Virgo Sun Leo rising people are intellectual and like to explore philosophical and spiritual themes. Other common Taurus traits include the thick, curly hair and the easily recognized Bovine eyes. This placement embodies their sign, the Lion, with long, luscious and full locks. Aries Rising Appearance. Knowing your rising sign is your ticket to self-awareness. I'm a Gemini girl and I am skinny and lucky to be 90 pounds and 5'1. Sagittarius Sun Leo rising people are smart and versatile, and may be interested in many thingsespecially if those interests involve travel, technology and new ideas. Virgo rising sign has a beautiful forehead, prominent cheeks and a straight nose. Astrology of Aquarius: Physical Qualities and Activities. They're almost more Leo than a Leo sun.. Because Leos the child, its like how a child will all of a sudden have this outburst of joy, she continues. Leos are easily recognisable by their stately posture and proudly raised heads. People initially think youre excessive and idealistic even if it is far from the truth. But the qualities of a leader are not so strongly manifested. There may be tendency to gain weight but it is also easy for them to build muscle. Some people may take this as a show of a big ego. Aries Sun + Leo Rising: Leo Risings have strong features, wide forehead and high cheekbones. Because Leo rules the spine, shoulders and heart, you can bet that every Leo rising you see has impeccable posture. Their ability to sell things isnt limited to physical items (though real estate is right up their ally). Gemini rising individuals are chatty and tends to search new angles from one matter. They present themselves as very special and skilful that those around them instantly believe in their supreme. Heres everything to know about this ascendant sign, from the energy you give off, to personal traits and physical appearance. Even if it's just platonic. Aquarius placements notably Aquarius risings also work well with Leo risings as this exact opposite sign falls in their seventh house of relationships. Aquarius Sun Leo rising is a deep thinker who enjoys learning for the sake of knowledge, does everything in their own way and at their own pace, has a tendency to be somewhat eccentric, can be rather stubborn but in an endearing way. View attachment 681310 Click to expand. They should take care to avoid drugs and alcohol - three Pisces rising celebrities that have proved sensitive to addiction are Demi Moore, Amanda Bynes and Whitney Houston, while Gwyneth Paltrow is renowned for her intake of pure foods. No one outshines the Leos in the ability to wear a pantsuit, hat or jewellery. If you have this combination of signs, your personality traits are probably as follows: very laid back and accommodating; versatile; optimistically determined; in-personable and vivacious; neat, orderly, punctual; a natural leader and concerned for peoples well-being; cleverly sociable and friendly; extroverted toward others but guarded in personal relationships. You are bold, brash and make no apologies for who you are and what you feel about what is happening. Often it'll be long, but not always, she continues, but it's always full. An expressive chin and a high forehead can be found among this signs self-confident, strong-willed and ambitious people. They like to fight for their rights and do not believe in giving into others. Usually, the body type is petite and symmetrical. Anything a Leo rising ends up doing, theyre going to put their heart into it. Facial features are monumental, somewhat rude. These people have an extremely strong will power when determining what is morally right or wrong. Leo Venus and Mars placements will definitely have the hots for a Leo rising, with other fire and air Venus and Mars placements finding them attractive as well. Moon sign: The position of the moon at the time of birth. They have these eyes that are a little cat-like almost like they do cat eye [makeup]. Leo risings are the definition of main character energy, period. Their eyes are sharp with a reddish tinge, a bit cat-like with demanding intensity. Sometimes people get uncomfortable [because of] Leo rising's confidence or their natural ability to attract attention.. They are expressive and love to communicate but may be impatient at times. Believe it or not, a Leo rising can actually be a little shy, depending on their sun sign and the rest of their chart. However the true Leo rising trademark is their lion mane, They often are known for their hair, Bond tells Elite Daily. Aries Sun Leo Rising personalities have a seemingly limitless drive for success and self-confidence which is captivating to others. Leos own a dynamic and . A Leo rising is not going to go unnoticed. He may act like a kid in the beginning but with time he is a loving and loyal husband. You stand up straight unless you've become deeply saddened. Leo is a sign of fixed, fire, and yang energies. It will also learn to balance out its time between work and play. They have strong cheekbones and a magnetic presence that turns heads. Typically these individuals will have many friends, and at times be part of a larger circle of family or community that can extend beyond the immediate family. People with this Ascendant often have a broad chest, large and wide-open expressive eyes, and a round face (no sunken cheeks). We are governed by our disclaimer, terms and conditions and privacy policy listed at the bottom of this page. Leo is the second sign of the element of fire, but the fire here is manifested in a more mature quality than in the character of Aries. This will help to reduce stress and increase productivity. Their face has pronounced features such as marks and scars, mostly because they're prone to injuries as a result of their very