The USA has a modern history of settlement by immigrants from Europe, Britain and Ireland (Ward, 2003). Apart from the defined concepts, Leininger's theory is based on several assumptions that are related to the defined concepts. Taruis Disease Due To Phosphofructokinase 1 Deficiency, E-Learning and Its Advantages in Nursing Education. Leininger became an Associate . Until her death in 2012, she remained as one of nursing's most prolific writers and the foremost authorities throughout the world in the field of cultural care. In nonwestern cultures, using the term person or individual may be culturally taboo as it does not agree with the collectivism concept of the culture and are too egocentric whereas in western cultures, person and individualism are the dominating concepts. Inopportunely, the fact that care is the central focus of nursing does not necessarily guarantee cure and healing. With regards to the type of Leiningers knowledge I assume it to be conceptual knowledge (Schultz & Meleis, 1988). 00. . Transcultural Nursing. We'll deliver a custom Nursing paper tailored to your requirements with a good discount. Culture care values, beliefs, and practices are influenced in the context of a particular culture. Leininger was the first nurse to formally explore the relationship between patients and their different ethnic backgrounds. Care, which assists others with real or anticipated needs in an effort to improve a human condition of concern, or to face death. This occurrence of traditional nursing interventions in a modern and complex society necessitated the need for the development of holistic nursing techniques to address the needs and behaviours of diverse cultures. $lC&Fa - endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 157 0 obj <>stream Transcultural theory of nursing practices was first introduced and developed in the 1950s by Madeleine Leininger. It seems to me that she is comparing the other culture to her own. Cultural Care Re-Patterning or Restructuring refers to therapeutic actions taken by culturally competent nurses. Ethical and Moral Dimensions of Care (Human Care and Health Series) Madeleine Leininger. person and individualism are the dominating concepts. Rajan (1995) explains that existentialism gives an account of how an individual consciousness apprehends existence (p. 452). The modes have greatly influenced the nurses ability to provide culturally congruent nursing care, as well as fostering culturally-competent nurses. Ayiera, F. (2016). The efficiency of Leiningers theory lies in its purpose to better define the expectations of the nurse-patient relationship (Busher Betancourt, 2016, p. 2). The following analysis of the theory, its conceptual model, incorporation with the four metaparadigm concepts, and the evidence-based examples facilitate a better understanding of the CCT and, hence, its successful implementation in the nursing practice. Objectives Leininger's Background View of the four nursing metaparadigms Concepts specific for transcultural nursing theory Propositions of the theory Analysis and Critique of the theory Implications for nursing, practice, education, and research Madeleine Leininger Transcultural Nursing Theory. Therefore, it guides nurses to establish the best criteria for administering treatment by developing all-inclusive nursing decisions for patients. Leininger acknowledges that the reason she met opposition regarding her theory was as a result of nursing adhering to the medical model which only valued the biophysical and the psychological aspects of humans (Leininger, 1995). Second, the terms theories and models are often used in the same way but are different. Evaluation of the concepts of nursing metaparadigm reinforces and highlights each . Once the assessment is complete, the nurse should use the culturalogical assessment to create a nursing care plan that also takes the patients cultural background into consideration. Entirely, patients in the RCU rely on nurses. The CCTs goal is to provide culturally congruent care that contributes to the health and well-being of people or to help them address disabilities, dying, or death with the aid of three modes of culture care decisions and actions. Moreover, within the existential -phenomenological philosophy, human beings are viewed as subjects rather than objects (Rajan, 1995, pg. They expect the best care practices for them to regain their health. Leiningers theory developed into a nursing discipline as a fundamental approach to nursing practice and a better understanding of health care delivery. Leininger suggests that the use of person in the metaparadigm is questionable as it could lead to cultural clashes, biases and cultural imposition practices or to serious ethical-moral conflicts (Leininger et al, 2006, p.9). NursingBird. As Omeri (2003) explains: The model demonstrates the different domains of the theory and is designed to guide the discovery of new transcultural knowledge through the identification and examination of the culturally universal. Moreover, the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model (JHNEBP) is the practical model for applying evidence-based research into clinical practice (McFarland, & Wehbe-Alamah, 2015). Madeleine Leininger 12. 