To analyze the responses to the post-task question (regarding expectations to stay on the page) we defined the new-page expectation as a binary variable quantifying whether participants expected to stay on the same page (0) or go to a new page (1). Expanding multiple rows in a nested mat table in Angular not working, Norm of an integral operator involving linear and exponential terms. How can I collapse an already expanded expandable row in an angular mat table? Pairwise contrasts indicated that the no-icon condition was significantly different than all other conditions. Subscribe to the weekly newsletter to get notified about future articles. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. $(this) refers to .option-heading; any option-heading (that's why all the arrows are toggled). Not the answer you're looking for? Yahoo's pattern library lists a similar concept as Expand Transition, although that pattern speaks more to the transition from collapsed to expanded. However, it is good to have an option wherein you can remove this arrow or at least able to . There are some subtle differences in what these icons are commonly used to represent while the caret and plus icons are typically meant to indicate that an accordion will open, designers have used the right-facing arrow icon to signal two different actions: either staying on the same page and expanding content, or visiting a different page. 7 Answers. Now, when using the UI5 javascript API, you dont actually ever have to deal with these details at this level. That being said: Using a caret is definitely better than using no icon at all or a random icon in terms of conveying the expectation to stay on the page (and open an accordion). Other than "little arrow"? To ensure that the frameworks CSS for the ui.tree.TreeTable control is loaded before our custom CSS, simply include the sap.ui.table library in the data-sap-ui-libs property of the