Well, well, well. Yes! You can, and Ive done it before! Thank you. Great information!! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hey there, love this tutorial was wondering if you have any suggestions for a grey or black ish wood look my shutters are black and my brick is grey so Im afraid any of the colors you have in this tutorial are too brown. Required fields are marked *. If your primer doesnt provide full coverage of your door and you can see some streaks, dont worry about adding a second coat. The nice thing about applying the gel as an undercoat is that when I did wipe, it appeared as though it was real wood underneath. Use painter's tape to hold vertical trim in place and measure from middle trim to sides of the window. You may be interested in an ad-free, printable version of this faux wood painting technique. Check it out in my shop! Sand the . Try it out on samples. It is white wood but with exterior latex paint. Thrifty home decor, dollar tree crafts, stenciling, decorating blog. I am very interested in updating my front door, but I know we will not want to continually be removing and replacing the door. Click here to get a weekly reminder of new posts by adding your email address. I have peeling white painted doors. Then, we will do glaze layer 1 and then glaze layer 2 again on those sections. Ill let you know how it goes! Maybe try a light tray for the base coat. I wanted it to mirror the wood floors below. Do you think it would be possible to use gel stain over this first stain to get the rich Grain look you achieved? How Do You Paint A Door To Look Like Wood Matching Your Home Decor? Color Washing Paint Technique. ), For the tight corners I used artist paintbrushes to spread the gel stain.. Did you know that you can give any metal or fiberglass door the look of wood with a few paint supplies from your local home improvement store? Rustica also offers interior doors in mahogany. 6.15 Step 4: Mixing Your Paint That Looks Like Wood. to remove the green. I would try the fan first though. Let dry. If you want to how to paint a door to look like wood that is raw or bleached, you can apply this Natural Wood faux finish to your interior or exterior door. If you have any areas that werent covered well, take a tiny brush and brush on a little of your second glaze mixture. Traditional wood stains like Zar are oil-based so they will adhere on a wood door but they will dry up before you can create faux wood grain with your brush. I also tape the edges(sides) of my door because I want the corners to be painted but not the entire edge of the door. That was up until this past year when we actually had a custom tobacco wood barn door. I mixed two separate glaze mixtures. I only did the outside of the doors, not the inside. I guess it was all about doors today! Once the paint dried, I started applying gel stain right over the paint. I began by using a 1 foam brush to spread the gel stain but quickly switched to a stain pad, as it was much easier to get it in all the nooks and crannies. (Make sure to read my post on The Best Gel Stain Tips and Tricks, too. It will help you have better success with gel stain! Be sure to use your gloves. You will only need one sample of this color for both layers. I did the hall bathroom vanity in gel stain this year, it does look fabulous, however I thought it was a ton of work. Also adding some wood corbels for architectural interest. Apply your gel wood stain to the door with a foam brush, instructs Average but Inspired. (I used the lid of my can of paint for this, but you can use a plate or paint tray, you need very little paint). Doors are not easy but you make it look so simple. This will be the background color for the gel stain. Use long strokes on this section so that you start your start at one end and you dont pick up your brush until it has passed the section. And, the architect specked a painted finish for the floors. The shade Im using is Rustic Mahagony so Flaxseed is my base shade. To create this effect, we will apply two glaze mixtures on those sections, let them dry, and then tape and glaze other sections. Pottery Barns Mahogany (click here to get an idea), Easy Restoration Hardware Finish with Paint, How to Paint A Door To Look Like Wood, Video Tutorial, How to Spray Paint Door Knobs So They Outlast The House. Measure and mark middle of your window with a white pencil. However I have not proceeded to second coat of gel stain as the stain is still tacky after almost a week. 2 Pressure wash your garage door. Thanks so much for stopping over today. Apply wax (candle) to places you want the wood/base paint color to show. Love it. The INDUSTRIAL curtain rods are I knew my husband would not mind me experimenting in this room because the door was pretty shot regardless. Can I do your technique and stain over primer? Hi, Cheryl! I share all things, thrifty home decor, crafts, and a recipe or two on occasion. You will want one or two people to help you with both glaze steps so that it doesnt dry up on you too fast. The previous owner painted latex over oil based causing all 15 doors to peel. Now to show you how simple the process is when you use Zar Wood Stain from the start: Step 1- Apply first coat of ZAR Stain and use wood graining tool, let dry. I like to use water base sealer because it doesnt smell, but if thats not an issue and youre concerned about longevity you can absolutely choose an oil-base sealer! We will paint on the base coat and let it try before taping off your paneled