hhHEHSSSCHuh. New conflict will arise, new stories will be told, and new perspectives explored. On her desk, right next to the keyboard sat a steaming cup of tea. AKA the Heartstopper/The Office/Chili's crack fic you KNEW was gonna happen eventually. Dont get her wrong, she had been deliriously happy when Roy had finally, very publicly, set a date. He was leaving soon and she needed to know some degree of how he felt, if only to contextualise his departure. Jim shrugs, but couldnt help but smile at how offended she sounded on his behalf. Was he miming having a seizure? That, he was proud of. This is a Jim Halpert fanfic Jim concedes and pushes himself out of his chair, Pams eyes lingering on him again as he leaves, following as he appears to duck into his elbow with another tightly stifled sneeze, before going to the sink in the kitchen and washing his hands like the considerate person he is. Both of these are so well-written and I absolutely love your writing style. And anyway, like I said. She rolls her eyes and heaves a heavy sniffle, but all the same her features settle back into a soft smile, teasing to match his own. Unsurprisingly, this was something they wanted to experience without the awkward interference of their nosey co-workers, and so they were keeping it a secret. In her favourite mug. it was easy with jim. Like all the best things that happened in Pams life, it wasnt necessarily planned out or completely thought through either. I really liked how you kept the characters essence from the original series, despite being written by you. SO GOOD!!! Pam Beesly/Jim Halpert/Dwight Schrute. Timeline-wise I'd place thiss2 entrypost-2x13/14 ('The Secret'/'The Carpet')but before 2x15 ('Boys and Girls'). Something in the way hes holding his shoulders. Oh, that cool. She was, At lunch the other day hed even called her , So yeah, they were all on good terms. He's so clearly still in love with her and it's honestly just as painful to read this as it is to watch this moment unfold in the show. Pam was invited. Hes in love with her and she at the very least has feelings for him too. If you have any ideas feel free to write them in the comments! Next time Id say the possibility of a burst blood vessel isnt worth it. he was treading on a tightrope within his own mind, petrified in the fear of falling, of feeling of being anything but what hed convinced himself was normal. it's just more than that now. no? He half-assed his job, half-assed his relationship, and now, after a bizarre accident, hes even half-assed death itself. Oh, you dont wanna know. Though it makes Jims chest ache in a way that would have him questioning if he was getting sick if the pain wasnt so freakin commonplace at this point. All she knew for sure, was she could practically see the twinkle in Michaels eye that told her he was looking for someone to pick on, and that she needed to concentrate on getting through this without sneezing and catching his attention. Hed just laughed and joked that he should throw a rival party at the exact same time that she definitely was invited to. he hated it and he was eternally grateful for it and he didnt understand it. Alright, I know what Im doing. Hed talk to her about things (but obviously not, How much had Jim told her about them and what had happened last year? But she must decide inwardly that he wouldnt actually give it to her if he had been serious before, because its only a beat before she takes the glass from him and takes a sip. He must still look somewhat mischievous, given how she eyes him warily. Can't wait for Part B!! Affection curls in her chest like vine at the thought, though it wasnt a totally unwelcome constriction. Pam gravitated towards a chair at the end of a row that didnt have anyone already sat in it and gingerly produced one of her hidden tissues, her nose already proving problematic and starting to drip. Feel better. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hes about to quip back, fleetingly glad for the return to their normal rhythm, only the hazy look that crosses her face gives him pause. Also, the end bit, where maybe the emotional turmoil in Pam has manifested into a migraine, and maybe it's the start of the cold he probably passed to her when the kissed a few days before Just brilliant. Nothing, I I start, but Michael is already up and dancing around our clump of tables, headed toward his trusty steed; Dwight. She looks like shes struggling, her voice wavering a little as she tries to get the words out and get off the phone as quickly (but politely) as possible. She swats his arm with a scoff, Youre so mean about your own nose!. Therefore, for no other narrative reason other than that, Ill probably divide the next couple of chapters into two parts each as well. Receptionitis15: You go ahead, Ill be there in a sec. They move around the kitchen as a team getting breakfast ready, scrambling eggs, toasting bread, and cutting up what little fresh fruit Jim had in. Ryan takes his desk. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Her eyes narrowed and for a second she tried to decipher whether or not he would be proud of her, before quickly chasing the notion away with a little involuntary head shake. He smiled immediately, which gave him away despite putting up some display of half-hearted argument along the lines of I never took you for a night owl, Beesly - isnt it kind of late? "Did Dwight tell you that?" Theres some Dayquil in the upstairs bathroom, lemme just go grab it for you, you can take it with you-. -that timbe of year, yeah. Not to mention that she still couldnt get warmed up for the absolute life of her, and she would go and put her coat on if she didnt think that would come off a tad dramatic. Maybe it was the bright smile that greeted him. Work Search: What could've happened if Dwight and Angela had broken up around the same time Jim and Karen started dating. Thanks so much for sticking with the story, and there should be a lot more caretaking fluff going forward from here. Its kind of amazing, actually. Thats true, itll be hard. *****************************************************************. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Especially when it came to Pam. Plus the fact that he completely failsto be discreet, and Pam teases him about it is lovely. Was he miming having a seizure? My wheelhouses are Jim-centric and angst but Im willing to try anything. