As Castle tried to get Hoyle safe, he noted that nobody else needed to die, to which Russo vowed to hurt anyone Castle ever cared about to get to him. Suddenly, a tennis ball came flying by his face. Knowing that he was serious, Barrett explained that Konchevsky worked from Kazan's Gym, noting they were not good people, but the Gym would be a good target. [15], Let's end this, Bill, hmm? I don't give a damn about the past, and you don't owe me anything. Blood loss is gonna make you weak. However, all of the sounds of Jack's screams of agony soon made him realize that it was the wrong man, as the Punisher called out into the Hideout for Russo, and got no answer, as he realized that Russo was not in here. The first time I got scared was on a plane on the way home. Seeing an opportunity to send a killer to take out Matt Murdock, he worked to get Castle out of jail so he could be an asset on the outside. Micro hacked the Homeland audio and video feeds, creating a looped video feed from the follow car and piping the song "Feel the Love" into the comms system. Castle then confirmed that he had already slaughtered everyone who was involved with this, while Bendix questioned if doing this had ever actually made him feel better about losing them all, only for Castle to answer that it only did sometimes, with Bendix then questioning what exactly Castle had meant by that comment. Castle nearly fell to the ground in sadness as he mourned over the bodies, realizing he was just like Russo. Unwilling to allow the Punisher to be killed by the gang, Daredevil managed to take him out of the building before the Dogs of Hell could beat him to death until Castle awoke and escaped during the fight. Despite his cold and ruthless demeanor, beneath it all, Castle is a man who strongly and deeply misses his beloved family and wishes only to make up for what he sees as his inability to protect them. Wolverine is good and drunk when Punisher comes knocking, so it doesn't take much effort for Frank to fling Wolverine into an electrical generator. Castle kept himself out of sight as Madani arrived alone and greeted Micro, who was waiting for Castle alongside Leo Lieberman. Frank Castle, the dead man? With Rawlins' crimes exposed, Castle was then finally allowed to regain freedom by the CIA and looked to begin a new peaceful life for himself. However, as he was being beaten into submission, the Punisher had then managed to reach behind him and grabbed a steel plate, which he used to strike the Russian across the face with incredible force. When Quinn asked what happened, Castle explained that he had been in the Marine Corps, before Quinn commented on the wedding ring that Castle now wore as a necklace. He enjoys movies, TV, video games and writing his bio in third person. Once thinking of one, Castle got dressed in O'Rourke's police uniform. Following Schoonover's orders, however, Castle then removed the bullet from Zubair's skull, without questioning what Schoonover and Orange's true motivations with Operation Cerberus could be. We advise caution when dealing with any recently-released media involving multiversal subjects. By God, that's real. Russo attempted to stop Castle but the latter continued and bit Rawlins on the neck, causing the agent to scream in agony. Sure you're not a cop? The Punisher's fight against the Marvel Universe wasn't the only war waging in the alternate universes of the comics. However, as they had arranged, the exchange was interrupted by the arrival of Homeland Security, getting led by Dinah Madani. Castle stood in silence in front of his family's grave; especially Maria's. Castle dragged Schoonover out of the car and forced him to walk through the woods, while Schoonover told Castle that he wanted him to have drowned when he destroyed his heroin. Eventually, The Punisher shoots Deadpool in the head once and for all. However, while Bendix went to Dinah Madani's bedroom, Castle noted that walking from the situation was not an option, while commenting that he only had to ensure that he was the dealer. Family man turned crime-fighting vigilante, Frank Castle embodies the persona of the Punisher to avenge personal tragedy and ensure all criminals receive the justice they deserve. You know he used to do hits for the Irish.Frank Castle and Karen Page. Changing the subject, Bendix told Castle that her name was not actually Rachel, telling him that her real name was Amy, noting that she believed that Castle should know this. Boom. Castle said they are putting their plan to contact Madani on hold because of the current situation. ""I'm protecting you. Eventually, Madani figured out the video is looped and headed out on her own. A man emerged with a SIG pistol and shoot at him then retreated, as Castle returned fire with his H&K 416 rifle. He did not use bullets so he did not kill them, but saw abtaser coming his way, so he redirected it. Castle demanded that Daredevil make his choice, as he was unwilling to allow Grotto to go free as he was sure that Grotto would kill again if given the chance. Just as Paulie had started the car and attempted to drive away, Castle followed him downstairs, firing a single shot which hit Paulie square in the side of the head, killing him instantly. Returning to Lola's Roadhouse, Castle ordered another drink and Beth Quinn thanked him for changing his mind. You can tell Jon grew up somewhere with a lot of violence to witness. [39], Where are we going? 