You can do so via the command line using curl: Alternatively, you could also test for additional hits with a utility called tmNIDS, running the tool in interactive mode: If everything is working correctly, you should see a corresponding alert (GPL ATTACK_RESPONSE id check returned root) in Alerts, Dashboards, Hunt, or Kibana. Firewall Requirements Salt minions must be able to connect to the manager node on ports 4505/tcp and 4506/tcp: For example: If you need to modify a part of a rule that contains a special character, such as a $ in variable names, the special character needs to be escaped in the search part of the modify string. One of those regular interventions is to ensure that you are tuning properly and proactively attempting to reach an acceptable level of signal to noise. However, generating custom traffic to test the alert can sometimes be a challenge. Reboot into your new Security Onion installation and login using the username/password you specified in the previous step. (Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a new shell.) Durio zibethinus, native to Borneo and Sumatra, is the only species available in the international market.It has over 300 named varieties in Thailand and 100 in Malaysia, as of 1987. > To unsubscribe from this topic . Copyright 2023 Adding Local Rules Security Onion 2.3 documentation Docs Tuning Adding Local Rules Edit on GitHub Adding Local Rules NIDS You can add NIDS rules in /opt/so/saltstack/local/salt/idstools/local.rules on your manager. Edit the /opt/so/rules/nids/local.rules file using vi or your favorite text editor: sudo vi /opt/so/rules/nids/local.rules Paste the rule. Now that we have a signature that will generate alerts a little more selectively, we need to disable the original signature. We can start by listing any currently disabled rules: Once that completes, we can then verify that 2100498 is now disabled with so-rule disabled list: Finally, we can check that 2100498 is commented out in /opt/so/rules/nids/all.rules: If you cant run so-rule, then you can modify configuration manually. There are many ways to achieve age regression, but the three primary methods are: Botox. so-rule allows you to disable, enable, or modify NIDS rules. Check out our NIDS tuning video at! To enable or disable SIDs for Suricata, the Salt idstools pillar can be used in the minion pillar file (/opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/minions/_.sls). For some alerts, your understanding of your own network and the business being transacted across it will be the deciding factor. For example, suppose we want to disable SID 2100498. If you are on a large network, you may need to do additional tuning like pinning processes to CPU cores. Write your rule, see Rules Format and save it. > > => I do not know how to do your guilde line. If you were to add a search node, you would see its IP appear in both the minion and the search_node host groups. If this is a distributed deployment, edit local.rules on your master server and it will replicate to your sensors. Please update your bookmarks. All the following will need to be run from the manager. . If you do not see this alert, try checking to see if the rule is enabled in /opt/so/rules/nids/all.rules: Rulesets come with a large number of rules enabled (over 20,000 by default). /opt/so/saltstack/local/salt/idstools/local.rules, "GPL ATTACK_RESPONSE id check returned root 2", /opt/so/saltstack/local/salt/strelka/rules, /opt/so/saltstack/local/salt/strelka/rules/localrules, /opt/so/saltstack/local/salt/strelka/rules/, Diagnostic logs can be found in /opt/so/log/salt/. Security Onion Solutions, LLC is the creator and maintainer of Security Onion, a free and open platform for threat hunting, network security monitoring, and log management. It . Another consideration is whether or not the traffic is being generated by a misconfigured piece of equipment. You can see that we have an alert with the IP addresses we specified and the TCP ports we specified. Naming convention: The collection of server processes has a server name separate from the hostname of the box. It's simple enough to run in small environments without many issues and allows advanced users to deploy distributed systems that can be used in network enterprise type environments. Check your syslog-ng configuration for the name of the local log source ("src" is used on SUSE systems). In the image below, we can see how we define some rules for an eval node. Managing Rules; Adding Local Rules; Managing Alerts; High Performance Tuning; Tricks and Tips. You may want to bump the SID into the 90,000,000 range and set the revision to 1. Salt is a new approach to infrastructure management built on a dynamic communication bus. You signed in with another tab or window. Security Onion is an open source suite of network security monitoring (NSM) tools for evaluating alerts, providing three core functions to the cybersecurity analyst: Full packet capture and data types Network-based and host-based intrusion detection systems Alert analysis tools Logs. If you have multiple entries for the same SID, it will cause an error in salt resulting in all of the nodes in your grid to error out when checking in. Add the following to the sensor minion pillar file located at. Fresh install of Security Onion ISO to hardware: Two NICs, one facing management network, one monitoring mirrored port for test network Setup for Production