door in smaller areas to make sure the faux wood grain is going in the right direction. Here is what my doors looked like when I got started. When you are done, post the before and after pics on Instagram and tag me @renovatedfaith! Worm holes really help make new wood look old. I have the same question Im wanting to do my garage doors do the stain gel first leave over night then the stain Tks for sharing yours look amazing. Im sorry youre having this problem! Your email address will not be published. One coat will be enough. Fortunately, God has the foresight to give us whats truly best for us. I like to use large foam brushes because they dont leaf brush strokes and they are super cheap so I just throw them away after each coat. Once I have covered the door in primer, I go back and catch any drips that might have accumulated in the corner of the panels. ), Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.. Click here to get a weekly reminder of new posts by adding your email address. Now, its time to apply your base coat. If you want the rustic look of driftwood you can use the driftwood finish above. Use a center punch and a hammer to drive out the hinge pins, then lay the door across padded sawhorses. The gel stain is the perfect solution! With this process, first, pick your shade from several options below. Spread newspaper or drop cloths beneath the door to protect the floor. Would this work on trim/baseboards that have been painted white? (I promise this is easier than it sounds so stick with me!) It is much appreciated. Wish me luck!! How much gel stain did you need? You could use such stain on any wood. Have a great day! . This is the color of my door in this tutorial on How to Paint a Door to Look Like Wood. When it is dry, we apply a clear coat and admire the amazing door you just created to look like a high-end hardwood door you first paint on a basecoat for less than $40! One of the main differences between mahogany and other woods is that mahogany has a tighter wood grain. When staining, rub the stain across the grain in generous amounts. However, woods always look nice together. Great Job! They came out splotchy and devoid of the wood grain look I expected. Can You Use Wood Stain on a Metal Door? What About Giani Wood Look Paint to Paint a Door to Look Like Wood? What was the second stain color used to get the 2 toned look on your particular doors? It already looked better than it ever did with the orange base color, but it still wasnt great. Continue to 9 of 20 below. You can avoid this by setting up a tarp to block the direct rays of the sun. You will be using three different sample containers of paint per door and we will paint them on with a method that is easy and looks so much like real wood. Paint another layer of different color and let it dry. Is one small can enough, or did you need to purchase a large can? Step 4: Add faux planks. How To Paint A Door To Look Like Wood, YouTube, How to Paint a Metal Door to Look Like Wood, YouTube, The Ultimate Guide to Spray Painting Door Knobs, DIY Interchangeable Layered Door Mats for Any Season, Rustoleum Rust Reformer (you can buy it here on Amazon), https://renovatedfaith.com/paint-that-looks-like-stain/. How to Paint A Metal Door to Look Like Wood, YouTube Video. Oh no! For example, if your garage door is a dark stain and you are faux painting your front door, paint the door Dark Walnut to better match your garage door. Your CRAFT ROOM looks fantastic. 4. Let dry between layers. Yes! This exact same process will work to paint a garage door to look like wood. Can I do this Technique on a laminate vanity top? Base Coat See the information below for the right base coat for your shade of faux stain. You can see how I do this in the video. I recommend them as they are good products. Seal The Door To Protect The Faux Wood Finish. Or, protect the attached hinge mounts, latch and doorknob. Make the most of your kitchen's existing storage space by installing a pull-out shelf in oneor allof the base cabinets. 7. GRAINTECH doors are available in a wide variety of options including size . You can use a water-based polyurethane, oil-based polyurethane, or even a wax finish. Gel stain in the color of your choice (I used this brand and color), How to Refinish a Stained Door with Gel Stain, refinishing an exterior door with gel stain. If you would like to become a subscriber, I would love for you to join me. Step 2: Prime the Door You can, I did that to mine. Please do not post one (or more) of my printables on your site without my permission. So then when you apply your second coat of gel stain the variations in shading add to the dimension. Stain can be messy. The stains above can all be made darker by adding more paint. Each shade has a designated base coat color and two different glaze colors. Follow this tutorial for taping off the different sections of your door but do the process listed here: Easy Raw Wood Finish With Paint. Measure inside of the window vertically and cut trim accordingly. 