'Cause that's trouble I don't need.Frank Castle and Clint, Seeking to find any surviving members of the Kitchen Irish, Castle went to an illegal pawn shop, where he spoke to Clint the owner, offering him a considerable amount of cash for New York City Police Department radios and the shells in his shotgun. Image via Marvel Comics. Gaining the advantage in the fight, the Russian then head-butted the Punisher, before throwing him across the room, as the Punisher had then attempting to kick the Russian in the chest, but finding that this had no effect on his opponent what so ever, who had then managed to pick the Punisher back up and slammed him back down onto the floor again. When Reyes then attempted to question Schoonover's story, she only succeeded in confirming it and helping Castle's case. As most of the men had departed, Punisher entered the Gym, where Kazan then asked Turk Barrett if this was his friend, although Barrett insisted that he was no friend of his, while Punisher had questioned who was waiting to kill him at Barrett's Shop, while Kazan had then questioned what the Punisher had to do with the Chicago business. Despondent, Micro returned to his hideout. Having smashed Russo's face in the mirror a final time, the Punisher had left his bleeding body behind and instead went to care for Carl and Hayley, cutting them down and setting them free. Castle upholds an honor code of "One Shot, One Kill"; getting the job done as quickly as possible, whilst trying to avoid any collateral damage. We want him alive!""Who? Accordingly, it helped fill in a lot of blanks. ""You stupid son o-Ray Schoonover and Punisher. While they were talking, Henderson teased Castle by briefly pretended to be more deeply Christen than he was while laughing with Castle over his nervous reaction. Castle then took a gas tank and swung it at Pilgrim. Finding her at her apartment, Castle knocked out her guards and greeted Page. Castle would warn Hardin, noting that her mercenaries will kill everybody in the station, however, Hardin simply ignores both of them. ""Loss of curiosity is a loss of humanity, Frank. You know why I can't.David Lieberman and Frank Castle. Since Bendix continued looking at him, Castle glanced over to her again, as she again questioned what he wanted, to which Castle had just claimed that Bendix was the one who had actually been looking at him, before he questioned if Bendix was doing okay, only for her to just pay Quinn for the drink and then walk away from the bar. Castle try to figure out how to disarm the bomb, Hoyle then told Castle to leave him and let him get exploded. Elektra really isn't that compelling, and the Hand could have been done a little better. Did Frank's family even die the way he thinks they did? I'm guilty!Frank Castle. Well thats also considering the hand had resurrection abilities. You are gonna learn about pain. ""Blacksmith already tried to get me once, I really don't want to give him a second chance. When his wife, son, and daughter were murdered, a devastated Castle turned into a violent almost sociopathic individual, determined to kill every single criminal who had a hand in his family's death. ""I do. As Castle attempted to convince the guards to free him, Wilson Fisk looked down from the upper level and tauntingly thanked Castle for his help in assassinating Dutton, before leaving Castle to be murdered by the other furious inmates who were still loyal to Dutton. His spirit goes to an astral plane where it eventually comes in contact with one of the last people who can help: The Punisher. Bendix questioned what to do now and how they would go after Poloznev to get answers. Rawlins stopped the torture after two hours of beating Castle, taking a break while Russo convinced Castle to enter the codes into Micro's computer. Clear a path for an evac. Massive strength and power apparently have their limits, and even The Hulk has a small weakness. The Punisher debuted way back in 1974'sAmazing Spider-Man #129 as a former Marine who served in Vietnam. Suddenly, Daredevil arrived on the boat and intervened, telling Castle that the man was lying and was not the Blacksmith. While Lance attempted to crawl for his gun, Castle intercepted and brutally crushed his arm to deal with Paulie. