The letter Z shown in the marking code for composite IBCs must be replaced with a capital code letter designation found in 178.702(a)(2) of this subchapter to specify the material used for the other packaging. 46 This material must be packed in accordance with packing method OP6 (see 173.225 of this subchapter). Shipments made in accordance with this Special provision are excepted from the requirements of 173.60(b)(4) of this subchapter. 56 A means to interrupt and prevent detonation of the detonator from initiating the detonating cord must be installed between each electric detonator and the detonating cord ends of the jet perforating guns before the charged jet perforating guns are offered for transportation. Multiple provisions can be listed in this column. N88 Any metal part of a UN pressure receptacle in contact with the contents may not contain more than 65% copper, with a tolerance of 1%. Alternatively, the item itself may be used as a packaging if it meets the general packaging requirements of subparts A and B of part 173 of this subchapter. Test of type 3(c) is not required. Each empty bottle must have a minimum weight of not less than 140 grams and a minimum wall thickness of not less than 0.020 inch (0.508 mm). (v) UN and IM portable tank codes/special provisions. 441 For marine pollutants transported under UN3077, Environmentally hazardous substance, solid, n.o.s. or UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. and for purposes of shipping paper and package marking requirements, the technical name used in association with the basic description may be a proper shipping name listed in the 172.101 Hazardous Material Table; provided that the name chosen is not also an entry that includes n.o.s. as a part of the name or one that has a G in column (1) of the table. (3) B codes. (iii) T50 When portable tank instruction T50 is indicated in Column (7) of the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table, the applicable liquefied compressed gas and chemical under pressure descriptions are authorized to be transported in portable tanks in accordance with the requirements of 173.313 of this subchapter. No outage is required for helium. 145 This entry applies to formulations that neither detonate in the cavitated state nor deflagrate in laboratory testing, show no effect when heated under confinement, exhibit no explosive power, and are thermally stable (self-accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT) at 60 C (140 F) or higher for a 50 kg (110.2 lbs.) 78 This entry may not be used to describe compressed air which contains more than 23.5 percent oxygen. This includes vehicles transported in a packaging. d. The proper shipping name Printing ink related material may be used for consignments of packages containing Printing ink and Printing ink related material in the same package. 149 When transported as a limited quantity or a consumer commodity, the maximum net capacity specified in 173.150(b)(2) of this subchapter for inner packagings may be increased to 5 L (1.3 gallons). The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. Except for transportation by aircraft, as an inner packaging of a combination packaging with a maximum net mass of 40 kg (88 pounds). The caps must not contain more than an average of twenty-five hundredths of a grain of explosive composition per cap; c. The caps must be packed inside packagings constructed of cardboard not less than 0.013-inch in thickness, metal not less than 0.008-inch in thickness, non-combustible plastic not less than 0.015-inch in thickness, or a composite blister package consisting of cardboard not less than 0.013-inch in thickness and non-combustible plastic not less than 0.005-inch in thickness that completely encloses the caps; d. The minimum dimensions of each side and each end of the cardboard packaging must be 1/8th inch in height or more; e. The number of caps inside each packaging must be limited so that not more than 10 grains of explosives composition may be packed into one cubic inch of space, and not more than 17.5 grains of the explosive composition of toy caps may be packed in any inner packaging; f. Inner packagings must be packed in outer packagings meeting PG II performance criteria; g. Toy caps may be packed with non-explosive or non-flammable articles provided the outer packagings are marked as prescribed in this paragraph; h. Toy paper caps of any kind must not be packed in the same packaging with fireworks; i. Column 5 references applicable requirements for bottom openings in part 178 of this subchapter. 