3 Mix a darker wood shade with acrylic glaze. GLAZE LAYER 2: There is no layer 2 step for this shade. Its hard to believe that the stain is just latex paint and a little glaze! Please note that these are products I know/use and recommend. I refinished my door in a vertical position so I could get better video shots but it is easier to refinish horizontally on a table. This is a really pretty option if you like the rustic depth of Brown Oak but want something a little warmer. I knew that actually planking the doors wasn't an option, because the track for hollow core doors is not meant for that kind of weight, they'd be off the track and broken in no time. (As an Amazon affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. This will keep it wet. How to Make a Metal Door Look Like Wood Grain Brush Strokes! I am wanting to take my white kitchen cabinets back to an 80s oak look. I do not care for painting them all that much, but this was easier imo:). Rub on fine paste wax. I understand that you used 2 colors of stain on the project the first being General Finishes Java in the gel stain done with 2 coats. Good job on the door; love the somewhat weathered natural look. Clear Mixing Glaze Ive tried other glazes and this one cant be beaten: My Favorite Clear Mixing GlazeYou can usually find it at Lowes. This may take up to an hour, or even longer. painted door !! Dark Stained Wood Trim for Linking the White Door with the Wooden Windows. 3 Prepare to paint the garage door. Java was the base. There you see my goodwill table I made over a few months ago. Scroll down to leave a comment and I WILL reply! You will mix the paint, glaze and water in the ratio listed in step 4. Part of the process of staining a garage door to LOOK like wood is using brush strokes to allow the base color to come through, just a little, to give it that woodgrain look. Consider upgrading your garage door. Good luck with your projects! To remove the white haze that remains on the surface of the wood, apply a fine paste wax, such as Liberon Black Bison Paste Wax, with a clean cotton lint-free cloth. Your doors look amazing. Choose a low-luster. In your steps it doesnt say anything about wiping off excess gel stain while still wet but I am finding a lot of posts that state that.was your first coat of gel stain still tacky after the day of drying? This door was once in the LaSalle Hotel in Bryan, Tx before it was renovated, which means it is at least 100 years old. Paint the corners using an artist brush. The glaze layers are semi-translucent and the brush strokes will create a graining effect just like wood. Stir (dont shake) the can of clear coat. I like to get these sample containers of paint at Lowes in their Sherwin William paint and thats also where you can get the clear mixing glaze. If you are new to me, WELCOME! Please and thank you! Yes! Although my door is wood, you can use the exact same process and products to paint your metal door to look like wood, or to finish your fiberglass to look like wood. Awesome! Our house had a vibrant orange front door, which I actually loved. But when we repainted the exterior this summer, the orange door wasnt right. I decided I wanted a wood front door to coordinate with our wood-look garage door and wood-accent exterior lights, but I did not want to strip and restain the door: too messy! I became determined to figure out how to paint a door to look like wood so that I could get the wood look without all of the hassle. What happens if I apply paint without applying a primer? Just follow the exact same instructions above. Do the entire glazing process (above) to just the paneled areas going up and down. Now that weve gotten THAT out of the way, let me show you how I redeemed myself and actually painted my door to look like wood! You can read my step-by-step tutorial in this post and watch the video Ive put together that shows you how this all went down! Repeat with another 1-2 layers if you want it to look more white. I would say yes, but it keep in mind it will take a while to dry. Java was the gel stain and then I used an oak stain. Only go back in with your roller and add more base coat if you see some white spots. For the last time, tape your vertical sections being sure to leave a visible paint line along the edges of the last sections you painted. Step 2 - Apply second coat of stain. I wiped in some areas to get the somewhat weathered look. The wax should also help to protect the limed finish and provide good resistance to finger marks and everyday wear and tear. OK so take it from me you cannot paint a door to look like wood with orange paint. Not gonna work! I have an entire post devoted to it that you can see here: Faux Driftwood Finish on Latex Paint. Put on three coats all within 24 hours. I think I achieved that. See the mixing instructions below in step 4. It's usually about 1 part water to 1 or 2 parts of paint. When painting a door, I like to paint the panels first and then move to the flat surfaces, always brushing in the direction of the grain. I first painted it red to match the dcor of our old home and later painted it navy and had white lettering made for it. Remodelaholic showcased yet another great way to rejuvenate a hollow core door by adding glass. You risk scratching the newly painted surface. Now, wipe any excess glaze mixture off your brush with a paper towel. Im so excited to try it! It's made of 0000 grade steel wool, apple cider vinegar and tea bags. You can see below that I refinished my breakfast table and the coffee table in my living room with this stain color here: How to Use Paint as a Stain, GLAZE LAYER 2: Sherwin Williams Black Bean, This is a versatile stain that works well for a traditional look or a more rustic farmhouse style. Hope it holds up to North Eastern Canadian weather! I dont want to steer you in the wrong direction on such a big project. Thanks in advance! Today, I am sharing how to paint a plain white door to look like wood. Step 6: Paint + Sand. It should work.