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Castle demanded that together they make all of his torturers pay, but Daredevil then insisted that they would, but must not be killed, which Castle mocked him for due to his own desire to gain revenge through killing. However, since Rex had complained that there was no food or juice in the apartment, Castle suggested that he could take them out for breakfast at any cafe, as Rex had then suggested Donatello's for pancakes, despite Beth insisting that Castle did not have to go out of his way to help, until she finally agreed to let Castle treat them. While Castle gently rebuffs her advances, he returned to Micro's Hideout to find that Micro was now extremely drunk. Hoping to write an expos on Castle's innocence for the New York Bulletin, Page interviewed his old former Marine commander, Ray Schoonover. While Castle looked out of the window of the apartment, Madani prepared to meet with Rafael Hernandez, who she denied the actual details of Castle's return to. And sure enough, The Punisher premiered in 2017. You hear Uncle Billy? ""I don't know what to call you, seems stupid to call you Pete. I think Matt understood that even if a bullet was put through those guys, there was a still a chance of them getting back up. Until he made it into Russo's arms at the end of their gauntlet. [9], Castle then shaved his beard and hair, and when he left his apartment he changed his walk to throw off gait recognition software. Unfortunately, Frank doesn't know Daredevil's true identity, so he seeks him out to finish his killing spree. The first season was released on November 17, 2017 . ""Jesus, you are unreal. Castle simply just told him it was his funeral. The two then made a deal that saved Pilgrim's life. The Punisher season 1, The scene where the punisher finally learns the truth why his family was killed. So that means I'm gonna go and find them and I'm gonna kill them. When he thought he had located the Blacksmith on a ship docked at the waterfront, Frank arrived to take his ultimate vengeance; but Daredevil arrived as well, to stop his frenemy from taking lives even if they weren't innocent ones. As they walked down the streets of New York, Bendix questioned where they would go, as Castle told her that Curtis Hoyle had a place where they could stay in. Daredevil continued to discuss how New York City affects people. Castle then emerged into the gunfight with Davy armed with a rifle, killing him after several unsuccessful attempts. Daredevil tried to learn more about him, but Castle just told him to stop digging to try and get some kind of better understanding of his mindset. I'm scared.Frank Castle. Micro decided to find Henderson since he could know Agent Orange's name or other useful information. Micro arrived in the Mustang and they traded vehicles. Madani expressed her frustration that Castle had brought yet another war into New York City, questioning if he was actually intending to do anything about Russo. Although Bendix tried to change their subject by suggesting that Castle should go to the hospital to get his hand looked at, Castle instead suggested that she should try and talk to him about what she was feeling and what she had witnessed. After continuing his beating at the wall, Castle took his lunch and went on top of the roof of the building, unwrapping his sandwich and looking at the other workers going out to lunch. Castle stated O'Rourke's badge number and name in order to gain this information. [25], Two years ago, Lieutenant Frank Castle was awarded the Navy Cross for his service in Afghanistan, right? Upon hearing two other men entering the bathroom, the Punisher stopped the desperate O'Hare from calling for help by knocking him back and had then strangled him with his own tie until O'Hare had eventually chocked to death. [8], That part of it was always easy for me. I don't work with Russians.Nikolai Poloznev and Punisher. You hit them and they get back up, I hit them and they stay down. Such a great line. [7], I'm going through that building. Sharing a beer, the two conversed on passed time since their last interaction. Wolverine attacks Frank, but Colossus subdues him and Frank is arrested. Castle would then convince Karen to help him find out who this "Micro" is, which Page would start digging through the archives at the New York Bulletin and find a reference to Micro, but no story attached. The Punisher picks up right where Daredevil Season 2 left off, trusting fans to be able to remember key plot points about its titular antihero's development. Castle then walked back to his car, took Schultz out, and brought him inside. Angered over this, Madani told Castle that he had twenty four hours to leave the city, before she stormed out. Madani then asked if Russo had executed Zubair