Specifically, I have a max equip load of 52. Maybe you could add the total equip burden to the calculation above? Didnt see anyone else with that info so now its out there. = enabled | = disabled | = set partially enabled Show Armor List Armor Optimizer original By ispohr, edited with permission Weapon matchmaking - find. Lothric knight sword weighs 4 but when I equip it weighs 7.5 I dont understand, I basically don't feel a difference between light and medium but in ds1 it was really apparent. So does anyone here have a Link to a Build Calculator that ACTUALLY works? That is what the calamity ring does. The patch also changed how the different burden loads were calculated. The heavier an item is, the more it encumbers the player. See the. Max equip load starts at 50 with 10 points in endurance and goes up by each point put in, so 1 end = 1 max equip load. It would be convenient and interesting to type in what kind of damage or defense you want, and then be able to see if it's worth it, or even possible before level 713. It doesn't seem to be as discreet as the table says. And if I use havel's ring will I move fast or slow? Equip Load applies to all types of worn items, such as weapons, armor and shields. I would like to help people out on boss fights. Movement slows as the Equip Load percentage rises. Bonuses to Maximum Equipment Load are always cumulative, meaning the percentage influences the total Maximum Equip Load, including any items increasing it already equipped. Is a little underwhelming having to spend points in a garbage stat just to have more equip load. Select bow and crossbow to view arrow attack and bolt attack. Ammunition, consumable items and rings do not count against Equip Load. Considering Havel's armor is quite heavy, you might need to make some changes. Equip weight equal to and below 25% of Equip Burden gives fast movement. You can also use this link to share the build. Tip: No shame in cheesing him. For the record "Fat Rolling" is over 70.0 "Fast Rolling" is under 30.0 the normal is just "Rolling", the over 100.0 "rolling" is "Overburdened" and is to be avoided at all costs this has been the general consisus throughout as DS games. The SCT must suck, no wonder you tell people to get the heater shield. You will not lose as much defense as you would think at below 30% EL. Equip Load can also be increased by utilizing some items: The items stack multiplicative, for a total of 89% increase to Equip Load when all three are worn (150% * 120% * 105% = 189%). Equip weight limit gained per Endurance stat: 1 -> 0. For more information, please see our Wanted to learn movements of enemies, get better and better, and then use my instincts to beat them.Then, after I FINALLY defeated the nameless king, I wanted to check out that shiny dragon slayer armor in the area piece by piece. Encumbrance Level and armor also affects the speed of your stamina regeneration. If you have a 31.3 equip load, your max equip burden amount to do a "medium regular roll" would need to be at the least 62.6. I see that your still working on the thing, and well done so far. Also, I was summoned as a mad spirit in the gael final place. You can fast roll at up to 25% load Medium roll up to 50% Fat roll is closer to 100 Anything above 100 you can't roll at all, and can only walk not even slowly jog Endurance is what increases your load carrying capacity. No reason to be calling people idiots we are all gamers here and no one should be afraid to ask something. There are four rolling and walking speeds, depending on the character's weight class. Can someone explain why my equipment weight doubled when equipped ex. Makes you think more which is fun to me. The most weight you could have while fast rolling is 53.59 (99 Vitality, RoF+3, Havel's+3), So I did a bit of research today at High Wall of Lothric.I tested 29.6 %, 30.4 % and 52.6 % equip load.29.6% goes approximately 1.5 rolls further than 30.4% on 8 consecutive rolls.No big difference was seen between 30.4% and 52.6%.I would like to thank my w key for giving me a consistent rolling direction.Hope this info helps :). Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Append content without editing the whole page source. It's not explained anywhere. Before when your equip weight. I'm not quite sure: Does the covered Distance of the roll scales gradually with the equip ratio or is the covered distance the same for each state?In other words: Is there any difference in mobility if I got 30,1% oder 69,9% equip ratio? Known issues as of May 23rd 2018: Some weapons (like Claymore) are not scaling correctly. That being said 13 I frames over less time makes it even easier to dodge because you have the same frames over less time. