for deliverance, happiness, life, and peace; remember us thereon, O Lord our God, for happiness, visit us for blessings, save us unto life, and with words of help and mercy spare and favor us, show us mercy! Shemoneh Esrei - Koren Publishers Home 2022 Shemoneh Esrei li. to Solomon's building of the Temple; No. composed the basic text of the Amidah. . Again, "our sicknesses" takes the place of "our sores or wounds." : "Heal," Jer. xv. Wenn man b'yichidut (allein beten) ohne Minyan ist, muss man dann die Amida still sagen oder kann man sie laut sagen? xxix. The Structure of Shemoneh Esrei and the Relationship Between the Berakhot: The gemara teaches that the blessings of Shemoneh Esrei were written and arranged in a precise order. 7; Ps. Preserve and save this year from all evil and from all kinds of destroyers and from all sorts of punishments: and establish for it good hope and as its outcome peace. On New Moons and on the middle days of Pesa or Sukkot, as well as on the holy days, the "Ya'aleh we-yabo" (= "Rise and come") is inserted in the "'Abodah," the name of the day appearing in each case in its proper place. iii. 17b): "Blow the great trumpet [see Shofar] for our liberation, and lift a banner to gather our exiles, and gather us into one body from the four corners of the earth; blessed be Thou, O Lord, who gatherest the dispersed of Thy [His] people Israel.". 33b; Soah 69b). It is probable that the reading of No. : The expression "zedim" is a very familiar one of almost technical significance in the "Psalms of the poor" (for other expressions compare Ps. 27; Mic. While praying, concentrate on the meaning of the words, and remember that you stand before the divine presence. . R. Jose held that one should include something new in one's prayer every day (Yer. 3, while in Constantine "Wehu Raum" was recited as an introduction (Zunz, "Ritus," p. 52). In No. On Sabbath-eve after the congregation has read the "Tefillah" silently, the reader repeats aloud the so-called "Me-'En Sheba'," or summary (Ber. : "Supportest the falling," Ps. "As before their eyes Thou wert proved the Holy One in us, so before our eyes be Thou glorified in them. This blessing was not part of the original formulation of the Shemoneh Esrei . 4; Ezek. Do not hide Thy facefrom us, and do not shut Thine ear from hearing our petition, and be near unto our cry. xiv. ], bless our years with dews of blessing [ix. Abaye (4th cent.) Its words and themes are a kind of mantra embedded in the minds and memory of all who recite it. Shemoneh Esrei: The Three Steps - The Jewish Press iii. 3 for fast-days): (1) "Fathers"; (2) "Powers"; (3) "Holiness of the Name" with addition of the "Kingdoms"; (4) "Sanctifications of the Day," the shofar being blown; (5) "Remembrances" (with shofar); (6) "Shofarot" (the shofar is blown); (7) "'Abodah"; (8) "Hoda'ot"; (9) Blessings of the kohanim. v. 4). 7). and xvi. Mode of Prayer. 26 et seq.) The prayer for the sick may perhaps likewise be assigned among the older portions (see Elbogen, l.c. Most likely when Israel's distress became constant this petition for help was gradually made a part of the daily liturgy. Amidah - 186-197, Berlin, 1897; Elbogen, Die Gesch. "Save us, God of all, and lift up Thy fear upon all the nations. The following brief prayer, attributed to R. Eliezer, is for use in places where wild animals and robbers may be prowling about: "Thy will be done in heaven above, and bestow ease of mind upon them that fear Thee [on earth] below, and what is good in Thine eyes execute. xvii. That this aversion continued keen down to a comparatively late period is evidenced by the protests of R. Eliezer (Ber. the Vitry, Mazor has "a God good and forgiving art Thou" instead of "pardoning and forgiving," thus conforming with the readings of Amram, Maimonides, and the Roman Mazor. R. Gamaliel revitalized the prayer originally directed against the Syrians and their sympathizers (so also Loeb, Weiss, and Hoffmann; Elbogen [l.c. The exact form and order of the blessings were codified after the destruction of the Second Temple in the first century C.E. In Shabbos day Shemoneh Esrei, we describe Moshe receiving the Mitzvah of Shabbos on Har Sinai. was first sung at Abraham's recovery, through Raphael's treatment, from the pain of circumcision; No. iii. Lam. lxxxix. xii. x. Allerdings lassen der Chabad-Nusach und Nusach Edot Hamizrach die fett gedruckten Wrter weg. 18, cix. Ber. When one sins, the soul becomes blemished, like being sick. The Sabbath is never referred to in this prayer, and it forms part of every service save the additional or Musaf: "Our God and God of our fathers! Provisions were made to silence readers who should indulge their fancy by introducing innovations (Ber. '", Then followed a final phrase praying for the rebuilding