once Rawlins gave the order, which Castle denied, as he confessed that he was actually the one who pulled the trigger and killed Zubair, much to the shock of Madani, as he once again noted that this video had damned them all. (season 3) The third and final season of the American streaming television series Daredevil, which is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, follows Matt Murdock / Daredevil, a blind lawyer-by-day who fights crime at night. With the lights came loud noises and gunfire. Just as Castle had predicted would happen, the surprise raid quickly turned out to be an ambush as their squad was hit with machine gun fire and mortar rounds, which resulted in Schoonover losing his arm while many soldiers were killed. After Punisher killed Venom and Spider-Man, he went to see the Hulk rampaging through the streets. While Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker have a strict no-kill rule, The Punisher operates a lot like a villain in his efforts to destroy the criminal underworld. Castle started to interrogate Nelson, saying that he knew Nelson was hard to break due to his veteran background, but Castle also went through the training, so he knew how to break Nelson. However, the Punisher managed to find the broken shard of glass and stabbed Russo in the gut with it, causing Russo to then stop in his tracks. ""As far as that maniac on your phone, that's my problem and I'll deal with it. With Roy Olsky's assistance, Castle was allowed access to Dutton's cellblock where he immediately killed one of his guards by slicing his throat with the shiv before interrogating Dutton on what he knew on the day his family was killed, slowly pushing the shiv into his gut while noting he knew Dutton was there. When one man had almost shot him, the Punisher pushed him back and shot in twice in the gut and then in the face. Castle dodged many punches in the closed off elevator, doing his best to not harm them too much. Why didn't you tell me that? Although Castle worried they were making another PTSD case, Lee went on to explain that the wound made Castle relive the trauma each and every day, concluding that Castle's murders were crimes of passion not premeditated. Russo and Castle formed the two lieutenants taking command under the orders of Schoonover, leading the unit's two squads. You can't leave, Frank. ""Maybe none, but I still need to find a way to put him behind bars. Early in this storyline, Captain America joins forces with Punisher, Deadpool, and Wolverine to stop the infected hulk and his faction. Exiting the bathroom, a fight soon broke out between Castle and the rest of the mercenaries, losing his wedding ring in the process. Didn't wanna raise her alone, but she understood if I did not want to hang around. He also avoided killing Daredevil, and when presented with the chance to kill him, Castle simply resorted to knocking him out. We gonna, we gonna bring him in for justice, is that what we're gonna do? Daredevil is another character who's seen multiple deaths at the hands of The Punisher. However, Castle remained determined to not only save all his fellow soldiers, but to return home to his family, so he swallowed his pain and got back onto his feet. agent, and not by Frank. Castle is saved by Hoyle, which was told to idle in his car while Castle dealt with the robbers. The Punisher had to kill Deadpool multiple times, which serves as a running joke throughout the comic. Before the men realized the danger, the grenade exploded, killing two more people before the Punisher had then used the distraction to his advantage, storming out of the shadows and engaging in his surprise gunfight with the mercenaries, who were all too disorientated by the explosion to realized what was happening. Castle called he and Curtis Hoyle's old friend down in Florida in hope that he could help Bendix as she was moving there. While Punisher was in cover, Russo continued shooting at him, as the Punisher waited for an opening and fired back. Although Wolverine has survived similar near-death experiences before, he doesn't here. The furious fight eventually involved knives, then fists, then just simple, barbaric brutality. Just as Punisher watched the kids suffering, he received a phone call from Russo who questioned if he was already out there in the woods, before mockingly reminding Punisher of how Carl and Hayley did not have long left until they would both bleed out from their wounds, as Russo then gave Punisher a reminded of the ticking clock he had to save them before he hung up their call. Castle commented on the theory that it was impossible to hear the bullet that kills you being fired, leading to him asking Daredevil if he heard the bullet being shot into his helmet. Suddenly, Karen Page arrived, claiming to be Castle's lawyer. The real Punisher show was