active lifestyle. Their pride is easily offended, so they have no time for unrequited love. The sun and the moon together is so natural.. Since the sun rises and sets at different times depending on the season, a person born at 10:00 a.m. in April would have a vastly different ascendant than someone born at 10:00 a.m. in November. Thus, you are great at leading campaigns and promotions. As you know, Leo is a royal sign; It is endowed with power. They have feline features and loud voices. Though they present with this sunny demeanor, this is just the first house talking. Leo: Leo ascending Their height tends to be average and their body is strong with regular legs. Generally favors the cooler hues such as navy, lavender, white, gray, blush pink, etc. Appearance One key trait that most Leo risings have is a strong, thick mane! Theyre always out here doing the most. They are pioneers and true revolutionaries. Whatever theyre into at the moment, everyone is going to know about it its part of their identity. Leo looks divine in extra-long trousers, exquisite hats, stylish vests, denim and velvet. But there were always those few people who wore their sun sign loud and proud and swore by the accuracy. The Pisces rising people are one of the most beautiful in the zodiac. The physical appearance of Leo ascendant or Leo rising man and woman will be of middling or average height and size. They are generally extroverted with a great sense of humor! They have stiff hair on the eyebrows and chest. Their metal is gold, and their jewellery is always expensive looking. With their sun sign representing the ego, personality, motivations, and core self on display on the ascendant, Leo risings are some of the most authentic people youll ever meet. The Leo Ascendant natives have slightly feline features. Thats why Leo risings get along so well with fire Venus signs, according to Mesa. The legs are beautiful, with weak ankles. The face is shaped square. Its surface-level presentation. A Virgo Sun Leo rising person is very likely to be doing something they are really good at like creating, designing, or organizing. Librans with Leo on the ascendant are more flamboyant and demonstrative than the other Zodiac signs. There are types with darker honey-colored eyes. They are quite courageous and have a natural sense of dignity that helps ground them during particularly challenging moments. They strive to be the centre of attention and dream of honours, respect and prestige. Leo rising empowers you to stick to your tried and tested beliefs. They are loyal and compassionate but can be stubborn about their own views on others. Their noses are typically rounded at the top. Needless to say, its not easy for ordinary-looking folks to catch your eye. I never understood why people said I looked like a cat until I started to learn about astrology. Just as a person gets their sun sign based on which zodiac the sun was in when they were born, the rising sign is also determined by the happenings of signs at your moment of birth. Ascendant of Leo Leo's are characterized by their warmth, generosity and desire to understand others. Of course, much of their personality and impression is heavily influenced by their sun sign a Leo rising-Leo sun will be a whole different breed than a Leo rising-Virgo sun, for example. Just as the lion is King, so is a Leo ascendant the leader and showman of the zodiac. However, it can also describe the face you put on for the world; your physical features, your body shape and even the way you express your emotions on the surface. But perseverance, faith in ones strengths, and uniqueness help people of this sign to rise to their feet, get stronger, and always go forward with their heads held high. Wherever they go, others flock to them for the show. They are also very stubborn because they want to get their way and love to achieve that through hard work and perseverance. They're frequently broad through both hips and shoulders - males and females alike with strong, shapely legs. They give off a hippie vibe that exudes love, affection, warmth, and peace. Are you wondering what Leo Rising Appearance looks like and how to style it? The Cancer Sun Leo rising personality is very generous and giving of themselves, which touches people in a special way. As a fire sign, you are willing to take up leadership roles but you should be aware of your tendency to overdo it and get too stressed out. They will have Oval full face, fair or clear complexion, broad shoulders, fantastic wide eyes with gleeful appearance . Taurus Sun Leo rising sign people are kind and warm-hearted. The rising sign, or first house, is something of a monarch when it comes to your natal chart. They are full of dignity, vitality, and confidence, but sometimes harsh in communication. Fire likes to be in control of their life and schedule, so social events are attended with intention. These people are usually a perfect blend of the best qualities associated with Libra and Leo. You jump into the action with both feet and wear your heart on your sleeve, showing how you feel to others at all times. The ascendant changes zodiac signs about every two hours. They are reliable and persevering as they like to focus on a project long enough to see it through. Their fashion sense is bold and eye-catching. These individuals are completely attuned to how they present themselves, as well as how others could possibly perceive them. They resonate a general sense of classiness. Taurus is earth sign, meaning you are grounded and solid. The appearance, physique and character of the people of this Rising Sign are greatly influenced by its ruler, the Sun. This one calls the shots and determines a lot about you: how you interact with the world, how youre perceived, your basic instincts, and even your physical appearance all fall under this domain. In relationships, this individual will always take the initiative by planning dates, events or vacations. These are vivacious and bold individuals who live in the moment. