Here well help you grasp slang words that can make your travel experience easier whether youre visiting Guatemala City or elsewhere in the country. Abrochawill collect money, call out the next stops and do anything else that needs to be done on the bus. I had to take the chicken bus that goes to the city. Chapn / Chapina This is the unofficial Spanish word for a person from Guatemala. I've also heard it used as a term for Europeans. However, lets make it clear right from the start. Youll hear this chanted at parties in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, and Peru. Literally, it means Its so Friday, but its understood that Friday means old or something thats dull. A term for a public bus helper who collects the fares, helps you find a spot, and gives everyone a heads up before the next stop. Of course! a selfish, unpleasant, obnoxious person ass-kisser someone who says nice things to someone in order to get something from them bastard an unpleasant, despicable person bimbo a pretty, but empty-headed, young lady bugger (1) a disliked or pitiful person, usually a man chicken a coward (n.) | cowardly (adj.) It is commonly heard in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico. Also, a . Que chilera tu bolsa!Your purse is awesome! From these slang words, you can easily see that Guatemala is an amazing country worth seeing and speaking with native speakers, practicing your Spanish, using what youve learned from When someone uses it by yelling the word it means that some danger is near and that you should pay attention, be careful or get out of the way. While verga (pronounced like 'burger') is a generic slang term for 'penis', it also features in some regularly used phrases, the first of which is vales verga.This more or less translates to 'you're useless' (or more literally, 'you're worth dick'). This phrase is commonly used to refer to something thats cool or awesome when youre talking, especially as an interjection. Guatemalteco is the official term, but people in Guatemala consider themselves chapines. what do you love about your job? Zero to advanced. If you are traveling down to South America from Mexico, youll commonly hear this as their version for cool or nice. There is more to speaking a language than what comes in the typical textbook. Afro-Guatemalans comprise 1-2% of the population. Its not offensive at all, but definitely not formal, either. This is another way of expressing appreciation, so if you like whats being suggested, just use this word! But careful with this one, its considered rude. The proper English equivalent would be Screw you! so you can use the Spanish one in the same situations as the English. A post shared by Maximo Nivel (@maximoabroad) on Oct 28, 2016 at 12:23pm PDT. When someone says theyre broke, they usually refer to it as pisto. You could be talking to a teacher in just 5 minutes! This is the unofficial Spanish word for a person from Guatemala. The floor is wet 2) Charnel In English, the ideal equivalent is awesome or pretty. Mara es chapina. It means to relax and do absolutely nothing. Heres one more word you surely know for its main meaning. This one doesnt have a direct translation. (Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow? It might seem exotic and remote but Guatemala isnt far from North America. So that means that this is actually Guatemalan slang for bite-sized food. Vamos a Panajachel el lunes. If someone is horny in Colombia, Venezuela or Chile youll hear vas a tirar. A car is coming.). Guatemalans are expressive, and they love to give people nicknames. Este desfile es muy viernes. If someone says vamos a camellar he/she is not inviting you to ride a camel. We learned that as you travel through Latin America, tone, accents, and even words in Spanish will vary. Your payment is also fully transferrable, so a family member or friend can apply the value of your payment to their own program instead. Jefe vs Patrn: The nuances of addressing your Boss in Spanish, Te Quiero vs Te Amo: How to Say I Love You in Spanish, Poder conjugation: A complete guide to the conjugation of Poder. 