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. See pages that link to and include this page. MotF is Mask of the Father, RoFaP is Ring of Favor and Protection, and H'sR is Havel's Ring. Whats the difference in movement speed between light load and medium load? Weight class value (Equipped Weight/Equip Load) can be taken as a percentage. Lucatiel's Mask, Alva Armor, Pontiff Knight gauntlets, and the black leggings (of course). Stamina regeneration is also affected by the Equip Load percentage, though the change is quite negligible. This value is always exactly half ofyour maximum equipment load. https://wiki.speedsouls.com/index.php?title=darksouls:Meme_Roll&oldid=14305. Just thought after some while "Hey, quite immersive game! Help ? Nearest tenth? Somewhere I found it's 30, is that correct? You get the improved roll at %25 equip load or less, not %30. English; dark souls 2 soul level based on the online who share report him for a well crafted souls-like with. i.e. can someone explain this to me in english; how do i lower the percentage. When 70% is reached, the player's roll will become shorter, slower, and with higher ending lag. Crazy, I could easily make a gap with the gank, i was at the other side of the map by Rolling, and them just at the middle! that's wrong, i just tested ; 30.0% or less is the FASTEST roll state than is correct. The heavier an item is, the more it encumbers the player. I spend almost the entire game with far less powerful gear than I could carry! Contrary to what many DS3 players believe, poise is very important in PVP when using most weapons. Lol am I trippin here?? Because i had 60 equip load then i put the ring on and it went to 90. Damn some of you jackasses are mean. Watch out for mimics and get Havel's armor set.Step 5: Equip Havel's chest plate. More importantly, I had a question about equipment load in Dark Souls 1 / Dark Souls Remastered. My equip load changed in a way that makes no sense. The weights are simply added together. Long may the sun shine! A whole page, and not a single mention about WHICH STAT AFFECT THE EQUIP LOAD??? Find out what you can do. To illustrate, thehighest value in each cell is the medium roll maximum breakpoint: havingan equipment load heavier than the specified load amount will result in heavy encumbrance ("fatrolling"). In PVP, this can be a major advantage. I just started this game and I have played dark souls 2 and 3 in the past but what i dont understand is that every new equipment i get makes me slower and i have put a decent amount of points into endurance to have a higher equip load in other dark souls it fixes the problem but if i just add a small upgrade like from a 3.7 load chest piece to a 4.7 chest piece it makes me noticeably slower am i upgrading wrong or does picking wanderer as starting class change anything? At the beginning, its difficult to get used, to the lack of poise and lower defense absorption. Spell tool must be selected in left (for magic weapon) or right (for magic shield) hand. The bonuses of the rings stack. Depending on your current Weight Ratio, your character's mobility changes as follows: *Please see the Stamina page for stamina regeneration information. Think that should be added somewhere, since it is technically the limit 1 idea i like about ds1. Has this happened to anyone before where you have some equipment load even if you have absolutely nothing equipped? These terms describes the actual velocity of the player character, and not the duration of the roll itself. Okay ,I might be stupid but my equip load percentage is literally 26% and im fatrolling.When its below 25% thats what i consider medium roll,Or is that different from DS3 ? Alright so I'm pretty new to this subreddit and everywhere I look it says: Equip weight equal to or less than 100% and above 50% of Equip Burden gives slow movement, and causes the player to 'fat roll'. Needs fix. Is this right? So, I'm doing an 8.3% equip load barbarian build with a Great Club, Hollow Soldier Waistcloth, Ring of Favor and Protection, and Havel's Ring. At 87 vitality. Should be added that occasionally you can fast roll at 30.0% and 70.0% flat if the float values are being nice to you. Equip Load Equip Load in Dark Souls , also known as Equip Burden, is a game mechanic that controls the impact of the total weight carried on movement speed, rolling and Stamina regeneration. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Kill Havel inside. The biggest factor to consider when leveling vitality over vigor is at what vitality can you wear armor that gets you to 30 poise. Once started there is no window to delay the next roll, so your timing can only be influenced by starting your initial roll further away or closer to the edge in order to play out more of the first animation before you actually start falling. Your character's current and maximum Equipment Load is shown as a fraction on many screens. I can't find it anywhere, but it would be useful to have it. refresh. Maximum Equip Load is determined by the Vitality stat and determines how greatly the weight of the currently equipped weapon and armor affect movement and roll speed. Regular roll includes 70% equip load. At 36.5, I roll very slowly. Equip load effects roll speed (above or below 70% for fast/fat rolling), roll distance, stamina recove. If you are a more experienced player and are using a weapon with long reach that doesn't benefit too much from poise (such as a katana, for example), it's definitely something to consider. Tooltips show more accurate values of defence. in my testing i get the same distance with 30.0% and only when i go over 