of the Temple so that Israel might sacrifice again, to the sweet gratification of God as of yore. 4, iv. The palpable emphasis of No. 14 (comp. is termed the "'Abodah" = "sacrificial service" (Ber. Ta'an. 17b): "Restore our judges as of yore, and our counselors as in the beginning, and remove from us grief and sighing. On the Ninth of Ab in the Minah service a supplication is introduced into No. and viii., on reaching "for Thou dost hear," etc., he substituted "Thou art a God answering in time of trouble, ransoming and saving in all time of trouble and tribulation. May their needs at all the partings of the roads be before Thee. to Ps. 11 pages. xii. xvii. 25; and this would justify the insertion of the word "Na" (), which appears in some versions. 20, lx. For Thou art the immutable King, the Master unto all peace. But in Yer. ii. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. iii. Ta'an. 20; Isa. ). According to Sephardim all the brachot of Shemonah Esrei all necessary and one may not say a portion of them without the others. But this division seems to have been later than the introduction of the prayer against the traitors by Gamaliel (see Pes. ", Verse 6. In a deeper sense, punishment can be compared to medicine. . It must for this reason be credited with being one of the oldest parts of the "Tefillah." Save us, for to Thee our eyes are turned. In this shiur we discuss the history of the Shemoneh Esrei in general, rather than focusing on each individual blessing. 191-193; Herzfeld, Gesch. lxv. are gathered, judgment (No. Translated, it reads as follows: "Blessed be Thou, O Lord, our God and God of our fathers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, the great, the mighty, and the fearful GodGod Most Highwho bestowest goodly kindnesses, and art the Creator ["oneh," which signifies primarily "Creator" and then "Owner"] of all, and rememberest the love of [or for] the Fathers and bringest a redeemer for their children's children for the sake of [His] Thy name in love. Al Hanissim. xv. 26 (Meg. and the reenthronement of David's house (No. Also known as: Shemoneh Esrei (There are many different transliterations.) iv.-xvi. xi. 1; Ket. and xv. i. 5; comp. xiii. ; Pire R. El. Whenever there is a minyan (group of ten) present, the Amidah will be repeated aloud (by the cantor) in the synagogue, and the congregant responds "Amen" after each blessing has been recited. Jews pray three times daily and repeat the Amida in the three services. For Thou art a God ransoming and helping and answering and showing mercy in all time of trouble and distress. You can use them to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. 79-90; Gollancz, in Kohut Memorial Volume, pp. The expressions used in this blessing are Biblical (see Loeb in "R. E. Thou, yea Thou, wilt answer; we shall speak, Thou, yea Thou, wilt hear, according to the word which was spoken: 'It shall be before they will call I shall answer; while still they are speaking I shall hear.' was a contrivance to retain the traditional number eighteen, which had been enlarged by the addition of one under Gamaliel II. p. 341). xxix. xii. des Volkes Israel, iii. xiii. That the Mishnah fails to record the text or to give other definite and coherent directions concerning the prayer except sporadically, indicates that when the Mishnah was finally compiled the benedictions were so well known that it was unnecessary to prescribe their text andcontent (Maimonides on Men. xiv. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, support and reliance for the righteous.". 8b), a principle said to have been carried into practise by R. Eleazar and R. Abbahu (ib.). 21 et seq. If this construction of Ben Sira's prayer is admissible, many of the benedictions must be assigned to the Maccabean era, though most scholars have regardedthem as posterior to the destruction of the Temple. xii.) . After reciting all of these berachot, there is a concluding prayer said for the entire ceremony. ", Slight verbal modifications are found also in the Sephardic "Hoda'ah"; e.g., "and they [the living] shall praise and bless Thy great name in truth forever; for good [is] the God, our help and our aid, Selah, the God, the Good." (1896) 161-178; xxxiii. Ber. iii. "Fight our fight," ib. YUTorah Online is made possible by the generosity of Marcos and Adina Katz and is coordinated by Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future.It offers more than 240,000 shiurim via webcast in audio, video and text formats by our Roshei Yeshiva and other YU luminaries. No. In attitude of body and in the holding of the hands devotion is to be expressed (see Shulan 'Aruk, Ora ayyim, 95 et seq. Three times a day, Jews recite the Shemoneh Esrei, requesting that the Creator grant them knowledge and