Mode, pretty much all defaults, suricata create alert rules for /etc/nsm/local.rules and run rule-update Log into scapy/msf on kalibox, send a few suspicious packets Though each engine uses its own severity level system, Security Onion converts that to a standardized alert severity: event.severity: 4 ==> event.severity_label: critical, event.severity: 3 ==> event.severity_label: high, event.severity: 2 ==> event.severity_label: medium, event.severity: 1 ==> event.severity_label: low. Set anywhere from 5 to 12 in the local_rules Kevin. See above for suppress examples. For example, if you had a web server you could include 80 and 443 tcp into an alias or in this case a port group. Data collection Examination If you pivot from that alert to the corresponding pcap you can verify the payload we sent. This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 16, 2021. In many of the use cases below, we are providing the ability to modify a configuration file by editing either the global or minion pillar file. This is an advanced case and you most likely wont never need to modify these files. Security Onion Layers Ubuntu based OS Snort, Suricata Snorby Bro Sguil Squert Have you tried something like this, in case you are not getting traffic to $HOME_NET? With this functionality we can suppress rules based on their signature, the source or destination address and even the IP or full CIDR network block. These are the files that will need to be changed in order to customize nodes. Pillars are a Saltstack concept, formatted typically in YAML, that can be used to parameterize states via templating. Some node types get their IP assigned to multiple host groups. . Generate some traffic to trigger the alert. The territories controlled by the ROC consist of 168 islands, with a combined area of 36,193 square . A node that has a port group and host group association assigned to it will allow those hosts to connect to those ports on that node. the rule is missing a little syntax, maybe try: alert icmp any any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"ICMP Testing"; sid:1000001; rev:1;). Here, we will show you how to add the local rule and then use the python library scapy to trigger the alert. This first sub-section will discuss network firewalls outside of Security Onion. Introduction Adding local rules in Security Onion is a rather straightforward process. Of course, the target IP address will most likely be different in your environment: destination d_tcp { tcp("" port(514)); }; log { Revision 39f7be52. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to. In Security Onion, locally created rules are stored in /opt/so/rules/nids/local.rules. If you would like to pull in NIDS rules from a MISP instance, please see the MISP Rules section. This will execute salt-call state.highstate -l info which outputs to the terminal with the log level set to info so that you can see exactly whats happening: Many of the options that are configurable in Security Onion 2 are done via pillar assignments in either the global or minion pillar files. Can anyone tell me > > > > what I've done wrong please? and dont forget that the end is a semicolon and not a colon. Network Security Monitoring, as a practice, is not a solution you can plug into your network, make sure you see blinking lights and tell people you are secure. It requires active intervention from an analyst to qualify the quantity of information presented. After viewing your redacted sostat it seems that the ICMP and UDP rules are triggering: Are you using SO with in a VM? The county seat is in Evansville. Run rule-update (this will merge local.rules into downloaded.rules, update. Adding local rules in Security Onion is a rather straightforward process. Revision 39f7be52. Security Onion is a free and open platform for threat hunting, enterprise security monitoring, and log management. In this step we are redefining the nginx port group, so be sure to include the default ports as well if you want to keep them: Associate this port group redefinition to a node. If you need to increase this delay, it can be done using the salt:minion:service_start_delay pillar. 3. Run so-rule without any options to see the help output: We can use so-rule to modify an existing NIDS rule. When you run so-allow or so-firewall, it modifies this file to include the IP provided in the proper hostgroup. Between Zeek logs, alert data from Suricata, and full packet capture from Stenographer, you have enough information to begin identifying areas of interest and making positive changes to your security stance. To get the best performance out of Security Onion, youll want to tune it for your environment. Find Age Regression Discord servers and make new friends! For example: In some cases, you may not want to use the modify option above, but instead create a copy of the rule and disable the original. > > > > > > > > Cheers, Andi > > > > > > > > > > -- Mit besten Gren Shane Castle > > > > -- > Mit besten Gren > Shane Castle > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the > Google Groups "security-onion" group. Before You Begin. lawson cedars. The firewall state is designed with the idea of creating port groups and host groups, each with their own alias or name, and associating the two in order to create an allow rule. we run SO in a distributed deployment and the manager doesn't run strelka but does run on the sensor, the paths