The bottle of Sassenach Whisky will sue for divorce !! Sam on Twitter: Happy Birthday to The Dude followed by the ASL emoji for love. R69 Nah, "Sam fraus" are still here in the form of trolls like ConTROLLing Troll and SpazPurvMuso Troll, homophobic haters who slobber all over a guy who regularly drain$ and shills products like booze to his middle-aged female fanbase. Its noticeable sometimes that when some bloggers have a narrative they want to stress, repeat etc, particularly when there is a forthcoming PR event, into their in-box come anon messages on the lines of Im new to your blog and I have questionsI came across your blog and Id like to know.etc etc. Bet they will Don't think Heughan will post pics though.. Ah, Purv is on the case! are all cancelled (they will play to empty stadiums and the games will be broadcast - sob!!). He's a cut above the rest. 381.4K Followers. r343 Well, according to the ever-energetic Purv, Georgia Ellenwood, the Canadian athlete associated with Under Amour who went to a football game with him in Chicago, is 'fixing to spend some more time with TMGD' - maybe she can polish it up - this is based on a Q + A Georgia had on IG where she said she wants to keep her relationship private, and she is visiting England and Scotland and moving to the US west coast. Ah, Purv is back to promoting Samgia - apparently Heughan and Georgia have been spotted at the same sports event in is Oliver Hoare, her boyfriend (of course now only a friend according to Purv). Says so himself after all. Earlier today after watching Fallon, she posted, Sam is looking thinner, definitely getting ready to play Paul Newman. So now he's following the private RAYA App - presumably he's applied. I wish I knew how to copy and paste or whatever the technical term is for posting a video here but if you don't already know it go and have a look at the strikingly beautiful Heughan being interviewed with the Outlander cast , producer and writer at the Paley Fest L.A,-2015 { on U Tube I think ]. {R182]It will be interesting to see if Heughan can successfully transfer to the big screen,taking a leading role, not the "Cameo "performances he has done so far.. Or will he forever be perceived as the heart throb from a smaller screen. He is getting tired of feeling like a grubby little secret. Er, no, not a default explanation, THE explanation. Gays don't drink that!! We can still see your true colours, Sammy. On thread subject Sam: he looks lovely (And gay) but appears to have a serious need for adoration as evidenced in his tweeting history. About time for another Omaze date contest? Georgia Ellenwood - a spokesperson for Underarmour - she is wearing red Undearmour shoes in a post, he is wearing red Underarmour shoes in an IG post - therefore were they a gift for Sammy? At least his love of Scotland seems to be one of the genuine things about him (but of course he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to make some $$$ as well). Oh. But wait, theres moreShitner and Camuso supposedly went out to dinner with the MM beard and SH according to blogs of the time, this did not occur as the beard wasnt even in the proximity at the time, and Camuso backtracked too. He is directly responsible for the reduction in size of thousands of very enormous bottoms, for encouraging healthy diet and exercise, for giving people confidence, for creating supportive communities and for raising impressive amounts of money for charity. One of a kind. They have no power to coerce artists into 'bearding contracts'. By two Russian fans. Sorry, cant link to photo, but its starting to make the rounds. He showed up at the LandCon in Paris in a disturbing unprofessional way with his three day worn jeans, his wtf uncleanless, not dressing well for the female! Is Sam that desperate or is it maybe for networking. Surely nobody in their right mind would play games like this ! You just had to know what was being said about you. Nothing to see there but a useful opportunity to sell 'straight' I guess. It is a good thing for privacy, including Heughan's, but it does make it harder if you want to promote that all-important hetero player image (look at all the bum and boob posts I am liking). JA may just be obeying his instructions. Gee - so IG is removing the 'following activity' tab, and no longer showing account likes, followers and comments. I think that is one of the best trilogies ever made, he told us, and Caitriona added, Sam tries to talk about it every day if he can.STARZ, Related: Kristen Stewart Was Told to Hide Being Queer to Land a Marvel Movie, [quote]"I have fully been told, 'If you just, like, do yourself