12. The qualitative paradigm provides new ways of knowing and different ways to discover the epistemic and ontological dimensions of human care. Culture Care Theory and the traditional nursing metaparadigm Care and culture are the key constructs that make up the Culture Care Theory. Nurseslabs. Culture care is the broadest holistic means by which a nurse can know, explain, interpret, and predict nursing care phenomena to guide nursing care practices. Culture Care is the multiple aspects of culture that influence and help a person or group to improve their human condition or deal with illness or death. The theory has now developed into a discipline in nursing. This mode requires the use of both generic and professional knowledge and ways to fit such diverse ideas into nursing care actions and goals. The nurse must preserve, maintain or change nursing care behaviors with the goal of satisfying the needs of clients (Leininger, 1998, 2002) Leininger further defined such nursing action as: culture care preservation and maintenance, culture care accommodation or negotiation and culture care restructuring or re-patterning (Leininger, 1978, 1981, 1984, 1988). There is a growing need for suitable knowledge base that encompasses the requirements of education, research and practice and this paper seeks to offer nurses an examination and critique of Leiningers transcultural nursing theory that underpins transcultural nursing. The use of transcultural theory surpasses the wide-ranging human culture due to its universality that has facilitated the development of rounded health practices. Running Head: NURSE THEORIS, MADELEINE LEININGER Institutional Affiliation Student's Affiliation Date 1 NURSE It begins with a culturalogical assessment, which takes the patients cultural background into consideration in assessing the patient and his or her health. The concept of health has great importance in Leiningers Culture Care theory but has been viewed by Leininger in a different perspective than traditionally implied. Today, she is recognised as the first professional nurse to seek knowledge about cultural and social anthropology. During her career, Leininger has written 27 books, published over 200 articles and authored 45 book chapters (Marriner-Tomey & Alligood, 2006). Nursing theories hold that individuals with diverse cultural origins may have varied needs for health. All these theorists have developed different concepts throughout the years subjected to individual interpretations, but I belief that the four metaparadigms have been the core concept of these theories. I do agree with Leininger that these concepts have an essential role in nursing in providing culturally appropriate state of wellbeing and satisfaction. Joyce Fitzpatrick 14. Explains that the concept of person needs to be explored to go into further depth with the remaining concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing. Leininger (1993) modified this original definition of culture to become more inclusive or the values and beliefs and she also began to refer to the learned, shared and transmitted values, beliefs, norms and life ways of a particular group that guide their thinking, decisions and actions in patterned ways and the ways of life of the members of a society, or of groups within a society(p.9). Nursing theorists and their work (9th ed.). To incorporate the theory into practice, Leininger established the Transcultural Nursing Society to harmonise the thoughts of nurses globally. Madeleine Leininger: Human being, family, group, community, or institution (p. 182). A nursing theorist defines each of these metaparadigm concepts in accordance with their worldview of nursing. Transcultural Nursing : Concepts, Theories, Research and Practice. Madeleine Leininger's Cultural Theory as Applied to a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesiologist Everyday the world becomes smaller and smaller. However, Leininger does not incorporate environment in her culture care theory. Even with regard to Leiningers visit to the Gadsup peoples I did not perceive any discussion regarding the possibility of Leiningers own influence of the visit. In Madeleine Leininger s cultural care theory, she believed that cultural competency improved nursing practice. Nursing is a learned profession with a disciplined focus on care phenomena. What is worrying about this emic knowledge is that this knowledge of the indigenous person is obtained through the researchers reinterpretation of narrative and written into the text by the author. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this essay are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of By conceptualizing the theory, one might define a basic theoretical tenet, which is described by Alligood (2018) as care diversities and universalities that co-exist among cultures (p. 347). As a nurse, it is important to take an inventory of ourselves . Transcultural nursing is a study of cultures to understand both similarities and differences in patient groups. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. 5 Pages. Crystal Fuller, DNP February 28, 2017 PowerPoint Outline I. Dr. Madeleine . If you need assistance with writing your nursing essay, our professional nursing essay writing service is here to help! All Rights Reserved, Nursing Theories and a Philosophy of Nursing, A Statistical Look at Patient-Centered Care, Nemours Brings Nursing Opportunities to Central Florida, How Have the Sequester Cuts Affected Nursing and Health Care, Transcultural Nursing : Concepts, Theories, Research and Practice, Culture Care Diversity & Universality: A Worldwide Nursing Theory (Cultural Care Diversity (Leininger)), Culture Care Diversity and Universality: A Theory of Nursing, Madeleine Leininger: Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory (Notes on Nursing Theories), Care, Discovery and Uses in Clinical and Community Nursing (Human Care & Health Series), Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, & Practices, Care: The Essence of Nursing and Health (Human Care : Essentials for Nursing, Well-Being and Survival), Reference Sources for Transcultural Health and Nursing. The concept comprises two aspects: paradigm shift and paradigmatic thinking. Disclaimer: This essay has been written by a student and not our expert nursing writers. Cultural Care Preservation or Maintenance refers to nursing care activities that help people from particular cultures to retain and use core cultural care values related to healthcare concerns or conditions. Care knowledge and skill are often repatterned for the best interest of the clients. Thus a metaparadigm can be thought of as an overarching principle or umbrella covering our outlook that defines our practice. The theory was further developed in her book Transcultural Nursing, which was published in 1995. (2022, July 16). Biography of Madeleine Leininger. Critical theory, feminist theory, and epistemologies of color now had influence and challenged many long held beliefs about the validity, reliability and objectivity of interpretations previously believed to be accurate, Many critical ethnographers have replaced the grand positivist vision of speaking from a historically and culturally situated standpointbecause all standpoints represent particular interests and positions and are partial (Foley & Valenzuela, 2005, p.218). The Native people also wanted to be represented in the new human rights movement and assert equality with the mainstream Americans (Gabbacia, 2002; Price and Cordell, 1994; Naylor, 1997). Explain how the nursing theory incorporates the four metaparadigm concepts. Many scholars and nursing theorists recognise her as the as the founder of transcultural nursing. This is a cognitive map to support and guide nursing practice. She went show more content. Madeleine Leininger was born on July 13, 1925 in Sutton, Nebraska. xY6}WL+.yk>uQAvZVr$9~P?CD(Zg}o_)%qJ#N%o8 Get to know Madeleine Leininger's biography, theory application and its major concepts in this nursing theory study guide. And therefore Leiningers Culture Care theory focused on the missing phenomena of culture and care as these concepts needed to be discovered in order to comprehend the full nature of nursing (Leininger et al, 2006). In the third edition of Transcultural Nursing, published in 2002, the theory-based research and the application of the Transcultural theory are explained. Leininger developed new terms for the basic concepts of her theory. Copyright 2023 Alice Petiprin, They tend to be embedded in such things as worldview, language, spirituality, kinship, politics and economics, education, technology, and environment. Leiningers Culture Care Theory attempts to provide culturally congruent nursing care through cognitively based assistive, supportive, facilitative, or enabling acts or decisions that are mostly tailor-made to fit with individual, groups, or institutions cultural values, beliefs, and lifeways. The intent of the care is to fit with or have beneficial meaning and health outcomes for people of different or similar culture backgrounds. Madeleine Leiningers (1978) theory of transcultural nursing embodies the basis of this work: If human beings are to survive and live in a healthy, peaceful and The metaparadigm consists of four concepts: persons, environment, health, and nursing. This theory focuses on the fact that different cultures have different caring behavior and different health or illness values, belief, and pattern of behavior (Rubyks, 2008). Finally, the nurses evaluation should include a