Your partner is awesome. I hope you can find your path away from letting an extreme situation harden your heart to discovering what you were being taught about your own strength as a person and how loving requires, no demands, connectivity at the deepest level and that can test us. i am sorry, but i will NOT be financially responsible for this woman. Are Subscription Monitoring Apps Worth It? My mother made some really poor financial decisions, and squandered her life savings on some really bad business/personal investments that, to me, were red flagged from the get go.It wasnt entirely her fault she was incredibly naive but that was all of it, including the house, spent right before retirement age. You can love her without enabling her. but its also the stress of knowing that shes gotten herself into this situation and the rest of us are going to be bailing her out for probably the rest of her life. I do not argue with them about the poor decisions they make because it always turns into a guilt trip about how much she provides for the family. And one of our children is an adopted family member that my mother-in-law asked us to take in years ago, and because of that instead of having 15 yrs to pay off our own debts and free up some money before needing to help with kids in college, well be barely managing to help our daughter go to college in 6 yrs. One good solution is to set up a budget that allows each partner to have money that they can freely spend on personal things, gifts, hobbieswhatever he or she wishesbut said money has a monthly cap so that there can still be positive financial progress made. I envision i will have to support her someway, but I have a special needs child that will need that $$. The anger, frustration, and confusion comes my boyfriends family. I am 25 and I have been a homeowner for almost a year now . That is not your job. Be sincere and diplomatic. The truth is, a lot of people are irresponsible just because they expect someone to bail them out later. They borrowed and lost money from both sets of grandparents, an aunt, my dads brother, anyone who would extend a hand. He doesnt believe he is capable of anything other than construction. Just like parents have a responsibility to cut off their children when their children are using the parents as a financial safety net for their irresponsible financial choices. Their destiny, their choice, not your problem. I can relate. I have recently experienced my ungrateful parents living with me until recently my childish father finally moved out, in a very asshole way! But that house was nicer than any house my parents have owned and my dads a dean at a university. You get back what you put into your childern * what kind of parent would be selfish enough to just Only think of themselves & pull down their kids? To be clear, theres a difference between helping someone through a rough spot and feeling as if your generosity has opened a floodgate you need to close for the benefit of both parties. If you're uncomfortable or unwilling to give your family member cash, consider giving non-cash financial assistance, such as gift cards or gift certificates. ALWAYS look out for yourself first THEN figure out what to do with your parents. Maybe they need to pray harder because you pray and you dont seem to have their money problems. I wouldnt expect them to do it. Have a Conversation. What you can do about it: If you want to avoid years of uncomfortable family get-togethers, youve got two choices: You can simply refuse to lend money to family members no matter what. There is no one correct opinion or one size fits all course of action. With the combination of their high egos and prides, accustomed to carefree spending, and love to do more business, they will completely deplete their financial resources within two years. The parents demand they support them when living here or in Mexico . People are so shallow these days. Sometimes you feel all alone, and wrong for not wanting to help, but I have to take care of myself and my household. You notice a lot of envelopes from Chase or Bank of America in their apartment. My fathers mobile home, bought only a few years back for $45K was sold by him for $12K because he would no longer live there because his girlfriend was not allowed. Dont feel guilty about that. They lease cars and trade them frequently. I am 53 Y.O. In laws are even worse off and have asked us for money several times. His son has his own wife and family. I will have to tell them to move in with her, since they paid for half her house anyways. They can visit anytime. My mother wants to stop working, and both of them want to move in with me. If you suspect financial abuse, call the the Adult Protective Services Hotline at 1-800-677-1116. Once the recession hit they stopped helping me financially and were in trouble of losing their home and filing for bankruptcy. So, I started limiting that stake. Youd like to help, but youre a little concerned about getting your money back. I cant fix everything for them, nor should I be expected to. Family finances Family members tend to have some degree of financial overlap. Lucky, she still own a house with him and she asked me for $50 bucks on and off now. and go to Walmart and get a damn job. They had to make it big, roll the dice.with no regard for their children and no thought for how things would be if they didnt make it big. If you suspect a family member is doing this to you, you can get help from someone in your community. I dont know what to do or say to her. I have never asked them for anything, not even when i was a single parent who became stuck with my ex husbands debt that i didnt even know about. Im glad your parents are financially stable, but stop and think of the others that did not grow up in the same financial situation as you did. Until you are in the situation and everyones circumstances are different, you do not know what you will do. When the wife is sick, the elderly woman feeds the sick friend. We have had two businesses together. Pretty straight forward to me. He can be reached at So to answer the question will i help out my irresponsible parents NO.better yet HELL NO!!!! This post gave me pause. There is not a person on the planet who gets through the time we spend here without a story. He and the new wife bought TWO condos, ripped out walls, put in a new front door (in a condo building!) Were saving for our future to not burden them. You'll have more control over. They made the ill-advised