2 This material is poisonous by inhalation (see 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard Zone B (see 173.116(a) or 173.133(a) of this subchapter), and must be described as an inhalation hazard under the provisions of this subchapter. Wooden boxes must be completely lined with a suitable material impervious to water and nitroglycerin. B135 For Large Packagings offered for transport by vessel, flexible or fibre inner packagings shall be hermetically sealed. FAR). Except for transportation by aircraft, in palletized loads, a pallet box or unit load device (e.g. This may be fulfilled by an additional locking device linked to the activator; (4) Each article must be manufactured in such a way as to prevent hazardous projections of the pressure receptacle or parts of the pressure receptacle; (5) Each pressure receptacle must be manufactured from material which will not fragment upon rupture; (6) The design type of the article must be subjected to a fire test. 59 Ferrocerium, stabilized against corrosion, with a minimum iron content of 10 percent is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. These detectors must have a minimum burst pressure of 1800 kPa as demonstrated by design type qualification testing; and. 386 When transported by private motor carrier only, the following corrosive liquids may be packaged in polyethylene bottles with a capacity no greater than 3.785 L (one gallon), further packed inside an open-top, heavy wall, high density polyethylene box (i.e., crate) in a manner that the polyethylene bottles are not subjected to any superimposed weight, and the boxes must be reasonably secured against shifting within the transport vehicle and loaded so as to minimize the possibility of coming in contact with other lading: Compounds, cleaning liquid, NA1760, PG II or III; Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s., UN3264, PG II; Corrosive liquid, acidic, organic, n.o.s., UN3265, PG III; Corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s., UN3266, PG II; Hydrochloric acid solution, UN1789, PG II; and. The material is packaged in a DOT Specification 4BW240 cylinder, or in a DOT-51 portable tank. 156 Asbestos that is immersed or fixed in a natural or artificial binder material, such as cement, plastic, asphalt, resins or mineral ore, or contained in manufactured products is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. B69 Dry sodium cyanide or potassium cyanide may be shipped in the following sift-proof and weather-resistant packagings: metal covered hopper cars, covered motor vehicles, portable tanks, or non-specification bins. 144 If transported as a residue in an underground storage tank (UST), as defined in 40 CFR 280.12, that has been cleaned and purged or rendered inert according to the American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 1604 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), then the tank and this material are not subject to any other requirements of this subchapter. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. learn more about the process here. 118 This substance may not be transported under the provisions of Division 4.1 unless specifically authorized by the Associate Administrator (see UN0143 or UN0150 as appropriate). The quantities of hazardous materials do not exceed those specified in 173.4a of this subchapter; and. N86 UN pressure receptacles made of aluminum alloy are not authorized. 384 For green graphite electrodes and shapes that are large single component solid objects not subject to shifting, transport in open rail flat cars, open bed motor vehicles, and intermodal containers is also authorized. Each radiation detector must meet the following conditions: (1) The pressure in each neutron radiation detector must not exceed 105 kPa absolute at 20 C (68 F); (2) The amount of gas must not exceed 13 grams (0.45 ounces) per detector; and, (3) Each neutron radiation detector must be of welded metal construction with brazed metal to ceramic feed through assemblies. (ii) The following table specifies the portable tank requirements applicable to T Codes T1 through T22. Outage must be at least 5 percent at 98 C (208 F). When Column 7 refers to a special provision for a hazardous material, the meaning and requirements of that special provision are as set forth in 172.102 of this subpart. The unintended errors are summarized below. The cylinder must be transported in a closed motor vehicle displaying FLAMMABLE GAS placards in accordance with subpart F of part 172 of this subchapter. The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow A105 a. information or personal data. 107 The classification of the substance is expected to vary especially with the particle size and packaging but the border lines have not been experimentally determined; appropriate classifications should be verified following the test procedures in 173.57 and 173.58 of this subchapter. 168 For lighters containing a Division 2.1 gas (see 171.8 of this subchapter), representative samples of each new lighter design must be examined and successfully tested as specified in 173.308(b)(3). c. The motor carrier must maintain a satisfactory safety rating as prescribed in 49 CFR part 385. The material may only be loaded with Class 3, Class 8, and Division 4.1 materials in Packing Group II or III. (ii) One bottle for every two hours of production, or for every 2,500 bottles produced, must be tested by dropping a bottle filled to 98 percent capacity with water from a height of 1.2 meters (3.9 feet) onto solid concrete directly on the closure. B80 Each cargo tank must have a minimum design pressure of 276 kPa (40 psig). If not impact resistant, the outer packaging should not be used as the sole means of protecting the battery terminals from damage or short circuiting. A bulk packaging containing sulfur is not subject to the placarding requirements of subpart F of this part, if it is marked with the appropriate identification number as required by subpart D of this part. The article, machinery, or apparatus, if unpackaged, or the packaging in which it is contained shall be marked Dangerous goods in articles or Dangerous goods in machinery or Dangerous goods in apparatus as appropriate, with the identification number UN3363. 