Humans and the vast majority of other organisms on the planet (with the exception of a few unusual species that reproduce asexually) have paired sets of chromosomes, with one set originating from the father and the other from the mother. Are there any natural mechanisms that might account for this occurrence? The Blood of Jesus Christ and the Ark of the Covenant have been discovered by Ron Wyatt and a team of Archeologists underneath Golgotha in Israel. Journal: Missionary Teaching Trip to Ghana, Liberia, Cote dIvoire and Senegal by Dr. John Oakes. The two daughter cells split once again, and cell division proceeds indefinitely, resulting in the formation of an embryo that eventually grows into a completely new progeny. His blood has equipped you with everything you will ever need, including deliverance, which is one of those things. (Mitochondrial DNA, similarly, is the easiest to track in women, as it is passed on through daughters.) This may indeed be the worlds biggest open secret; spreading quietly but surely, this scientific discovery of evidence of the historical Jesus divinity may not have made international front page news like it should have, but the story has been reported to millions by Christian news networks and alternative media for almost thirty-eight years. There are a few conclusions that can be drawn from these findings. When the solider pierced the side of Jesus, an Earthquake split the rock that the cross was placed upon and Jesus' blood ran down through this crack and dripped on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant! What are your thoughts on the phrase divine DNA? Animals have 48 chromosomes. He came to the conclusion that they had discovered Jesus blood.When they analyzed this blood, the results revealed that Jesus blood is still alive today and that it has 24 chromosomes: 23 from his mother and 1 from the Holy Spirit, proving that Jesus was born of a virgin. A scientific examination of this blood revealed that it had only 24 chromosomes! Or: A brief history of the Jews . CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO. How Many Chromosomes Did Jesus Have According To The Bible? Site design and hosting by . The scientists involved purportedly converted to Christianity as a result of their findings. June 23, 2016. 2. Unbeknown to people then and since, the Ark of the. Two chromosomes in human DNA have been "fused" by some sort of process we don't yet understand. What is the relationship between the Abrahamic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant? When the sperm penetrates the egg, the two sets combine to produce your own chromosome, which you pass on to your children. Indeed, there are some Ethiopian Jews who inherit the Aaronic gene marker, which was passed down by priests who journeyed back and forth between Africa and Israel. the blood contains 23 chromosomes. Jesus was an XX male with no Y chromosome because Luke 1:26-35 tells the truth: Jesus was born of a virgin and has no human biological father. Lord Jesus is clearly the Son of God and prophesied Messiah. In the end, as in the identification of the man who left His image on the Shroud of Turin, it is science that enables us to decipher DNA testimony from the Shroud and the Oviedo Cloth. Plant cuttings are little pieces of a plant that are taken from a larger plant that are planted and grow into a new plant that is a clone of the plant from which the cutting was originally cut. Since Jesus would only be inheriting Marys mitochondrial DNA as well as the non-Adamic Y chromosome created in that instance, wouldnt this imply that Jesus was not descended from Adam but rather from Eve? In order to maintain Gods righteousness and justice, sin must be punished. As a result, Adam and Jesus both share the same miraculous creation of their genetic material, which came from the same source the Father. Multiple tests have been completed to uncover the truth about the bloodstains in the Shroud. We need to learn to be more discerning and to ask hard questions of those who make claims, even when they seem to support Christian belief. Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. 2:3-4 The angel was one step ahead of her and had the answer: The Holy Ghost will descend upon thee, and the power of God will be overshadowing thee, the angel said to Mary, as the Holy Ghost descended upon her. April 22, 2017. When Jesus died, there was an earthquake. A DNA analysis proved the miraculous nature of the blood. Genetic information is passed down through both parents. Because blood is a manifestation of divine life that acts within the human body, it represents life itself on a global scale. The paternal chromosomes, which are the other 22 autosomal chromosomes inherited from the father, were absent. It doesnt matter what clothing I wear, what legal name I choose, or what plastic surgeons do to me; if you ask any cell in my body, the DNA will tell you that I am a male, regardless of what I choose to wear. Initially, the Host had . Upon further analysis, the blood was found to contain 23 chromosomes from the mother (Mary)as is normalbut only one (Y) chromosome from the Father (God)which should have been impossible, as regular