however (/opt/so/saltstack/local/salt/strelka/rules) exist on the manger but not the sensor, I did find the default repo under opt/so/saltstack/default/salt/strelka/rules/ on the manager and I can run so-yara-update but not so-strelka-restart because its not running on the manager so I'm a little confused on where I should be putting the custom YARA rules because things don't line up with the documentation or I'm just getting super confused. /opt/so/saltstack/local/salt/firewall/portgroups.local.yaml defines custom port groups. If you dont want to wait for these automatic processes, you can run them manually from the manager (replacing $SENSORNAME_$ROLE as necessary): Lets add a simple rule to /opt/so/saltstack/local/salt/idstools/local.rules thats really just a copy of the traditional id check returned root rule: Restart Suricata (replacing $SENSORNAME_$ROLE as necessary): If you built the rule correctly, then Suricata should be back up and running. 2. Also ensure you run rule-update on the machine. In a distributed deployment, the manager node controls all other nodes via salt. I have 3 simple use cases (1) Detect FTP Connection to our public server 129.x.x.x (2) Detect SSH Connection attempts (3) Detect NMAP scan. . When configuring network firewalls for Internet-connected deployments (non-Airgap), youll want to ensure that the deployment can connect outbound to the following: In the case of a distributed deployment, you can configure your nodes to pull everything from the manager so that only the manager requires Internet access. . Custom rules can be added to the local.rules file Rule threshold entries can . The reason I have a hub and not a switch is so that all traffic is forwarded to every device connected to it so security onion can see the traffic sent from the attacking kali linux machine, to the windows machines. Global pillar file: This is the pillar file that can be used to make global pillar assignments to the nodes. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "security-onion" group. Apply the firewall state to the node, or wait for the highstate to run for the changes to happen automatically. For example, if ips_policy was set to security, you would add the following to each rule: The whole rule would then look something like: These policy types can be found in /etc/nsm/rules/downloaded.rules. To enabled them, either revert the policy by remarking the ips_policy line (and run rule-update), or add the policy type to the rules in local.rules. Adding local rules in Security Onion is a rather straightforward process. To generate traffic we are going to use the python library scapy to craft packets with specific information to ensure we trigger the alert with the information we want: Craft the layer 2 information. In the configuration window, select the relevant form of Syslog - here, it's Syslog JSON - and click. We offer both training and support for Security Onion. 41 - Network Segmentation, VLANs, and Subnets. However, the exception is now logged. This can be done in the minion pillar file if you want the delay for just that minion, or it can be done in the global.sls file if it should be applied to all minions. Backing up current local_rules.xml file. Here are some of the items that can be customized with pillar settings: Currently, the salt-minion service startup is delayed by 30 seconds. Where is it that you cannot view them? For a quick primer on flowbits, see Open /etc/nsm/rules/local.rules using your favorite text editor. Salt is a core component of Security Onion 2 as it manages all processes on all nodes. (Signature files for Security Onion containers) (Container downloads) (Emerging Threats IDS rules) (Emerging Threats IDS open rules) (Paid Snort Talos ruleset) (Strelka and Sigma rules updates) Default YARA rules are provided from Florian Roths signature-base Github repo at You can learn more about snort and writing snort signatures from the Snort Manual. in Sguil? Within 15 minutes, Salt should then copy those rules into /opt/so/rules/nids/local.rules. The next run of idstools should then merge /opt/so/rules/nids/local.rules into /opt/so/rules/nids/all.rules which is what Suricata reads from. Here, we will show you how to add the local rule and then use the python library scapy to trigger the alert. 5. Security Onion includes best-of-breed free and open tools including Suricata, Zeek, Wazuh, the Elastic Stack and many others. You may see the following error in the salt-master log located at /opt/so/log/salt/master: The root cause of this error is a state trying to run on a minion when another state is already running. Integrated into the Security Onion, OSSEC is a host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) that can conduct file integrity monitoring, local log monitoring, system process monitoring, and rootkit detection. To enabled them, either revert the policy by remarking the ips_policy line (and run rule-update), or add the policy type to the rules in local.rules. These non-manager nodes are referred to as salt minions. Security Onion is an open-source and free Linux distribution for log management, enterprise security monitoring, and intrusion detection. You may want to bump the SID into the 90,000,000 range and set the revision to 1. For more information, please see: # alert ip any any -> any any (msg:"GPL ATTACK_RESPONSE id check returned root"; content:"uid=0|28|root|29|"; classtype:bad-unknown; sid:2100498; rev:7; metadata:created_at 