a favor, and dont go out holding your girlfriends hand in public, you might get a Marvel movie,'" Stewart told Harper's Bazaar UK. It has been fascinating to watch. Heughan is a gorgeous guy and can look stunning but not often when Monty and Melissa gets their paws on him - he's too old, too follicle challenged, too upper body heavy etc etc to wear a wannabe Justin Beiber look like he did on Fallon. That can kill even a deep love. But he may now have to be a little more constrained in his PR selling of his hotness if he is not to attract some claims of hypocrisy (and even the smallest criticism seems to bruise his delicate ego). Yeh, McTavish seems one hell of a greedy guy. It's usually about money with him. But wait, theres more. Now he projects what I can only describe as a " light entertainment " persona, superficial and false. Your comments on Tumblr read like datalounge. [quote]gotta love Cree. QUOTE "the gay rumors are spreading everywhere, even in tumblr -where it was a forbidden subject in the past. Heughan wants viewers to expect lots of drama in Season 5? Picture theatres are likely to shut down sooner rather than later. Sam talks about his favourite Scottish restaurants, when and where youll be able to buy The Sassenach range of spirits, writing The Clanlands Almanac, his food obsessions, what life looks like after Outlander and much more,, funny how both SC are suddenly active online today and only few minutes apart, Maybe some time away from the kids together . Sam Heughan". Thank you R596 indeed the "pornstar" story and sightings seem to be a rumour.desperate attempt to keep up the hetero image. r518 Not sure if he was there - no reason to be, but then there was no reason for the ridiculous Camuso to be either, and he was. But bet that Sassenach cap gets a great airing wherever he can do it. But then it's not nearly as HW and $$ as he seems to be aiming for, so those jeans knees will continue to fray (and the hetero games will continue). outlander-starz: Sam Heughan & Caitriona Balfe at Emerald City Comic Con 2017 Outlander Panel 171 notes 5 March, 2017 reedpopthetodd It was an absolute delight and a career highlight to host the wonderful @samheughan and @caitrionabalfe at @emeraldcitycomicon this year. r594 Yeh, so one anon says, re BunnyBeard, but the claim is not backed by a photo, so how did she/he know? [R386] Forgot to mention, Heughan will take all curtain calls wearing only a pair of leather riding breaks , having first been doused with a bucket of cold water by Lady Macbeth. After all, thats what folks want the most. The Village People is an American disco group known for its on-stage costumes and suggestive lyrics. Still, he gets paid and that's the priority for him for the moment. Meanwhile some of the more ping-y photos of him are being scattered around tumblr now. 'Samday services"? Still, she's always good for a laugh. Sam Heughan is a good actor with an excellent range of talent. Gay fans meeting Sam in Scotland today (Sam can't say anymore that 'he is not aware of his gay fanbase.xd). A little flurry of speculation on tmblr that Heughan and actress Kate McNamara (Shadowland, Arrow) may be/going to be getting together. buffyandhenrietta liked this. Seems like a networking opportunity lost - even the smallest and least significant party must still have some opportunities for making contacts. A wise blogger recently copied post 345 of this thread onto their blog and expressed their agreement with it. While on set, Sam spends lots of time with Caitriona Balfe, his on-screen wife, and in real life, the pair have a tight-knit friendship. It's a 50/50 he'll be at Landcon. If you requested access to Todays Fresh Hell and havent heard back, Im not ignoring you. But he does want the adoration on his terms - no objectification unless he is the one peacocking himself before the cameras; no criticism for things like that appalling tuna bashing - no, no, it was 'cultural', 'spiritual', his host 'the heart and soul of the island'; mocking poor shippers for believing the showmance cover that he himself promoted to the last possible minute, etc etc. When asked how he prepared his accent for the drama Legacy, in which he played a Soviet diplomat, Scott said, "There isn't a huge amount of footage of Russians speaking English as a second language, so I started looking at Vladimir Putin videos on YouTube. When he's not busy filming season 7 of the Starz show or promoting his new book Waypoints, it seems like the actor has . Yes, he is pretty and yes he pings, but there is so much more to it than that. It ain't working. We accept that which we cant have, and we go on