humans have 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 from the fathera total of 46! Who is the Mechelsadeck? However, because of a complete corporate news media embargo, this finding would have made international top page headlines. Through the prophet Isaiah (7:14), it was revealed that the Lord Himself would give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and she will name him Immanuel (God with us). The other possibility is that God used 22 chromosome pairs and one X chromosome from Mary, and created one Y chromosome. The technicians from the laboratory in Tel Aviv approached Ron Wyatt and inquired as to where he had gotten the blood from. Actually, there are 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes in this group. See the video. I can only surmise just like anybody else as it cant be answered scientifically without such educated speculation. Blood of Jesus was never contaminated by Adam's sin/blood. If there are any genuine relics amid the large quantity of fakes, how can you tell which ones are genuine and which ones are not? Being fully human, Jesus had normal appearing human chromosomes - so a paired set of 22 autosomes and an X and Y (note that Dylan refers to "alleles" in his question. Why is this claim not reliable? The dog contains 39 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 78 chromosomes. These are actually 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes. Unfortunately, this individual proves to be a wholly untrustworthy witness. Over time, chromosomes mutate quite a bit, and most of those mutations don't hurt anything. The Astonishing DNA Analysis of Jesus Christ, Archeologist Encounters Jesus While Restoring His Tomb, Head of Human Genome Project Convinced of Jesus, Shroud Hologram Reveals Secret End Times Message. Christ gave his life as the ultimate atoning sacrifice for our sins as well as the sins of the entire world to atone for our sins. Despite the fact that goats and sheep seem similar and sometimes be seen mating, they are members of separate genera in the subfamily Caprinae of the family Bovidae. The blood found on the Shroud of Turin is believed to be the blood of Jesus on the day of his death. Well, my friend, prepare to have a good nights sleep because I am going to provide an answer to your query. And for the record, there were no preservatives of any kind in the blood. ARTICLES NEWS INFORMATION STUDIES OF THE LORD JESUS DIVINITY, August 6 The Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ, JESUS NEVER SINNED AND JESUS'S SINLESSNESS: ARTICLES, MARY MAGDALENE AND MARY OF BETHANY AND THE SINFUL WOMAN AND THE ADULTERER WOMAN ARE DIFFERENT WOMEN, Seven Ways Christ Is the Good Shepherd by Colin Smith, THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD JESUS AND THE PENTECOST SUNDAY, The Birth of Jesus Is Only The Beginning by Kyle Golden, THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST 14 SEPTEMBER, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW: CHAPTERS 3 AND 4 BAPTISM TEMPTATION AND BEGINNING OF MISSION, THE JUDAS'S BETRAYAL-LORDS THE LUST SUPPER-THE PRAYER IN THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE AND THE ARREST OF THE LORD JESUS- ST.LUKE CHAPTER 22, THE LEGAL TRIAL- CONDEMNATION- CRUCIFIXION OF THE LORD JESUS-ST.LUKE CHAPTER 23, THE MESSIAH ALREADY APPOINTED FOR YOU JESUS WHOM HEAVEN MUST RECEIVE UNTIL THE TIMES OF UNIVERSAL RESTORATION, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) - Solemnity, THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST: ACTS CHAPTER 1, THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST: ST. LUKE CHAPTER 24, THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD JESUS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. Tad Lindley contributed to this article. In the entire chapter, the bread and the meat being mentioned refer to the word of God. If God is an immaterial being, how could he have randomly created the Y chromosomes and additional 23 chromosomes to constitute the 46 chromosomes needed for an embryo out of nothing? There is an "X" chromosome in the blood, but no "Y" chromosome; proving that the person whose blood it is, had a mother, but no father. In the essay, it was said that it was evidently not uncommon for ancient readers to enjoy concurrently two conflicting legends about the beginnings of a renowned person. In view of his subsequent heroic feats, the second theory, which is more appropriate, involves a miraculous conception and envisages him as a son of the gods. When you consider that even in this modern period, children have no idea that their parents must have sexual relations before they may have children, it is simple to comprehend how the ancients, especially those who lived throughout Biblical times, believed about how people are born and developed. . But what about Jesus' Y chromosome? A person develops antibodies for the antigens they lack by the time they reach 6 months of . Because Adam and Jesus were created perfectly in Gods image, its possible that God used the exact same male half of chromosomes for them both (in the beginning Adam was perfect just as Jesus was), and as a result they would have been genetically as