12 Common Hand Gestures in the US That Will Insult People in Other Countries. In most of the world, this word means animal feces. And not just communicate: when they see your knowledge and willingness to learn some of their colloquialisms, it is very likely that they will tell you some secrets about delicious food to eat, non-common places to visit to avoid typical tourist attractions and meet the real Guatemala. Necesito silencio para concentrarme. When you want to say that something is cool and great, something that is beyond your expectations in a positive way, use this slang word. Used asslang for snack food, or more commonly for appetizers before lunch or dinner. People use this wordto quickly get the attention of a group, and depending on the delivery it could get to be quite effective. Thats right. If someone is bothering you, then this is one of the slang terms you can use to tell them to be quiet and go away. (Stop gossiping, its rude. (English translation: Although a monkey dresses in silk, it stays a monkey). So imagine saying this insult to someone. Traes pisto para el taxi? A post shared by Maximo Nivel (@maximoabroad) on May 4, 2019 at 5:32pm PDT. Learning Spanish slang words, Guatemalan in our particular case, is always good for many reasons. However, like an insult with cookies, this one means Go f yourself.. But Spaniards are far more creative, dont you think so? We have snacks and catering service. 10 Brutal Guatemalan Spanish Curse Words You Need To Know To Survive In Guatemala! Deja de pelar, es grosero. Despite being longer than the word it signifies, this is the common way to say yes, or to agree with something, in Guatemala. If you are in a lasting relationship with someone, you are pololeando., Another popular word in Chilean that is peppered into most sentences. You can use this to say you have a big problem with someone. Therefore, if you say to someone to comb light bulbs, theres obviously something wrong with them. Esta musica es cabal. Learning a language has challenges, and learning the slang can be even more challenging. For example, you could use it as an adjective to describe something as. FluentUs media library will have some options from Guatemalan sources that can help you pick up on these terms even better! When you agree with something and you are good with that, use the word cabal. Let's connect you with a hand-picked native-speaking tutor today. 4. However, like an insult with cookies, this one means 'Go f yourself.'. Instead of this, you can also say Te voy a dar una hostia que in the meaning that you are going to hit someone(and then fill in the rest of the sentence.). This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you If you head to the Guatemalan coast, youll probably do a lot ofpeluche. In Per they say hagamos chancha which means lets make a pig.. See more words with the same meaning: miscellaneous insults (list of). The colonial architecture in Antigua Guatemala makes it a picturesque town full of wonder. When someone really wants to get close to you and get your attention, they use casaca. Download the exact curriculum that thousands of BaseLang students have used to become fluent in Spanish, We sent you an email with a link to download the guide. Chispa means spark. It comes from the native Nahuatl word Quauhtlemallan, meaning the place of many trees. This phrase is among quite weird insults. 21 SWEET TREATS TO DISCOVER: Peru Fruit. English Links - Study Abroad - Learning English Video Project It is similar to the English Up, yours!. I've heard the term used as a name for . This expression can be understood in several ways. The exact strategies you need to become conversational in Spanish this year. If someone is bothering you, then this is one of the slang terms you can use to tell them to be quiet and go away. Spanish learning travelers should pick it up pretty quickly, while those without experience with the language may struggle with pronunciation and use. Similar to "dude" in English, "gey" is commonly used for friends or acquaintances, and in some unpleasant situations, refers to strangers in a sarcastic way. A term for things or stuff that you can be considered the owner of. Esta semana estoy muy cansada y he estado de peluche. But, for example, it can also be used to describe a person who is really greedy or stingy. 10-Year Payment Guarantee. Whether you are a futurebackpacker, or a future expat, we encourage you to embrace the local slang terms in any country you visit, and in this post, we will give you a list of the very bestGuatemalan slang. The direct translation of this is to speak straw. It is used in reference to the habit of talking too much or talking about something that is not true. Grammar Quizzes Learning Spanish becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. Bad insults in Spanish are: Eres tan feo, La mona aunque se vista de seda, mona se queda, Me cago en tu madre, No saber ni papa de algo, Peina Bombillas. However, some of the native Mayan languages are still present in the region, so these languages, along with some Nahuatl vocabulary, make their way into modern-day Guatemalan Spanish (the only official language). It is used between close friends but depending on the whole context and other words used, it can have a positive connotation but also be used as an insult, too. Things like Englishmen or Spaniards would be examples of gentilicios. I dont have any cash until I get paid. Was the party any good? Guatemalteco is the official term, but people in Guatemala consider themselves chapines. Maria es chispuda y sabe todas las respuestas. Traditionally, the word is used offensively for someone who does nothing with their life; a big zero, a loser. In this instance, its a little derogatorybut sometimes its a term of endearment! Spanish tutors and the locals, and lessen the possibility of misunderstandings or bad interpretation. Sho! It involves charming someone you like, even if you have to lie a little. 