with our lives. Not bad eh Sammie? He's lagging a bit - after the January to August girl of the month smoke and mirrors flurry, there doesn't seem to have been Sep, Oct - but then cultivating the image of a hetero player can be tiring. - beware of spluttering your coffee or beverage of choice over the keyboard when you read the last sentence or so of this post. This kind of talk is frowned upon, totally inappropriate topic for good fans'. He had an empty seat beside him. ], trash clickbait etc etc - the usual stuff. Paul co-starred with Dahl's wife, Patricia Neal, in Hud in 1963. Casting call for former Playboy models to beard for Sam Roland Heughan. Marge might be a more believable beard given your track record, Sam. Ask me anything Follow. Glad to see her showing them both. It's not about the nationality, the hardcore Jamie fans are simply insane and obsessed. [R220] Agree I think there is something rather " grubby " about Heughans business activities, perhaps the fact that he is miss representing himself but mostly because of his blatant exploitation of gullible fans. Still doesn't work, Sam. Lucky for Madden, he has a different publicist. Interview April 2015 - another time, another Heughan _________ BROWN: Is there a lot of pressure to capitalize on your current success? So yes, openly gay men CAN effectively play a hetero love interest. At the most itsillegal, at the least itsunethical. There you are DL'ers your first erotic fantasy of 2020. 1500 quotes+gifs. - $$$, you'd be in that. Wtf. Still, if he and his PR lot think he has a real chance, he will probably veer more toward the mature and serious contender image rather than the heart-throb look, but still firmly hetero of course. The longer he's not shooting for Outlander the bette he starts to look. You just had to get into that private blog, didnt you? There seem to be several Bloodshot comics and it could develop into a franchise but very unclear if his character survives to be part of this (lots of really great graphics on the sites but not much plot detail). Watch this space for more of his bearding games. [R550] Think Heughan is somewhat conflictedhe thinks he wants to be a big successful HW star but he's not entirely comfortable mixing withe the enormous egos , the vulgar and grotesque characters that populate Hollywood. he must be dating her. r258 Yep, you are right, creepy af. This is how it works. Now this WOULD be hilarious. No calf muscles either. Cinemas are not allowed to have more than 100 people in a room here and I think that after this weekend they will be closed altogether. None of us has any way of reading SHs mind, but my hope is that he knows exactly what it means. Sam holding his hand on Caitrona's thigh, Caitrona fanning herself when Sam said take a cocktail shot, Sam waiting for and placing his hand on the small of her back to leave and Sam wearing pink socks to match Caitrona's shoes were the major highlights that screamed TOGETHER & IN LOVE for me. Sam is an embarrassment. - Rebuttal: That is what they want you to think. Promote one of your major sponsors, Dunhill - tick; be seen with the supposed elite - tick; be seen with a blonde with connections, royalty even, but as she's attached, no hetero complications - tick; pat yourself on the back for a good PR night without too much effort - tick. sgian dubhs? But yes, max 4 weeks in the theaters, then straight to DVD or VOD in Europe. [R185] Sorry, should have clarified that the " significant other " is of course a guy..lucky fella, who ever he is !! r224. Just a few weeks ago, Starz debuted the first teaser for the upcoming seventh season of Outlander, which will be released this summer. The fact that anyone anyone would normalize and rationalize this kind of behavior is galling. The actor told the media that although he is good friends and comfortable with Balfe, doing steamy scenes is still difficult for him. Ive been spilling 6 years of tea about Sam and Cait. WARNING ! r 269 FF stands for Flames and Freaks. In the meanwhile Cree says he'd dreamt of this. Doubt it's the case though - all too familiar innuendo, bearding, I'm straight!! He's not only working out at EDA in the past year he has posted pics of another gym in Glasgow. the HW closet and crazy fandom is doing him no good. To make sure he looks manly, just put a rottweiling lady besides him. A bit of a hitch, though, they aren't passing the name on because they don't want to do his PR work for him - burned before, were they? I can think of a few possibilities for this - see next post. but surely she would see that this could just be counterproductive. They don't distinguish between