close as brothers because they could have shared 50% of their genomes! It could be argued that if there was a human genetic profile in the sample tested then it would not be the Blood of Christ, because Jesus is said to have been born without the intervention . And this is part of the proof that I have physical evidence that I've been asked not to share." True believers do not require proof; nonetheless, in the absence of scientific evidence, it should be evident to nonbelievers that Jesus Christ is the genetic son of the God of Abraham, regardless of their religious beliefs. A threefold increase in the total number of cells . Shouldn't a test of a communion wafer reveal the answer? It is a rare and special blood type. He has done this again and again. blood cells present on the cloth or is the result of contamination from exogenous sources. The Bible informs us that Jesus Christ was born to his mother Mary as a virgin 2,000 years ago, and that he was the son of God. Parthenogenesis was discovered in several varieties of turkeys as early as the 1950s as well. If the blood found there, indeed, was that of Jesus (which seems plausible to me), then He had 24 chromosomes, rather than the normal 46. A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus biological father was non-human. If you believe in the Bible, Jesus would have had less wealth than the average person if he lived today. Again, I strongly advise you to be more skeptical (although you did the right thing to send the question!). The fascinating finding in this blood was that instead of 46 chromosomes, there were only 24. Also, because the idea that the blood of Jesus could be found, or that it could have been preserved for nearly two thousand years is absolutely absurd. The IAA regulates excavation and conservation, and promotes research. It is determined by the number of chromosomes that the Holy Spirit has. Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. If Catholic Online has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. After successfully conducting a genetic analysis on the ancient blood sample widely believed to have belonged to the historical Jesus of Nazareth (discovered beneath Golgotha by the Ron Watt excavation team in 1981), a group of Tel Aviv-based research scientists came to the conclusion that Jesus biological father was a non-human. Ron Wyatt had kept the location and method of obtaining the sample a secret from the rest of the crew. Representational Theology. During the time of King David, an angel visited a lady named Mary who was a poor descendant of the king. Then Mary inquired of the angel, How can this be possible, considering that I am not acquainted with a man? I have never had sexual relations with a guy, so where did the Y chromosome originate from? she was stating in a blunter, more contemporary manner. A genetic analysis of Jesus dried blood proves that his Father is non-human. This study scientist asserts that Jesus biological Father is God, according to his findings. Jesus' bloodline includes King Solomon and King David. Two copies of chromosome 9, one copy inherited from each parent, form one of the pairs. The Conspiracy to Hide the Blood of Jesus Christ, Proof That Ron Wyatt Was Telling the Truth, Jesus DNA Discoverers DEATH BED CONFESSION, 4 Blood Samples of Jesus Studied by Scientists. Upon further analysis, the blood was found to contain twenty-three chromosomes from the mother (Mary)as is normalbut only one "Y" chromosome from the Father (God)which should have been impossible, as regular humans have 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 . The angel, on the other hand, was one step ahead of her and knew the answer to this question: That is why that holy thing who shall be born of thee shall be known as the Son of God. When scientists tested the dried, two-thousand-year-old "dead" blood, to their shock, they were able to analyze its chromosomeswhich is only possible with living blood. One of the 23 chromosomes, which comes in two varieties: X for females and Y for males, is responsible for determining gender. Lord Jesus is clearly the Son of YHVH and our prophesied Messiah. Answer (1 of 16): I'm going to treat this as an exercise in basic human genetics, without delving into matters of theology and divine conception (not my expertise). Is this true? The identity of Jesus biological father has been revealed via scientific discovery. Similarly, the Israelis reached the conclusion that Jesus inherited 23 chromosomes from his mother but just 1 chromosome from his father, making his blood distinct from that of other human beings. Sex cells contain 23 single chromosomes, some of which were inherited from the father and some of which were inherited from the mother (see Figure 1). Blood of Jesus Tested in Laboratory the Results will Blow your Mind. The tomb may be found in Jerusalem, near the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The scientists involved purportedly converted to Christianity as a result of their findings. The atheist lab technicians asked Ron where he got the sample and he replied, "from your Messiah", whom all purportedly converted to Christianity as a result of their findings.