self-evaluation of attitudes toward caring for patients from differing cultural backgrounds. As her knowledge is derived from two different disciplines it can be considered as being unique. (2022, July 16). The interest of Leiningers in nursing psychology developed during early years of her career. This again questions the reliability of the results similar to the outdated anthropological approach to ethno-science in nursing. This metaparadigm concept relates to the Leininger theory of culture care as it is focused on the modification of environmental factors to achieve better health. Leiningers Review onFour Nursing Metaparadigm(1997) Concept of Nursing First, Leininger considers nursing a discipline and a profession, and the term nursing thus cannot explain the phenomenon of nursing. It helps nurses to be understanding and respectful of the diversity that is often very present in a nurses patient load. Features of Our Website "Evaluation of Madeleine Leiningers Culture Care Theory." With regard to the critical concerns about the metaparadigm concept, Leiningers approach is based on the modified perception of the nursing discipline that is primarily focused on care and culture. 4.4/5 on Copyright 2003 - 2023 - is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. The way in which people perceive different cultures may be considered true to them and not true to someone else. As such, the CCT highlights care and culture as they were the missing phenomena in the metaparadigm concept. Contributor: Jacqueline Fawcett September 3, 2018 Author - Madeleine M. Leininger, RN: PhD, CTN, FRCAN; FAAN; LL (Living Legend) Year First Published - 1991 Major Concepts CARE CARING CULTURE Technological factors Religious and philosophical factors Kinship and social factors Cultural values, beliefs, and lifeways Political and legal factors Economic factors Educational factors LANGUAGE . There are many reasons its beneficial for nurses to use cultural knowledge of patients to treat them. While transcultural concepts seek the knowledge about the cultural background, ethnonursing concepts enable the nurse analyse the specific cultural factors by relating them to the patients health (Butts & Rich, 2010). Denzin and Lincoln (2008) explain how critical reflections on race, gender, class, power relations and claims to truth inspired these new forms of representation and led to a re-examination of the way in which anthropologists described their own and other peoples experiences. However, Leininger realized that there was more to consider, as Crowell supports by acknowledging that although existentialism does not disregard the medical model, it recognizes that it does not completely account for all human existence (2010). Professional nursing care is a concept that deploys professional care systems to elucidate inductive reasoning by prompting cognitive thoughts to develop formally assistive, supportive, facilitative, and enabling nursing techniques with a view of improving the patients health condition. If nurses are to be effective in meeting the needs of their patients, nursing practices must be better informed and modified to address a wider cultural range of patients. Leininger developed new terms for the basic concepts of her theory. The concept of environment is complex and is a multifaceted dimension in all cultures. Health refers to a state of well-being that is culturally defined and valued by a designated culture. Madeleine Leininger Views on the 4 Metaparadigms Leininger was the first nurse to formally explore the relationship between patients and their different ethnic backgrounds. Madeleine Leininger: Transcultural Nursing theory. Caring is essential to curing and healing. Moreover, the truth is determined according to knowledge that has been sanctioned by Euro-Western standards and claimed by experts (p. 73). Madeleine Leininger (Transcultural Theory) Theoretical Foundations in Nursing - Interpersonal Relationship Theories and Theorists University University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Course Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Academic year2020/2021 Helpful? (2022, April 16). A humanist perspective emphasizes notions of equality and individual freedom, and operates on an assumption of human commonality among people (Campesino, 2008, p. 299). -Fue la primera enfermera profesional con preparacin universitaria que obtuvo un Ph.D en antropologa cultural y social. (Purnell & Paulanka, 2003; Geiger & Davidhizar, 2002; Papadopoulos, Tilki & Ayling, 2008; Andrews & Boyle, 2002; Spector, 2000; Camphina-Bacote, 1999). Leininger (2010) articulates that her knowledge was based on both similarities and differences of one culture to another culture and is supported in her statement, the most important feature of the theory was to conceptualize culture care by searching for diversities and universalities (p. 10). "Evaluation of Madeleine Leiningers Culture Care Theory."