justice, forgiveness and healing, redemption and peace. There is some probability that it originally formed part of the liturgy for the fastdays, when 18 + 6 benedictions constituted the "Tefillah" (Ta'an. (1889) 137-166; Lvi, Les Dixhuit Bndictions, in R. E. J. xxxii. xxii. Jewish Liturgy - Judaism 101 (JewFAQ) the resurrection is replaced by "sustaining in life the whole" and by "redeeming the soul of His servants from death." "And they shall know as we do know that there is no God besides Thee. The Shemoneh Esrei is also known as the "Amidah" or "Standing" Prayer. . The Palestinian text (Yer. 11 Shemoneh Esrei - Sixth Blessing mp3 Audio Ohr Somayach Shemoneh Esrei: Exploring the Fundamentals of Faith through the Amida It follows the previous blessing, for after a Torah government is restored, the time will come when all heretics, who deny and seek to destroy the Torah, will be put in their place (Megilla 17b). formed only one benediction. ix. 23; Ps. "Renew signs and repeat miraculous deeds. the word "okmah" is presented in addition to "binah" and "de'ah," i.e., "understanding, knowledge, wisdom, and reason." 9; Jer. . 3) were recited, one before and the other after the verse now retained. the Sephardic ritual introduces before "the elders" the phrase "and on the remnant of Thy people, the house of Israel," while in some editions these words are entirely omitted, and before the conclusion this sentence is inserted: "on Thy great loving-kindness in truth do we rely for support. This would support the assumption that the motive of the early Synagogue was antisacerdotal. 12, xxvii. Collection of benedictions forming the secondthe Shema' being the firstimportant section of the daily prayers at the morning ("Shaarit"), afternoon ("Minah"), and evening ("'Arbit") services, as well as of the additional (Musaf) service on Sabbaths and holy days. 4. xiv. xix. The doctrine of the resurrection is intimately connected with Pharisaic nationalism. J." x. to Jacob's reunion with his family in Egypt; No. ii. 2 Shemoneh Esrei - First Blessing Part 1 Hashem Open My Lips - Prepering to pray The history of the petition against enemies may serve to illustrate the development of the several component parts of the "Tefillah" in keeping with provocations and changed conditions. 5; Geiger, in "Kerem emed," v. 102; idem, "Lehr- und Lesebuch zur Sprache der Mischnah," ii. 89 et seq.). The last part is modified on New Moon. An Affiliate of Yeshiva University. (1) While recited in the Temple, the original conclusion of benedictions was "Blessed be Thou, O Eternal, God of Israel from eternity to eternity" (Ber. 27 and Ps. xii. xviii. ii. Before we call Thou wilt answer. How to pronounce shemoneh esrei | May it be good in Thine eyes to bless" (and so forth as in the preceding form). The Shemoneh Esrei - the Consummate Hebrew Prayer The angels also were invoked; and the appeal was summed up: "Do it for Thy sake, if not forours."] Once a week for nineteen weeks, we will review the contents of the 19 blessings of "Shemoneh Esrei." . In No. 2d ed., ii. 1579 Attempts. On Sabbaths and holy days there is only one middle benediction, an enlarged "Sanctification of the Day." "Keepest his faith" = "keepeth truth forever," ib. For Thou hearest the prayer of Thy people Israel in mercy. Interruptions are to be strictly avoided (ib. 45a, in the uncensored editions; the censored have "Mumar"). iv.). 2, the Tosef., Ber. For Passover the wording is as follows: "And Thou hast given us, O Lord our God, in love [Sabbaths for rest,] set times and seasons for joy, [this Sabbath-day, the day of our rest, and] this day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the season of our deliverance, a holy convocation, a memorial of the exodus from Egypt.". is presented as in the Sephardic form (see above), but with the addition: "And may our prayers be sweet before Thee like the burnt offering and like the sacrifice. He then ends the benediction as usual and reads the "Modim" as well as the introduction to the priestly blessing (see Blessing, Priestly): "Our God and God of our fathers, bless us with the blessing which, tripartite in the Torah, was written by the hands of Moses, Thy servant, and was spoken by Aaron and his sons the priests, Thy holy people, as follows [at this point the priests say aloud]: "Blessed be Thou, O Eternal our God, King of the universe, who hast sanctified us with the sacredness of Aaron and hast commanded us in love to bless Thy (His) people Israel.". ; "Monatsschrift," 1902, p. 353). xv. xxix. lxviii. (For differences in the Musaf for Sabbath and New Moon see Dembitz, l.c. iv. Get Started Once a week for nineteen weeks, we will review the contents of the 19 blessings of "Shemoneh Esrei." May it be a pleasure from before Thee, O Eternal, our God, to vouchsafe unto each sufficiency of sustenance and to each and every one enough to satisfy his wants. ", Verse 3. 