81 Polychlorinated biphenyl items, as defined in 40 CFR 761.3, for which specification packagings are impractical, may be packaged in non-specification packagings meeting the general packaging requirements of subparts A and B of part 173 of this subchapter. d. In addition to the training requirements prescribed in 172.700 through 172.704, each driver must be trained regarding the properties and hazards of diatomaceous earth filter material, precautions to ensure safe transport of the material, and actions to be taken in the event of an emergency during transportation, or a substantial delay in transit. 62 Oxygen generators (see 171.8 of this subchapter) are not authorized for transportation under this entry. B67 All valves and fittings must be protected by a securely attached cover made of metal not subject to deterioration by the lading, and all valve openings, except safety valve, must be fitted with screw plugs or caps to prevent leakage in the event of valve failure. When chemical stabilization is employed, the person offering the material for transport shall ensure that the level of stabilization is sufficient to prevent the material as packaged from dangerous polymerization at 50 C (122 F). Essentially, such SSolder complies with RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) regulations. See UN1210, UN1263, UN1266, UN3066, UN3469, and UN3470. Portable tanks containing solidified methacrylic acid must not be reheated during transportation. (You can unsubscribe anytime), Learn More About USDOT/HazMat Transportation, generalpackaging requirements of173.24, Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Regulations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. N90 Metal packagings are not authorized. A rocket motor to be considered nonpropulsive must be capable of unrestrained burning and must not appreciably move in any direction when ignited by any means. Unfortunately, the amendments to the table entries for various hazardous materials introduced new unintended errors that PHMSA is correcting in this notice. A11 For combination packagings, when metal inner packagings are permitted, only specification cylinders constructed of metals which are compatible with the hazardous material may be used. 130 Batteries, dry, sealed, n.o.s., commonly referred to as dry batteries, are hermetically sealed and generally utilize metals (other than lead) and/or carbon as electrodes. B13 A nonspecification cargo tank motor vehicle authorized in 173.247 of this subchapter must be at least equivalent in design and in construction to a DOT 406 cargo tank or MC 306 cargo tank (if constructed before August 31, 1995), except as follows: a. Packagings equivalent to MC 306 cargo tanks are excepted from the certification, venting, and emergency flow requirements of the MC 306 specification. quantity (RQ)", contains the reportable quantity (RQ), in pounds and kilograms, for each hazardous substance listed in Column 1 of TABLE 1. An installed inflation cylinder that requires recharging must be filled in accordance with 173.301(l). The adsorbent or absorbent material shall not meet the definition or criteria for inclusion in Classes 1 to 8; c. The maximum contents of a receptacle shall be 10 kg of ammonia; and. Column 4 specifies the applicability of 178.275(g)(3) of this subchapter for the pressure relief devices. 15, 1976, unless otherwise noted. The presence of a Class 8 hazard must be communicated as required by this part for subsidiary hazards. Other inorganic nitrate salts may replace part of the ammonium nitrate. These provisions apply only to bulk packagings. e. When transported by highway, rail, vessel, or as cargo on an aircraft, neutron radiation detectors containing not more than 1 gram of boron trifluoride, including those with solder glass joints are not subject to any other requirements of this subchapter provided they meet the requirements in paragraph a of this special provision and are packed in accordance with paragraph b of this special provision. For all modes of transportation, a written report submitted, retained, and updated in accordance with 171.16 is required if a fire, violent rupture, explosion or dangerous evolution of heat occurs as a direct result of a dry battery or battery-powered device. Net weight of contents in wooden boxes, barrels or kegs may not exceed 45 kg (99 pounds). Specifically, you seek clarification on the implementation of special provision IP15which is listed in Column 7 of the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table (HMT)as it applies when this material is packaged in a composite intermediate bulk container (IBC) with a rigid inner receptacle. developer resources. Flexible IBCs must be sift-proof and water-resistant or must be fitted with a sift-proof and water-resistant liner. B90 Steel tanks conforming or equivalent to ASME specifications which contain solid or semisolid residual motor fuel antiknock mixture (including rust, scale, or other contaminants) may be shipped by rail freight or highway. Rigid plastics: 11H1, 11H2, 21H1 and 21H2, c. Composite with plastic inner receptacle: 11HZ1, 11HZ2, 21HZ1 and 21HZ2, e. Wooden: 11C, 11D and 11F (with inner liners). The means of protection must be approved by the approval agency designated to approve the portable tank in accordance with the procedures in part 107, subpart E, of this subchapter. 