"They may have had a bad experience in the past," Taylorsays. Along the way, there are also some unpredictable things that happen and even more amazing memories. This could cause an accident, so you quickly clean up. For example: "I feel like I'm being treated poorly" or "I feel like my ideas aren't being considered.". Wakeboarders are similar to Taskmasters in that they like to pass their work on to others; however, unlike Taskmasters, Wakeboarders hide their BS behind an outgoing personality. Perhaps its time for you to move on as well, to start your own business (Turnkey can help with any new transition you may want to make, check out our office solutions page). We've all experience the coworker who just won't take a hint that it's time to stop talking and get to work. Whenever you ask them for a favor, they start in on a long list of what they have done for you in the past, and how your new requests will increase the debt you owe them. This will not only make the processes stronger, but it will also make employees feel invested in your efforts, which comes in handy during the next step. A toxic coworker has a generally "negative perception about the workplace and workload, and actively shares negativity," shares Glick. By: As Glick shares, "[a toxic coworker's] negative toxicity may become infectious and spread to other employees/coworkers," so it's paramount to keep your distance from this person and his or her followers, limiting interaction to only when necessary. [CDATA[//>