Daredevil S02E01-E04. The Punisher was then kicked in the side, as the Russian dragged him back onto his feet by his hair and proceeded to punch him across the face repeatedly, with the Punisher struggling to stay conscious as he was then brutally beaten down by the Russian. It's rare to find such a formidable hero that doesn't have any superpowers whatsoever. Gunner, it's Frank Castle! Having failed to see what was about to happen in time, Castle was forced to look on helpless, in utter horror as his own wife, son and daughter were all gunned down during the crossfire. Maybe this is the way it's supposed to end. Despite his best efforts not to get involved, Castle responded by grabbing Johnny's fingers and bending it backwards, causing him considerable pain before pushing him away, which enraged Johnny. Castle and Micro watch the news where he stated his hatred of cowardly bombers. With everything in place for the incoming battle, the Punisher donned his Skull Vest and waited in the shadows while the Anvil agents had then arrived inside Micro's Hideout with their guns raised, as they all searched for their target. Thomas Jane bought him a case of beer after that scene. Punisher noted that John Pilgrim had killed Konchevsky, noting that Pilgrim was also hunting down Amy Bendix and some photographs, as he demanded that Kazan start talking. Rex then questioned who Castle was and why he was in their Apartment, to which Beth claimed that Castle was a friend who needed a place to sleep. Believing they would be there to shoot illegal images, Clive insisted on seeing the money, as Castle showed off a handful of cash, causing Clive to close the peephole and finally open the door for them, giving them assess to his studio, as Bendix commented on the size of the door and how it would take an army to kick it down. His combat tactics and willingness to kill proved to be enough to defeat even the strongest of superheroes, as you'll see ahead. A lot of blood and chunks of flesh are shown. ""What did he do last time? Hoyle stayed on the roof as Castle went to ambush Russo. However, Castle immediately immobilized Lance with his sledgehammer, defeated Leo, and hit Paulie in face with it. The movies too, but I just love the dark tones and characters in Netflix, especially DD and Punisher. Castle and Olin are locked up in a cell with Bruce Ogden. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. It'll be my trap. Francis David "Frank" Castle Sr. is a fictional character portrayed by Jon Bernthal in two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) television seriesbased on the Marvel Comics character of the same namecommonly known by his alias, The Punisher.Introduced in the 2016 second season of Daredevil, Bernthal signed a deal to return for a spin-off series, The Punisher (2017-2019); his portrayal . Bernthal also talked about the character's 'superpowers', saying. Your ribs must be cracked. Rawlins grabbed the weapon he would get his revenge on Castle, holding a blade to stab out his eye for payback. Frank doesn't oblige, and instead shoots Venom with the sonic pistol, killing both symbiote and host. [14], Whole world thinks we did this together, kid.""Hey! Both Castle and Henderson were badly wounded. Castle then raised his gun to Poloznev, who understood how Castle worked. [36], Help me, work with me to find the man who gave the order! As Castle walked out, he noticed a group of men following him. While Bendix went into the bedroom, Castle then attempted to relax on the couch, as he turned on the television, flicking past a nature channel. What are you gonna do? This whole thing This whole thing is bullshit! But see, they came after you. What you're doing for my family, I'm not gonna forget that.Frank Castle and Micro. to Castle's horror, Roy Olsky had locked the door and were walking away, trapping Castle in a small corridor filled with all of Dutton's most loyal men. ""Yes he will. When we join . [14], An anonymous tip led police to this house in Queens where Castle was fleeing the scene. But Castle wasn't worried. While lying in his hospital bed recuperating from his kidnapping by the Irish mob, the stoic soldier finally opened up emotionally to Karen about his tragic past. Finn Cooley revealed that he was leading the group and that he wanted Castle after he killed several of their members, including Nesbitt and Cooley's youngest son and taken his money. Castle and Curtis Hoyle arrived at the warehouse, only to find that the cars were leaving. And all life is, is just trying not to be. Castle revealed that the cameraman was Gunner Henderson. Putting inside his laptop, Castle watched the disturbed contents of the disc and was angered by it as it shows a recording of an incident in Afghanistan where he was part of Operation Cerberus and showed the murder of Ahmad Zubair. Castle agreed with Hoyle, claiming that he was going to deal with Russo by his methods.