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She certainly trusted Jims word more than his, anyway, and he said he was over it. But that evening after the party was over, driving back to fancy new apartment (the first place shed ever had completely on her own) Pam really, truly got what Jim saw in her. (LogOut/ Roy smiledobliviously and squeezed her thigh over the top of the blankets, before getting up to quickly change his shirt before heading out. This is where shed normally give in and play along just to appease him, mainly in the hope that it would hurry things along to a point where they could get back to whatever it was they should be doing. Enjoy reading! Yeah, probably. I put my hand on her thigh and she lays her hand on top of mine. Her hand finds his hair (and, He chuckles, delightfully caught off-guard that shed remembered him telling her about both instances. Work Search: Which shes aware could seem hard to believe given all the ridiculousness the documentary crew mustve picked up by this point. It was kind of hard to concentrate when her nose was running like a faucet, and she was all too aware of how telling the damp sniffles that followed were as she tried to tend to it. Look at that, Halpert is stepping up to the plate for once. Rated T/M for some adult content. This follows Alice, a new receptionist at Dunder Mifflin after Pam B . So she made the conscious decision to disregard what Michael said, cast it off as a misunderstanding, and leave it alone. Also, stuck to his computer screen is a post-it note reading Hope you feel bee-tter! with a cute little doodle of a bee flying across the paper. in which willow halpert falls in As ifdetermined to pull him fully out of unconsciousness itself and remind him of just how gross he felt, the ever-present tickling that had been driving him crazy all day flared dangerously, but slowly as it teased him for a few seconds. Bless you; are they always that bad? she says with mild concern, busying herself with the coffee preparation while he sheepishly wipes at his nose and crosses the room towards her. hehTISSSHuh! I haven't got a whole load to say about this chapter, but timeline-wise its set post-merger, in the interim betweenThe Return (3x13) andBen Franklin (3x14). Intuition and talent, Halpert. She was freshly engaged, but he had no idea because she was waiting for her ring to be resized. Everyone in her art class seemed to be sick at the moment, but nobody wanted to sacrifice valuable class time with their first exhibition coming up next month, so it was easily making its way around everybody. The only thing he wants more is to be with her, and that isnt going to happen.. If youre actually serious about us, then out of respect for me, for us, actually, will you at least try?. To take Pams mind off Jim, Dwight invites her to Schrute Farms, where she gets to find out more about Dwight, including how hes still not over Angela. (LogOut/ Thats her life on a loop. Surprisingly, after a bit of trial and error in the random button-pushing department it certainly sounds like its working, and so shes on her tiptoes, triumphantly hunting in the cupboards for mugs when she hears Jim before she necessarily sees him entering the room behind her. Well, with you to defend it, who needs me? he replies, pausing for a second as their eyes meet just to properly, Later, after briefly falling back to sleep wrapped up in each other for a little while longer (because, No, thats definitely Vanessa. - ? When these two CEOs meet, they'll create more than just a business deal. Waking up beside him was something shed admittedly fantasised about more than once, especially over the course of the last year or so with so many empty nights and quiet moments proceeding days full of trying to keep her mind busy and herself moving forward in her new life. And him trying to finish typing, while Pam can tell he needs to sneeze. Besides Jim. His eyebrows furrowed with concern. On all the days of Christmas, Jim's true love gave to himthe gift of pranking. - Dwight. He loves staring at her beautiful face. Receptionitis15: Solitaire is no joke, Jim. She was wary at its presence though; that avenue of thought seemed heavily guarded and scattered with warning signs of certain guilt were she to actually venture down it because it was the one where Jim dared to be an option. Will they be each other's salvation, or each other's downfall? Jims on a sales call. Like there were weights tied to his limbs. She clenched her jaw and caught her bottom lip between her teeth, nose twitching dangerously. He realised then that this whole situation was beyond taking a brief trip abroad til the wedding was over and done with, then carrying on as normal when he got back. He lookedhedgy, though his hand was rubbing her in such a way she identified would usually be comforting. He wants to get over Pam. Which is what that gripe hed had to Toby in a moment of weakness was, in hindsight, heavily indicating towards happening and it frightened Jim to the core. but not with jim. Pam thinks for a second, spearing a piece of banana with her fork. No, no - I can tell the difference Betsy reached up to quickly feel his cheeks with the backs of her fingers. Bless you She shakes her head with a hint of a chuckle, the daze begins to clear. Pam, Unsurprisingly, this was something they wanted to experience, Jims gaze trails over to the window, taking stock of how gorgeously bright the sun is shining. She potters lazily around Jims kitchen for a bit, with the intention of making them some coffee in his fancy, schmancy coffee machine she admittedly has no idea how to work. The way I toy with my necklace. He just needed to forget tonight. Pam just didnt know where she stood. So here he was, back where he started. The only obstacle Id have to get past is Dwight. Language: English Words: 78,078 Chapters: 18 /18 88 Kudos: 318 Bookmarks: 55 Hits: 9029 She broughtup his contact and just lookedfor a second. I cant wait to see how this develops! He looks like hes glowing a little. "Can you please go away now. Yeah thats right. He mustn't school his disapproving expression quick enough, because shes quick to tack on-.