and regrettable decision to have children even though they were not mentally or fiscally equipped to deal with these challenges. youd have to be frickin nuts. Meh. BTW, the irresponsible one is also physically unhealthy and the opposite is true for the responsible one. There are help programs for those who have gambling problems, my mother on the other hand is 66 years old and has been on disability since her early 50s. First off, as a tail end boomer I think financial irresponsibility goes way beyond generational groups. For example, would you foot the bill to house your parents while they were still capable earning money if it meant that you wouldnt be able to save for your childs education and your own retirement? How did your parents handle it when you did something stupid? any suggestions to get her out of my house and into her own bc once she is out I am done until she is physically disabled not just mentally unstable. I resent my parents selfishly imposing their retirement on me, setting my own retirement back 15+ years. Very helpful and it makes me feel better to know Im not alone. Care of her fate because they were close, but now she is saying she doesnt have time. 2. Id be really surprised if my mother had 250.00 in savings. The worst part is, she moved in with us under the premise that she would pay 1/4 of the utilities and 250.00 in rent (super minimal amount). Let me tell u, that shit hurts 2 the core of ur soul! So i dont feel bad if i cant give her my grown up paper route money certain months. This is something Ive thought about quite often recently. Please speak to a professional who can walk you through the steps of dealing with an addict. Hi there, Im a little too concise to get more than 15 pages from my lifeI like bullet points too much :). In tough economic times, many families lose their jobs, homes, cars, retirement accounts, belongings, savings, health insurance, and more. Her tree trunk never thickened to bear the winds of life. In the meantime my mother has chosen to buy a camper to live in Palm Springs, she goes to a gym almost everyday, and to the library. I cried all day yesterday, cried myself 2 sleep, n woke up crying again! I wouldnt wish this situation on anyone! I feel like my parents have done ok saving, but question whether my wifes parents have made the same choice. No one should give up personal responsibility as that behavior actually brings us each personal joy/happiness, but to conclude from your experience that a strong island is what you and all of us should be is to now cause yourself more pain. I dont have a responsibility to let him mooch off of me for the rest of his life. Ungrateful for being brought up by a parent that elected to have you or married into your family? Our combined paychecks from 3 seperate jobs have barely made enough to scratch by in the luxury apartments that we live in. They handed out money to family friends at an alarming rate, and even made great new friends who would contact them seeking financial help. They have exactly 0$ in savings and live off of their government pensions. I try not to blame them but do find myself wondering why, when we have been so destitute throughout our lives did my mom not work? 7 Strategies to Deal With Difficult Family Members Once you have a compromise in place, does your partner stick to it? I hope I will have enough. Thats the difference here. Its hard now because they are older and they have this pathetic look but I dont know what to tell them. My parents retired and decided to live like royalty. ever. I would help them with medical or housing, but I dont want to be used to supplement their lifestyle. My father has lived with me off and on (more on) since he was 50 because he chose not to work and while he was working he saved nothing for retirement. My questionable / problem is that she spend more than R11000-00 ($1250-00) p/m on her semi retired parents. This need only grows as you get older. Maybe framing it that way will help them understand how their selfishness is hurting their grandkids and they will elect to not retire early and work extra hard to get rid of their debts and put away something for retirement. Communicating with your spouse or significant other is always a good idea. I have a similar story. please be wary of professionals, many are wolves in white coats. I do not feel like it is my responsibility to help her but I also know that I cannot live with the alternative easily so I struck the compromise to save some for her and some for me and she is very lucky in what has happened though she does not recognize it at all. So, they spend too much given how much they earn. (plus two other college bound kids) Im stressed! The parents are young early fifties ,,,,my boyfriend was crazy young when they made him start working . They have historically had bad credit, lots of debt, and no other retirement savings. She wont get help unless or until she is actually physically unable to care for herself. You love your kid, but you cant pay for her car insurance and groceries forever. Shes waiting for the money to be given to her from the house being sold. It has been difficult to say the least. I have four kids, two in college, and have to put MY mortgage on the back burner because as capable as he is if working, hed rather wait it out until his minuscule social security check starts coming in a few months. Every time we see his parents, they ask for money, and yet I witnessed them blowing $400 we handed over to them on liquor last Thanksgiving. I would probably help bail my parents out as much as is financially responsible. For example, if your relative is struggling to get by teaching yoga, offer to help them open up a yoga studio. You need to write a book! I cant wrap my head around a man feeling that he has a sense of entitlement and that his child should aid him financially. Im so angry because I know she is squandering her money because she feels that when she runs out and cant pay her bills, she can just move in with me and my husband. The spending feeds it. I revolted from this thought from the beginning. I finally had to set an end date for him to find his own housing, which he did, but not before bad-mouthing me to the family. Of course if you have extra money after all of your own responsibilities are met, by all means do what you want, support your parents out of the charity of your heart, great. Per FTC guidelines, this site may be compensated by companies mentioned through advertising & affiliate partnerships, such as the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Impact, CJ, Quinstreet, etc. My parents might as well be the fing children. She let raw emotions cloud solid logic and skew judgment. Also most people just dont have an extra 1000 to kick to their parents a month. At the end of the day, she has to want (and welcome) your help, not just your money. You were a dependent with no alternative and really no freedom of choice to earn an income. Except they arent even married anymore and he still takes care of her. Emotionally, I cant stand to see my mother be on the verge of homelessness; rationally, it seems less clear that she should receive my financial support. I was in my early 30s at that time.. We were very successful for 10 years. Although those parents would probably put whatever money you could spare to good use to get themselves in a better situation so they wont need as much help as before instead of just blowing it. They are living solely on my dads paycheck(which is low). The older son worked seven years and paid nothing. It will be good for your selfish soul. My father lives comfortable, maybe even under his means. Back to the obligation question on a personal level. 2. We will seek some professional financial advice so that we and my siblings can make sure our parents have what they need and minimize the financial burden to us while theyre still with us and after theyre gone. Finanacially irresponsible sister causes family stress Unfortunately, we now have at least three generations of undisciplined, self-centered brats who think they have a right to live large at others expense, parented by at least four generations who spoiled them and refused to instill the smallest shred of discipline. Ive supported myself since I was 17 and learnt to live within my means. The ex is 65, in excellent physical condition and can work. I have accomplished so much after cutting them out of my life. In that case she made her choices and now shell have to live with them. For example, instead of saying, You bought another new car? Get out of debt, build some savings and take care of kids. Invite them over for dinner. They have been the most entitled generation on the planet. They have also started asking me when Im going to get married and have children so that youre have someone to take care of you and provide for you when youre old. I guess that shows their intentions for having a child. I dont feel bad. My wife does their laundry and picks up after them. Darn. Call your local Family Services and ask for help to get her into her own living arrangement. Seek Financial Help and Counseling. Its what they call causality. They look so much older after Ive been gone only 4 months. Youre dating someone and you find that theyre much looser with their spending than you are or have been that way in the recent past. I love my parents so I dont say this without care, BUTtheir current lifestyle and the issues they are facing are natural consequences. This would cover her portion of the utilities and the rent could go into a general savings account. Thank you for your post and to all who commented here. We even had to toe his broken down car to the next home. Heres Why. If they implicitly always told you are a burden on every level of their lives since you were a baby, they deserve nothing if not damage from you in their lives. But its been almost a year. His sister acts like shes also entitled to being taken care of by her younger brother. How to Deal With the Financially Irresponsible People in Your Life Could they imaging having to pay for everything in their lives without a dime of help from family? (Theres also a trust issue if you dont stick with it, too.). You give your children large cash gifts regularly. Just my two cents plus another $250k !!! Although she is more responsible now (despite the occasional pedicure; sigh), she still doesnt fully take responsibility for her mistakes or her situation, and often uses guilt to manipulate my sister and me to help her even though we have little extra money (example: If you dont help me, I will live in the gutter, suffer, and die all because you were ungrateful and selfish). Its only going to get better from here! Its not right in the slightest, because were having to cover her portion as well and will likely continue having to do this for some time to come. They have also refused to take advice from any friends and family. I love my father, I just want him to be able to enjoy his last days , but he is headstrong and stubborn. Always laughing and calling my husband a fool because he works 60+ hours a week. If you think its your childrens responsibility to take care of you, you must be. My partners parents moved cross country to live with us and help with the new baby. But in any case I dont think the state should force you to pay for them period. Let me be blunt here: there are many, many financially responsible people in the world that I could be friends with, so I dont really have the inclination to maintain friendships with people who encourage me to overspend. I dont mind helping out my family but its the fact that its always such large amounts of money and Im worried about my own financial future, when my parents are unable to work or care for themselves I would have to do it but if I dont have finances of my own how can I as they have no saving themselves. Dont lend money to family members or friends, ever. Do you still owe it to them to support them and that behavior? I am glad my father doesnt ask for help (I think he is too ashamed after the way he treated me). If they cant handle her how can you when youre raising kids? Segal, B. Exactly. Go ahead and pay it now! So did she just assume we would handle it?! Instead, I was told that if I will not allow him to give me money monthly, then he sees no way of helping me, doesnt want to hear about it, and he cannot deal with knowing about the situation, as his thoughts affect him during his day. Bring your lunch in some days and eat with people who stay in the office for lunch eating leftovers. I hope that you can emotionally recover from the bs your parents have put you through. I am no longer paying for her to get her hair dyed ect. I moved as far away as I could at the age of 17 and by the time I was 30, I had given them a car that I had paid off, sent them money countless times and now Im getting some passive-aggressive guilt trip because they want to retire and my husband and I are retired at 40.