[19]. Castle then kicked Clive in the side, before he ordered Bendix to get to work. As he was welcomed inside, Hoyle asked Castle about him giving up the peaceful life, as he questioned what he had been up to, with Castle claiming that it was a long story. Sure enough, Lance confronted and taunted Castle, angry at putting his noise wherever it did not belong. With seemingly all the gangs destroyed who had been involved in the terrible Massacre at Central Park root and stem, as well as all of the individuals such as Dutton and Ray Schoonover also now deceased, Castle believed that his family had finally been avenged once and for all. She begrudgingly agreed, but charged him extra for it, to his irritation. Before pulling the trigger Punisher tells Captain America that he was always his hero. Genuinely some of the best writing Ive seen in a marvel production. Venom is working with Spider-Man, who in this point in the story, is thought to be the main antagonist. And it it pisses me off. Bendix asked if he ever thought of her. What exactly happened to Frank Castle's family on Daredevil ? Castle left by himself and walked alone into the night, thinking about his actions. Now here you come, trying to go in there and take it all away. Mortified that Orange was more concerned for Operation Cerberus' mission than he was over all of the wounded and dead men, Castle charged forward and assaulted Orange for the deaths of his men, meaning to kill him as he ruptured Orange's eye-socket with a single punch while the soldiers tried to drag the furious Castle off the now horrified Orange. During the torture, Wolf managed to free himself and grabbed Castle's gun. Micro got Castle to promise to help her in exchange for the information on a weapons cache. [28] Castle's good friend Billy Russo was also introduced to both Maria and the children, as they had become close friends, with Castle's children referring to Russo as Uncle Billy. Russo then quoted a poem as they joked about if Castle had actually ever read a poem before, with Castle throwing his football at Russo's face as a joke. He's the Punisher. Castle told the waitress what he wanted and was asked if he was going to stay, noting he that it all depends on the eggs. As the group therapy session went on, Castle stood in the hallways and listened to Hoyle's advise to other veterans and even Lewis Wilson's input on doing terrible acts of war meaning nothing during times of peace. Quinn questioned why Castle would tell her all this, to which he claimed that he wanted this relationship to be an honest one. ""I'd say that's spot on. However, the Punisher then grabbed the dropped barbel and furiously pinned Kazan up against the wall by his throat, as he then demanded to know who it was who had hired Fiona's Crew to take the photographs, although Kazan insisted that he would get killed if he told him, while the Punisher warned that he would kill him if he did not. Someone with no mercy. Anything. When Cooley refused to answer and mocked Castle's search for revenge, Castle killed him by shooting him point blank in the face. Castle deactivated the phone, causing Micro to head over to the house. He expressed a very genuine concern for her well-being and threatened to kill a hitman if he was to harm Amy in any way. Your way's bullshit, Red, it doesn't work, I need him, I need him gone, it's gotta be permanent, it's gotta be finished!Daredevil and Punisher. The Punisher then showed Schultz the recording of him confessing to their conspiracy, as well as the murder of both Sergei Konchevsky and Nikolai Poloznev, and Fiona's entire Crew. Daredevil then shows up and they fight the mob together and escape the hideout. Castle was told from James that he would be getting a free pass due to the debt the country owed to him due to William Rawlins' betrayal, as he confirmed if this was the pay off in order to ensure that he kept his mouth shut about Rawlins and the CIA, to which James had then confirmed. Eventually, Castle had managed to relax while he was watching their television, as he fell asleep onto the couch, until he was woken back up as soon as Dinah Madani then returned into the Apartment. Ultimately, however, Micro is killed by a rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. Pilgrim then ran out of the room. Castle had then instead noted how Bendix had come back into there when she did not have to, which she confirmed, as the pair stood in silence for a moment. Sitting down with Madani, Castle gave his name for the record, scoffing as Madani gave him their legal statements that he had to agree to before he would testify. As the other man then attempted to crawl away in agony, the Punisher calmly stepped over to him and shot him into the back of the head.