1. Insulting a mother cant be listed as a funny insult. Apparently the reasoning behind this is that the person in question has grown such large balls (eggs) that they can't do anything. But thats part of the joy of learning a language. Communicating comes naturally to her and she hopes to simplify what seems complex by using reliable sources and her teaching experience. advanced Spanish vocabulary to use these phrases. an offensive way to refer to someone of either gender. When someone is extremely nosy and they want to know everything about everyone, they are shutes. This is the most typical Guatemalan slang used to refer to another person from Guatemala. At first, saying someone to go and fry Now, you need to learn how to invite your friends to a party or I should say to a Tono in Peru, Carrete in Chile, Rumbaor Parranda in Colombia and Venezuela, Arranque in Panama, and Farra in Ecuador. Tengo un gran clavo con mi familia. Or better yet, talk to some native speakers and learn some new expressions. This is slang for an extremely comfortable sandal-like shoe. Should you want to compare them to animals, you can do that too. Chapn is a male from Guatemala, and chapina is a female. They are of mainly English-speaking West Indian (Antillean) and Garifuna origin. Parts of Speech Quiz, Search - Home - AboutPrivacy - Terms - Contact - Permissions Aguas! EnglishClub Home TermsPrivacy, Terms for our incredible guarantee can be read here. This one can mean one of two things. But, in Guatemala it is used like heads up!. Zero to conversational in a month. If you want to insult someone who is not talented, intelligent, or attractive, then you can use this insult. Felipe Parkhurst. Have you thought about visiting Guatemala? But is this really true? Slang words play a large role in social interaction and culture in Latin America. It seems like the Spanish like to compare food and insults. Ese restaurante es calid. (Do you have cash for the market? The floor is wet, Todos los das voy al trabajo en mi charnel I go to work on my car every day, Me ests diciendo bochinche -Youre lying to me, Cuando sali el profesor se arm un bochinche Everyone started screaming when the teacher went out, Mientras vemos el partido podemos comer unas boquitas We can snack on something while we watch the game, Cuando subas le pagas al brocha When you go up, give the money to the brocha, Tuve que agarrar dos burras para llegar ac I had to take two buses to get here, Llegu cansado del trabajo, voy a ponerme mis caites Im came in tired from work, Im gonna put on some comfortable shoes (sandals), Llevo unos meses saliendo con una canche Ive been dating a blonde girl for the past few months, Lo que te dije hace rato era pura casaca, quera ver como reaccionabas What I told you a while ago were all lies, I just wanted to see how youd react, Yo me puedo quedar haciendo este trabajo que es una casaca I can keep doing this job, its really easy, Cuando viaj a Estados Unidos conoca a un chapn casi con cada cuadra que caminaba When I traveled to the US I met a Guatemalan almost every block I walked, Ese bolso est bien chilero That bag is really cool, Deja de chincharme que tengo trabajo qu hacer Stop bothering me, I have work to do, Daniel es un nio muy chispudo, le va bien en el colegio Daniel is a really smart kid, hes doing great in school, Dejaste todas tus chivas en el escritorio You left all your stuff at the desk, Nos encontramos un chucho muy lindo en la calle We found a really cute dog on the street, Tienen un clavo desde ese da They have had a problem since that day, Tenemos dos racimos de majunche por madurar ac We have two hands of bananas that still arent ripe enough, Hay unos patojos jugando al ftbol en la calle There are some kids playing soccer on the street, l siempre acta como un pedorro con nosotros He always gets all boastful with us, Mara se la pasa pelando con cualquiera Mara is always gossiping with anyone, Esta semana ha sido puro peluche en la oficina, estamos esperando ordenes de arriba Weve been doing nothing this week at the office, were still waiting for orders from the higher-ups, Ya no me queda pisto, mejor nos vamos I dont have any money left, lets leave, Sho!