. 18 Famous People Who Actually Have An Entire Species Named After Them From the Shakira parasite to the Daft Punk flatworm. Scientific names are the dry end of biology but those who bestow them are sometimes playful.The crustacean has two relatives in family Godzilliidae - Godzillius and Godzilliognomus, cementing the tie to low-budget science fiction.. Star Wars beats Godzilla for the names it has inspired. He is the only dog to be nominated for rank and then promoted to sergeant. Everyone loves a real-life animal success story! Rags: A terrier who began as a stray in Paris and became a hero during World War I by running messages from the front line. Cowell works as a celebrity model for Peta andhas spoken out on those who neglect their animals, from leaving them in hot cars to unnecessary negligence. Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew, A DogFamous for playing as:"Hosehead the Dog" in The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew (1983), A DogFamous for playing as:"The Mooses' Dog" in Mighty Like a Moose (Short) (1926)"The Dog" in Hot Doggie (Short) (1925)"Duke the Dog" in Dog Shy (Short) (1926), A DogFamous for playing as:"Pepe" in Pups United (2015)"Bogie" in Walter Don't Dance (Short) (2011)"Stella" on Modern Family (20102012), A DogFamous for playing as:"Bear" on Person of Interest (2013), A DogFamous for playing as:"Dobby" on Maa (1992), A DogFamous for playing as:"Brownie" in Brownie's Little Venus (1921), A DogFamous for playing as:"Lassie" on Lassie (1954), A DogFamous for playing as:"Eddie" on Frasier (19932004), A DogFamous for playing as:"Eddie" on Frasier (19932004)"Le chien" on Sous le soleil (2005), A DogFamous for playing as:"The Wolf-dog" in Where the North Begins (1923)"Rinty" in The Lighthouse by the Sea (1924)"Lobo" in Clash of the Wolves (1925)"Rinty" in While London Sleeps (1926)"Satan" in Tracked by the Police (1927)"Scotty" in Tiger Rose (1929)"Rinty" in The Lone Defender (1930)"Rinty" in On the Border (1930)"Rinty" in The Man Hunter (1930)"Rinty the Lightning Warrior" in The Lightning Warrior (1931), A DogFamous for playing in:Various Thanhouser Company short black & white films such as A Dog's Love (1914), A DogFamous for playing as:"Wishbone" on Wishbone (1995-1998), A HorseFamous for playing as:himself in The Roy Rogers Show (1951-1957), A CatFamous for playing as:"Rhubarb" in Rhubarb (1951)"Minerva" on Our Miss Brooks (19521958)"Neutron" in This Island Earth (1955)"Butch" in The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)"Cat" in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961)"Cleopatra" in "The Comedy of Terrors" (1964)"the giant cat" in "Village of the Giants" (1965), A DolphinFamous for playing as:herself in Dolphin Tale (2011) and Dolphin Tale 2 (2014), A DolphinFamous for playing as:herself in Dolphin Tale 2 (2014), A DogFamous for playing as:"Dog" in Petticoat Junction (1964-1970)"Benji" in Benji (1974), A DogFamous for playing as:"Tige" in Getting Buster's Goat (Short) (1929), A WhaleFamous for playing as:"Willy" in Free Willy (1993)"Willy" in Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995), A MonkeyFamous for playing as:"Marcel the Monkey" in Friends (19942004), A PigFamous for playing as:"Arnold Ziffel" in Green Acres (1965-1971) and Return to Green Acres (1990), A CatFamous for playing as:"The Cat" in Shamus (1973), An OrangutanFamous for playing as:"Clyde" in Every Which Way But Loose (1978)"Monkey" in Cannonball Run II (1984)"Orangutan" in Joan Rivers and Friends Salute Heidi Abromowitz (1985). Honestly, if you conjure up an image of Paris Hilton in your mind, she's probably got a tiny dog in towperhaps in her designer handbag. Sometimes there's a nickname or a stage name to make them stand out from the crowd. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Tiger Woods hasnt won a Major in years. A Chimpanzee Famous for playing as: himself on The Today Show (1953-1975) 9. ", Scientists named the marsh rabbit, found in the southeastern United States, after the founder of Playboy. Mammals are any vertebrates within the class Mammalia, a clade of endothermic amniotes distinguished from reptiles (including birds) by the possession of a neocortex (a region of the brain), hair, three middle ear bones and mammary glands.Females of all mammal species nurse their young with milk, secreted from the mammary glands. It's no secret that we love to know every detail about celebrity livesincluding what they name their dogs. Apollo - the name of the Greek God of the Sun. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, thenView saved stories. Duchess Kate's brother has an Instagram account that is basically fully dedicated to his dogs who, People reports, are named Ella, Inca, Luna, Zulu and Mabel. Naming species after celebrities is one seriously effective way for scientists to draw attention to taxonomy. With so many species, scientists are bound to turn to popular culture for inspiration. 4 Melanie Griffith - Lion. 9. Charlie: The name of President Kennedys dog who was a gift from his wife, Jackie Kennedy. I had never felt so connected to animals in my life. In January of last year Wheeler and his colleagues named a whirligig beetle after legendary singer song-writer, Roy Orbison and his widow, Barbara Orbison. Christopher Polk/Getty Images Stewart named her dog after Genghis Khan, the leader of the Mongol Empire. With so many species, scientists are bound to turn to popular . Cleese promoted lemurs in the film Fierce Creatures and the documentary Operation Lemur With John Cleese. (For example, one researcher named flies for Microsoft founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen, because of their contributions to Dipterology, the study of flies.). Giving species a famous name for more public interest is "shameless self-promotion," says Quentin Wheeler, the director of the International Institute for Species Exploration in Arizona (whose names populate four of our