147 This entry applies to non-sensitized emulsions, suspensions, and gels consisting primarily of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel, intended to produce a Type E blasting explosive only after further processing prior to use. formatting. 44 The formulation must be prepared so that it remains homogenous and does not separate during transport. b. full text search results (7) Special Provisions (172.102) IB8, IP2, IP4 Hazardous materials necessary for the safe and proper operation of the cargo transport unit (e.g., fire extinguishing systems and air conditioning systems), must be properly secured to or installed in the cargo transport unit and are not otherwise subject to this subchapter. Thickness of stainless steel for tank shell and heads for cargo tanks and portable tanks must be the greater of 7.62 mm (0.300 inch) or the thickness required for a tank with a design pressure at least equal to 1.5 times the vapor pressure of the lading at 46 C (115 F). If a package contains both lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries packed with and contained in equipment, the package must be marked as required for both battery types. (4) Each detector must be tested to a 1 1010 cm3/s leaktightness standard before filling. metal other than steel or aluminum (50N). 383 For transportation by motor vehicle, substances meeting the conditions for high viscosity flammable liquids as prescribed in 173.121(b)(1)(i), (b)(1)(ii), and (b)(1)(iv) of this subchapter, may be reassigned to Packing Group III under the following conditions: a. The requirements of 172.203(m) and 172.505 of this subchapter do not apply. B46 The detachable protective housing for the loading and unloading valves of multi-unit tank car tanks must withstand tank test pressure and must be approved by the Associate Administrator. The chemical under pressure must be classed based on the hazard characteristics of the components in the propellant; the liquid; or the solid. 151 If this material meets the definition of a flammable liquid in 173.120 of this subchapter, a FLAMMABLE LIQUID label is also required and the basic description on the shipping paper must indicate the Class 3 subsidiary hazard. When transported by vessel, flexible, fiberboard or wooden IBCs must be sift-proof and water-resistant or be fitted with a sift-proof and water-resistant liner. A30 Ammonium permanganate is not authorized for transportation on aircraft. 4 This material is poisonous by inhalation (see 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard Zone D (see 173.116(a) of this subchapter), and must be described as an inhalation hazard under the provisions of this subchapter. Comments or questions about document content can not be answered by OFR staff. (7) A code containing the letter T refers to a special provision which applies only to transportation in UN or IM Specification portable tanks. They will appear as a list of codes that are defined in 172.102 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (v) The box must be constructed from high-density polyethylene in the density range 0.950-0.962, and be capable of holding liquid when in the upright position. The total mass of lithium batteries contained in any package must not exceed the quantity limits in columns (9A) and (9B) for passenger aircraft or cargo aircraft, as applicable; b. Lead-free Solder Figure 3: Engineer soldering a microcircuit Note, Tin here is the primary metal. authorized by name in the Hazardous Materials Table or have been specifically authorized by name either in the Section 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table or have been assigned a shipping name and hazard class by the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety. TP5 For a portable tank used for the transport of flammable refrigerated liquefied gases or refrigerated liquefied oxygen, the maximum rate at which the portable tank may be filled must not exceed the liquid flow capacity of the primary pressure relief system rated at a pressure not exceeding 120 percent of the portable tank's design pressure. Symbols, if used, must be registered with the Associate Administrator. When IBCs other than metal or rigid plastics IBCs are used, they must be offered for transportation in a closed freight container or a closed transport vehicle. This training must be documented in training records required by 172.704(d). 368 In the case of non-fissile or fissile-excepted uranium hexafluoride, the material must be classified under UN3507 or UN2978. When Column 7 refers to a special provision for a hazardous material, the meaning and requirements of that special provision are as set forth in 172.102 of this subpart.