30.0% i get medium rolls. Is there any way someone could test stealth/movement noise when walking up on enemies from behind, and give some figures. if youve played other fromsoft games before ds1. wait, so is it equipment load or weight ratio that needs to be under 70?? DARK SOULS: REMASTERED > General Discussions > Topic Details. It has to meet some requirements, but those are not really important rn. By setting up your equipped items in order to fall within a certain percentage range of your maximum equip load, one can simply roll off of an edge and continue rolling in midair until you reach the ground. One instance where a lower actual value is useful is the Mask of the Father, which should multiply your maximum load by 1.05, but actually multiplies it by 1.0499999523162841796875, thus bringing the 25% mark slightly lower than it should be, and allowing you to hit the target weight by aiming for where 25% would have been without the error. Being below 30% EL does NOT increase the number of invincibility frames you have while rolling, nor does it make you run faster. Acording the sorcerer s guide, int should be at 24, why is on 8 and faith all the way up? It is not easy for women to find a good man, and to be honest it is not easy for a man to find a good woman. https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Equip+Load Equip Load - Dark Souls Dark Souls Wiki To calculate weight %, try: https://www.mugenmonkey.com/darksouls MugenMonkey www.mugenmonkey.com (edited by Light 086) 0 Delaying the plunge as much as possible will both allow you a small amount of stamina regeneration, and reduce the number of meme rolls required. Having below 30%, and you run slightly faster than 30.01%-69.99%, So as far as the difference in distance between 29 and 30, after testing I have determined that 4 29% rolls cover about the same distance as 5 30% rolls. I didnt change any armour or other weapons and I even upgraded my endurance to compensate for the increased weight. I just used this to try and see what build would have the higher Damage output (I have two themed Characters and wanted to see which one would be better for a Co-Op run with a friend) When i entered everything the Calculator said that the Right hand Weapon Damage should be 208 at an Occult +5 Composite bow. Didn't even use any shield a single time. Is it faster below 30? Is this just 3 phases, so that there is no difference between say 31% and 70%, or there are 3 different linear dependances of the roll distance with different slopes (like it was in DS2 i believe)? So it can be fun to assassin it around from range, and the straight sword is so good at that level. I was so confused, I didn't even know what happened. When talking about Equip Load a concept often used is Encumbrance or Encumbrance Level. There is somehing wrong with the calculator when i put 40 in strength, 40 in dexterity, 30 in faith and caestus at divine +10 upgrade the damage output is 6283 O_O. 1: Max length is 50 characters, minimum is 4 2: Please do not use your email or real name. Could anyone please retest this to make sure it didn't change during a patch? i tried searching weight but i just got this, and i don't mean like a full armor set, an individual weapon or armor piece. Do not choose the boulder pyromancy over havels ring. Hello, I was playing dark souls like normal a couple minutes ago, had a setup with which I fast rolled. Even if get my maximum load higher, fat roll is fixed in 70%? To save build, please sign in. Wish someone had developed a calculator for equip load so I could figure out my build before even starting the game, but it's nothing dedicated or whatever, so I can just improvise and toss in points as I need it. Anyone know if any other stat governs equip load? No Havel's ring. On the first floor of the castle proper, there's a unlit fireplace with an illusory wall behind it. The vast majority of builds should have both Prisoner's Chain and Ring of Favor +3 equipped at all times. There's your confusion. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. DO NOT. Should I keep equipment load under 70% to avoid the 20% stamina regeneration malus if I'm not rolling? This is all wrong. Neither didn't I notice it wasn't doing that right after the character creation and before I had found my first LK armor. They MAKE you fail. This also allows meme rolls to be substituted for plunges in many death camera setups. I haven't done the math (yet), but that list is definitely not complete. When 120% is reached, the player may only walk very slowly, as running is now impossible, and back-stepping or roll attempts will result in short stagger. In-game text is unchanged to make mod more simple. The walking animation changes after 70%, not 100%, the game will display rounded percentages. Cookie Notice I am starting to think the difference between light and medium rolls seems so minute and really not worth the crazy sacrifices in utility and defense you need to make for it. So i have 70.2/230.4 equip load right now, and i have a mid roll, is it possible to fast roll with 70 equip load? I don't seem to be getting fast rolls at exactly 30.0%, but I do at anything less.