top-15 list). As a bonus, they . Cher Ami: One of the 600 birds flown by the U.S. Army in France during World War I, Cher Ami delivered important messages, including his last one where he was injured but managed to still complete his job and saved lives as a result. About the recognition, he wrote: "I considered this an extreme honor. The Scaptia beyonceae, a rare species of horse fly found in Queensland, Australia, was named after the American singer Beyonce, in January. The Ultimate Famous Animals Quiz. Isn't that right, KAT Graham? Teigen and Legend got a puppy for themselves, Luna, and Miles back in January. The Greatest Fictional Pets You Wish You Could Actually Own. Chopra already had her pup, Diana, when the couple got together. Here are the names of 50 animals who have made their mark on history. Elsa: A lioness who was adopted and cared for by a game warden and his wife after she was orphaned. Funny dog names based on pop culture. The reasoning is that both Darth Vader and his namesake have broad, shiny heads and similar eyes. Another impressive fact is that Simmons has a vegan line of clothing that is leather, fur and wool free. Starring one certain lifestyle guru with an apparent fondness for dictators. 1 Kourtney Kardashian Kourtney Kardashian is a big fan of her cat, Charli, who enjoyed some well-deserved time with the whole Kardashian clan after being adopted. Tuna "The underdog with the overbite." Beyonce horse fly. 1B: Davey Crockett. She first became popular in 2012 when the owners brother posted her photo on Reddit. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. Celebrity Coloring Book Page - October . If youre looking for baby name or to rename yourself, check out our sister site: BabyNames.com. Kat Graham plays a witch on The Vampire Diaries. Tamara Mellon: Mellon is seen in the same photo as Michael Bloomberg, who was the mayor of New York at the time, and Maxwell at a 2013 book party. These celebrity dog names are the perfect starting point when you're naming your own pet and are in need of some starry inspiration. Discovered in California, the lichen was named this March. Jonathan Van Ness with cats Larry, Liza, Lady G, and Matilda Photo: @ DrewBarrymore Drew Barrymore with cats Lucky, Peach, and Fern Photo: @ DebbyRyan Debby Ryan with dog Jim Photo: @ YaraShahidi Yara Shahidi with dog Win Photo: @ NicoleRichie Nicole Richie with lizard Speedy Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The ending 'ae' is for species named after one woman; 'orum' is reserved for species named after couples. This ground-beetle species is named after Kate Winslet because of her role in the film Titanic. Bilbo Fleabaggins. Wolf: Here are 11 of the greatest celebrity animals in the history of celebrity animals. Keiko: The orca who was in the 1993 film Free Willy and his earlier names include Siggi and Kago. You have not attempted this quiz yet. You'll find 50 questions divided into 5 rounds, so gather round for some animalistic quizzing. He was adopted in 1991 after he jumped into the arms of their daughter Chelsea as she was leaving the house of her piano teacher. Its a two-fer! Were still (sort of) sad that we wont be having a President Newt. In 2010 he was awarded the PETA Person of the Year Award, for his notable work helping animals. 7. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. You have seen him in the MTV series, Jackass, and you probably thought of many unkind things about the stunts and the men in the show, but I bet animal rights activist never came into your mind. Like so many of us, de Armas got herself a quarantine puppy whom she named Salsa. Ad Choices, The Best Celebrity Dog Names Hollywood Has to Offer. Martin also captained the team for several years. Shes had far more than nine lives on that series. Angelina Jolie Film Producer, Model, Screenwriter Aptostichus angelinajolieae (trapdoor spider) Johnny Depp Musician, Film Producer, Screenwriter Kooteninchele deppi Marilyn Monroe Film Producer, Model, Actor Do you have a special place in your heart for pit bulls? However, according to knowyourmeme the phenomena itself didn't spread till 2012, when a Tumblr user i-am-oregonian posted a name pun with Jafar from the 1992 Disney feature film Aladdin. First name of popular actress Angelina Jolie. The common nicknames of this word are Jo, Jay, Jojo etc. Alicia (Germanic origin) means "of noble nature". When she first got the dog, Spears tweeted, "I want you all to meet my new little baby girl Hannah Spears. Moose: The wire-hair Jack Russell Terrier who portrayed Eddie Crane on the American television sitcom Frasier. What I didn't know was that therewere a lot of celebrities who, because of the characters they played on television, were fairly unknown for their generous and giving work towards animal rights. Seabiscuit: A 2003 film chronicled the story of real-life racehorse Seabiscuit who was an unlikely champion and beacon of hope to many Americans during the Great Depression. Sure, there is an unending list of animal celebrities in the realm of animation and puppets, but we'd like to offer a little love to the guys with biological hearts-a-beatin.' Or hearts that were once beating. Here is a list of Indian celebrities who loves their pets #1 Priyanka Chopra Jonas Pet: Diana #2 Captain Cool - MS Dhoni Pets: Sara, Zara, Zoya #3 Randeep Hooda Pet: Candy #4 Virat Kohli Pets: Rico, Bruno #5 Manish Tiwari Pet: Onyx #6 Akshay Khanna and Twinkle Pets: Cleo and Alex #7 Disha Patani Pets: Bella, Jasmin, Goku and Keety #8 Salman Khan 200+ Unique Dog Names for Your One-of-a-Kind Pet, 75 Cool Girl Dog Names Perfect For Any Pup, 50+ Good Names for Pet Salamanders and Newts, Atticus Finch, Boo Radley (Jake Gyllenhaal), Meatloaf and Zoe (Fergie and Josh Duhamel), Petey, Puddy, Pippa, Penny, Pepper (John Legend and Chrissy Teigen), Francesca, Sharky and Ghenghis Khan(Martha Stewart). Are you sure you want to delete your score and checked items on this list?