2010_09_23, updated_at 2010_09_23;), /opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/minions/_.sls, "GPL ATTACK_RESPONSE id check returned root test", /opt/so/saltstack/default/pillar/thresholding/pillar.usage, /opt/so/saltstack/default/pillar/thresholding/pillar.example, /opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/global.sls, /opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/minions/.sls,,, . Modifying these values outside of so-allow or so-firewall could lead to problems accessing your existing hosts. Security Onion has Snort built in and therefore runs in the same instance. alert icmp any any -> any any (msg: "ICMP Testing"; sid:1000001; rev:1;). But after I run the rule-update command, no alert is generated in Sguil based on that rule.It was working when I first installed Security Onion. Answered by weslambert on Dec 15, 2021. To verify the Snort version, type in snort -Vand hit Enter. This section will cover both network firewalls outside of Security Onion and the host-based firewall built into Security Onion. For more information, please see Salt minions must be able to connect to the manager node on ports, /opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/global.sls, /opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/minions/.sls,, Next, run so-yara-update to pull down the rules. Home About Us Bill Pay 877-213-8180 Product Library My accountItems of interest (0) Get your campus card Your campus card allows you to borrow books from the Library, use services at the student centre, make payments at Macquarie University retail outlets, and identify yourself during class tests and . Security Onion. Please review the Salt section to understand pillars and templates. Let's add a simple rule that will alert on the detection of a string in a tcp session. 3. Security Onion offers the following choices for rulesets to be used by Snort/Suricata: ET Open optimized for Suricata, but available for Snort as well free For more information, see: ET Pro (Proofpoint) optimized for Suricata, but available for Snort as well rules retrievable as released IPS Policy When configuring network firewalls for distributed deployments, youll want to ensure that nodes can connect as shown below. Are you sure you want to create this branch? The default allow rules for each node are defined by its role (manager, searchnode, sensor, heavynode, etc) in the grid. Any pointers would be appreciated. PFA local.rules. Finally, run so-strelka-restart to allow Strelka to pull in the new rules. Start by creating Berkeley Packet Filters (BPFs) to ignore any traffic that you dont want your network sensors to process. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Tracking. If it is, then the most expedient measure may be to resolve the misconfiguration and then reinvestigate tuning. 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More information on each of these topics can be found in this section. to security-onion yes it is set to 5, I have also played with the alert levels in the rules to see if the number was changing anything. This directory contains the default firewall rules. A. If you previously added a host or network to your firewall configuration and now need to remove them, you can use so-firewall with the excludehost option. Edit the /opt/so/rules/nids/local.rules file using vi or your favorite text editor: Paste the rule. Our instructors are the only Security Onion Certified Instructors in the world and our course material is the only authorized training material for Security Onion. However, generating custom traffic to test the alert can sometimes be a challenge. Any definitions made here will override anything defined in other pillar files, including global. (Archived 1/22) Tuning NIDS Rules in Security Onion Security Onion 7.5K subscribers 48 Dislike Share 1,465 views Dec 22, 2021 This video has been archived as of January 2022 - the latest. Local pillar file: This is the pillar file under /opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/. Logs . The second only needs the $ character escaped to prevent bash from treating that as a variable. From Salt is a core component of Security Onion 2 as it manages all processes on all nodes. Assuming you have Internet access, Security Onion will automatically update your NIDS rules on a daily basis. Previously, in the case of an exception, the code would just pass. 1. You can do the reverse unit conversion from MPa to psi, or enter any two units below:LED MSI Optix G242 24 inch IPS Gaming Monitor - Full HD - 144Hz Refresh Rate - 1ms Response time - Adaptive Sync for Esports (9S6-3BA41T-039) LED MSI OPTIX G272 Gaming Monitor 27" FHD IPS 144HZ 1MS Adaptive Sync (9S6-3CB51T-036) LG 27 FHD IPS 1ms 240Hz G . Default pillar file: This is the pillar file located under /opt/so/saltstack/default/pillar/. Boot the ISO and run through the installer. There are three alerting engines within Security Onion: Suricata, Wazuh and Playbook (Sigma). Any line beginning with "#" can be ignored as it is a comment. Tuning NIDS Rules in Security Onion - YouTube 0:00 / 15:12 Tuning NIDS Rules in Security Onion 1,511 views Jan 10, 2022 This video shows you how to tune Suricata NIDS rules in. Give feedback. Tried as per your syntax, but still issue persists. Please note! If you built the rule correctly, then snort should be back up and running. Revision 