Sam and Jamie, and for their money to keep flowing to their hero, their god, their 'earth angel', their real man, their dream, he's just got to be straight - gay don't pay. You can say all that on your own, you dont need some sicko catfishing you in order to do it. Related : An interesting read. Take the L, Tumblr ladies. You don't hire a rottweiler like Jennifer Allen unless you're shamed into it -- or as Heughan put it in a red carpet interview at the 2016 Golden Globes, they were going to "lock me in a box. " Purv is obsessed. I wonder which one. According to one of Heughan's recent twitter posts about Netflix's Cheer, "I've stalked them on Instagram. We are all on the same side so let us all have a dram and move onward and upward. When the other guys(hetero) were talking about women and which women they found attractive, my gay friend would always pick the fake, slutty and "plastic" blondes..Which, in the earlier years, was seen by the other guys as a sign of him not being hetero. News reports that Heughan, 41, was quite cozy with pretty brunette Monika Clarke at Caf Select in the Soho neighborhood of the Big Apple on March 7, 2022. Right from the start Starz very unfairly boxed him into the hetero male meat role and then some of the fans took it way, way too far. ), so determined to have him humping young females in his proximity, whether they are attached or not, Purv just brings attention to him being gay and undercuts the very message she is trying so hard to sell. Heres a question some of you need to answer. Might have reached a wider audience if it wasn't this expensive but then the tartan scarfs are expensive too(at least they are handwoven). r344 He was sick and a lot of the irritation could have been the meds but he could also be really fed up that the ship, despite his determined efforts, has finally sunk, although some diehards will continue to see a few bubbles from the deep, and insist that it's still all real, they are married and they have kids. Next time you 'drop into ' Data Lounge, and I'm sure you do sometimes in the 'wee small hours of the morning' read Reply could change your life! It's disgusting. In the end the choice has been his. (Spoiler alert: they dont jive with Meokeobs narrative.) Sam's styling and general demeanor on Fallon suffered greatly in comparison to those of Michael B. Jordan (who was on immediately before him).Jordan was well-dressed, relaxed, funny, and even exchanged gifts with Jimmy. Re speculation a while back that Eiza could be Heughan's next beard, nuh. [R239] He's changed so much since that delightful, thoughtful interview, he came across as such a genuine person. Whatever, only she moved from Vancouver to Scotland because she is so obsessed with him, book, show, etc. Luke referred to Heughan in a post as ' my boy ' [ wish I was technically proficient enough to post it here for the newbies who might not have seen it ] For me , put together , that was and still is incontrovertible proof that Heughan was in a gay relationship and is a gay man.. No amount of fuzzy shots of him at Airports with assorted actresses and nubile bottom baring teenagers is going to convince me otherwise. Wouldn't be much of a stretch in acting after all. And at least Scottish industries like Prickly Thistle are getting the benefit as well as him - I like the irony that OL fans donated to the development of Prickly Thistle, which is now selling its produce back to OL fans. His irritation with a fans tweets may stem from the stress and emotional pressure he must be under due to lifestyle choices i.e. r577 Yes, did no-one in the SH camp (pun not intended) bother to check out just what was out there on SM about her before the name was apparently fed from private FB sites to a number of blogger accounts? This is not healthy. No worries, the Purv Pretzel says - they can have a threesome with SH, or even a foursome !! fans are prepared to pay [ Paris Land con 3 up to 2,000 E ] for the dubious privilege of watching childish, vacuous behaviour. [R405] In all of the images I've seen of Heughan with Luke and 'the lads ' he looks so very happy and relaxed [ okay, so the whiskey helps ] In the videos I've seen of him with Luke [ e.g. Perhaps because she did not invite him to her wedding in the summer of 2019 . And we choose to respect that. Newbie here. Tumblr-ite comment about the Wizard World dealings: "This, this right here, the newest Instagram with fans, is what I am concerned about. ?They speak like they have moles all over the world (Greater LA area) verifying facts and responds to commenters on that site like they are total idiots, just for asking a question.