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. However, they are always on edge, at the risk of overdoing it and looking a little too much. They are sensitive, caring and nurturing. They are generous in their philosophy but thrifty in their personal habits. The features are fine and seem cut with a chisel, with deep-set and serious eyes. If they dont have a passion for it, theyre not about it. While Leo risings do dress up for themselves, they might put in a little extra effort to play up their stunning good looks if theyre trying to strike an impression. Overall, this sign gains much from being born under Leo rising. This is because of their facial features. Above all else, this person values harmony in situations and surroundings. Single. The Taurus Rising person is soft-spoken, reserved, and traditional. The look is straight. They typically have reddish hair or complexation. You tend to have friendly eyes and an open demeanor that encourages trust. This confidence sometimes freaks people out, says Witt. Warm and outgoing, they can easily attract the adoration of the opposite sex. But friendly and radiant (often wrinkles in the corners of the eyes). This hey, look at me vibe is what Leo ascendant people outwardly express whether they mean to or not. As a Sagittarius Sun Leo rising, you are honest and are willing to take risks. However, the rising sign is determined by which zodiac is rising over the eastern horizon at birth. Leo knows well who he is and wants other people to recognise this. Before astrology really popped off in the mainstream and knowing your Big Three like its your SSN (and that of your besties, entire family, crush, dog, and crushs dog) was the norm, the sun sign was about as deep as most people really got into their birth charts. They definitely want you to come to whatever it is they're good at, whether it's a performance or a poetry slam whatever to like they do they want you to see them thrive, Witt explains. The Aquarius Sun Leo Rising Sign is one of the most mercurial and the most interesting personalities among the 12 zodiac sun sign. They strive for power and a high position, but they try to reach their goal righteously. They're so interesting to watch because the sun is the planet that literally gives life, Witt continues. Being the first sign, you lead the cavalry. This is especially true for those closest to the family, friends, relatives. Dynamic, positive, bubbly and funny, you have immense confidence in yourself and do everything possible to succeed. To make matters even more . In career and destiny, you learn how to find stability and comfort (Taurus 10th House). The strength and royalty of Leo are also manifested physically. Leo Ascendant Personality Traits. Everything about you is fixated on balance; so much so that you can tip the scales in either direction depending upon how your two sides mesh in any given conflict. What you. It represents who you are, but not your potential! As well-meaning idealists, those with Pisces rising like to be of service to their fellow man, however . They can be as intense as they are thoughtful, and have a point of view that is not afraid to spark debate or upset the status quo. Just as the ladies, focused and serious eyes are . A capricorn ascendant woman is usually short with a large head.These ladies have a smaller body frame. This is only one of the many manifestations of your extreme loyalty. The Virgo sun Leo rising sign is the ambitious, go-getter of the zodiac. In relationships, you attract unique partners. Their sense of humor is a natural ability, as well, as they can be extremely witty, fun, sarcastic but, at the same time, are very serious individuals as well. She's the perfect example of that they're just natural performers. Because legacy and family are so integral to Leo risings, they may also continue a family business or find work that has ties to a family situation. Their glassy eyes look quite serious and focused.. A Capricorn ascendant man: Men who are Capricorn ascendants have a hairy chest. Their desire to achieve success can lead them to be considered workaholics. The Gemini Sun Leo rising resident is charming and clever. Unlike your Sun sign, which relates to your core personality, and your Moon sign, which relates to your inner thoughts and feelings, your Rising sign is all about how you appear on the surface. Those with an Aries sun were born between approximately March 21st and April 19th. Libra risings have a long forehead which gives them an intelligent appearance as well as a strong sense of intuition. [Leo risings] give off very strong energy, she continues. What does having a Leo rising sign mean? Their fashion sense is bold and eye-catching. Related Article: 10 Mercury in Leo Man Traits. Leo also lives in the realm of children, romance, creativity, and performance giving this ascendant sign a flare for the dramatics in a youthful, playful way. Face 2: Baby-faced, round with soft skin, a wide mouth, and a charming grin; eyes are usually round. The sun is the center of the solar system its pretty hard to miss. As Witt put it, Your ascendant is the most important placement in the birth chart., As a fixed fire sign ruled by the sun and represented by the lion, having Leo on the ascendant bestows a bright, big personality. These women are glamorous and have good posture. For example, if your birthday is between July 22 and August 22, you have a Leo sun. They remain very in touch with their identity as an individual and are not easily influenced by others.