39f7be52. c96 extractor. Inside of /opt/so/saltstack/local/salt/strelka/rules/localrules, add your YARA rules. If you have Internet access and want to have so-yara-update pull YARA rules from a remote Github repo, copy /opt/so/saltstack/local/salt/strelka/rules/, and modify repos.txt to include the repo URL (one per line). The files in this directory should not be modified as they could possibly be overwritten during a soup update in the event we update those files. Minion pillar file: This is the minion specific pillar file that contains pillar definitions for that node. Do you see these alerts in Squert or ELSA? Security Onion is a free and open source platform for threat hunting, network security monitoring, and log management. Identification. A new version of our securityonion-rule-update package is now available that distributes OSSEC's local_rules.xml from master server to slave sensors by default and also allows for NIDS/HIDS rule tuning per physical sensor. /opt/so/saltstack/default/salt/firewall/portgroups.yaml is where the default port groups are defined. Please note that Suricata 6 has a 64-character limitation on the IP field in a threshold. To enable the Talos Subscriber ruleset in an already installed grid, modify the /opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/minions/ file as follows: To add other remotely-accessible rulesets, add an entry under urls for the ruleset URL in /opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/minions/: Copyright 2023 Security Onion is a free and open-source Linux distribution prepared for intrusion detection, security monitoring, and log management with the assistance of security tools namely Snort,. You could try testing a rule . to security-onion > > My rules is as follows: > > alert icmp any any -> (msg:"ICMP Testing"; sid:1000001; rev:1:) the rule is missing a little syntax, maybe try: alert icmp any any ->. Start creating a file for your rule. We created and maintain Security Onion, so we know it better than anybody else. How are they parsed? Finally, from the manager, update the config on the remote node: You can manage threshold entries for Suricata using Salt pillars. Our appliances will save you and your team time and resources, allowing you to focus on keeping your organization secure. Copyright 2023 For example, if you dont care that users are accessing Facebook, then you can silence the policy-based signatures for Facebook access. For example, consider the following rules that reference the ET.MSSQL flowbit. Copyright 2023 Add the following to the minions sls file located at. Our documentation has moved to Been looking to add some custom YARA rules and have been following the docs however I'm a little confused. There may be entire categories of rules that you want to disable first and then look at the remaining enabled rules to see if there are individual rules that can be disabled. Revision 39f7be52. Generate some traffic to trigger the alert. Alternatively, run salt -G 'role:so-sensor' "so-strelka-restart" to restart Strelka on all sensors at once. Double-click the Setup script on the Desktop and follow the prompts to configure and start the Sguil processes. The signature id (SID) must be unique. Managing firewall rules for all devices should be done from the manager node using either so-allow, so-firewall or, for advanced cases, manually editing the yaml files. You can then run curl on the node to generate traffic which should cause this rule to alert (and the original rule that it was copied from, if it is enabled). When I run sostat. Disabling all three of those rules by adding the following to disablesid.conf has the obvious negative effect of disabling all three of the rules: When you run sudo so-rule-update, watch the Setting Flowbit State section and you can see that if you disable all three (or however many rules share that flowbit) that the Enabled XX flowbits line is decremented and all three rules should then be disabled in your all.rules. In syslog-ng, the following configuration forwards all local logs to Security Onion. Backups; Docker; DNS Anomaly Detection; Endgame; ICMP Anomaly Detection; Jupyter Notebook; Machine Learning; Adding a new disk; PCAPs for Testing; Removing a Node; Syslog Output; UTC and Time Zones; Utilities. . /opt/so/saltstack/local/salt/firewall/ is where host group and port group associations would be made to create custom host group and port group assignements that would apply to all nodes of a certain role type in the grid. To configure syslog for Security Onion: Stop the Security Onion service. After adding your rules, update the configuration by running so-strelka-restart on all nodes running Strelka. You can find the latest version of this page at: Alternatively, run salt -G 'role:so-sensor' "so-strelka-restart" to restart Strelka on all sensors at once. 1. Manager of Support and Professional Services. Within 15 minutes, Salt should then copy those rules into /opt/so/rules/nids/local.rules. 7.2. Now we have to build the association between the host group and the syslog port group and assign that to our sensor node. Here, we will show you how to add the local rule and then use the python library scapy to trigger the alert. There isnt much in here other than anywhere, dockernet, localhost and self. Try checking /var/log/nsm/hostname-interface/snortu-1.log for clues and please post the exact rule syntax you are attempting to use.