17b); and when this hastaken place all treason (No. begins with "Et ema Dawid" (Meg. Our Creator, the Creator of all in the beginning: [we offer] benedictions and thanksgivings unto Thy name, the great and holy One, because Thou hast kept us alive and preserved us. Friedmann, p. 142b). shemoneh esrei - Musaf verses for Rosh Chodesh on Rosh Hashanah - Mi Yodeya ix. xviii. Literally, the name means "eighteen"; and its wide use shows that at the time it came into vogue the benedictions ("berakot") comprised in the prayer must have numbered eighteen, though in reality as fixed in the versions recited in the synagogues they number nineteen. How To Pray Shemonah Esrei (with Word Pronunciation) - Rav Dror From this is derived the usual designation of God as "King of the world," not found, strange to say, in the eighteen benedictionsa circumstance that attracted the attention of the Rabbis (Ber. Hebrew for ChristiansCopyright John J. ParsonsAll rights reserved. On New Moons and middle days, except in the Musaf, the "Ya'aleh we-yabo" (see above) is inserted in the "'Abodah" before "bring back." At these words, three steps backward were taken (see Ora ayyim, l.c. Under Gamaliel II. is quoted as "Blessed be Thou, O Eternal, the God of David, and the builder of Jerusalem," indicating that Nos. A somewhat different opening, "We confess and bow down and kneel," is preserved in the Roman Mazor. xvi. The "Shemoneh 'Esreh" is first prayed silently by the congregation and then repeated by the reader aloud. 18a; Ber. Kedushat Hashem. Blessed be Thou, O Eternal, who hearest prayer" (ib.). 27b), the "Tefillah" was not repeated aloud; and as a rule only eighteen Biblical verses, to take the place of the eighteen benedictions, were read (see L. Loew in "Monatsschrift," 1884, pp. In the Roman Mazor the phraseology is: "From generation to generation we shall proclaim God King, for He alone is exalted and holy; and Thy praise, O our God, shall not depart from our mouth forever and aye, for a God great and holy art Thou. v.: "Repentance," Isa. 29a). This latter opinion harmonizes with the usual assumption that the "men of the Great Synagogue" arranged and instituted the prayer services (Ber.33a). The historical kernel in these conflicting reports seems to be the indubitable fact that the benedictions date from the earliest days of the Pharisaic Synagogue. The original meaning of the prayer against enemies is perhaps also apparent in this chapter: This has the appearance of being an epitome of the "Tefillah" as known in the days of Ben Sira. xxvii. The very prayers used in the Temple service by the high priest in the most solemn function were taken over into the Synagogue with the implication that this "'Abodah" was as effective as was the sacerdotal ritual. and Thy throne is holy." lv. Shemona Esrei definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary 18a), and is so entitled. Blessed be Thou, O Eternal, who blessest the years.". (see the translation in Dembitz, l.c. . The "Shemoneh 'Esreh" is first prayed silently by the congregation and then repeated by the reader aloud. is known as "edushshat ha-Shem" = "the sanctification of the Name." vi. v. is known as "Teshubah" = "return" (Meg. The Shemoneh Esrei or Amidah is the central Jewish prayer, recited three times a day and even more on Shabbat and holidays. Stille Amidah, wenn sie ohne Minjan betet Before the conclusion is inserted "Be gracious unto us and answer us and hear our prayer, for Thou hearest the prayer of every mouth" (the "'Aruk," under , gives this reading: "Full of mercy art Thou. communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. x. Verse 8 is the content of the prayer in behalf of the pious, No. to Ber. In Yer. SHEMONEH 'ESREH - For Thou dost hear the prayer of every mouth. the text differs somewhat: "Be pleased . 15; and, still later, the phrase "He who established peace," etc. The "Hoda'ah" (No. xvi. Kedushat Hashem | Temple Adat Elohim x. v. 4). vii. Clearly, there are many ways to address the Almighty besides for 4b). The additional for the middle days (the workdays) of Pesa and Sukkot is the same as that for the feasts proper, and is read even on the Sabbath. On Rosh ha-Shanah there are three middle benedictions (according to R. H. iv. Although it is true that virtually no interruptions are permitted between ga'al Yisrael and the beginning of Shemoneh Esrei, these three steps are deemed to be a component of the prayer, and as such In places and situations where there is grave danger of interruptions, a shorter form is permissible comprising the first three and the last three benedictions and between them only the "Attah onen," the petition for understanding (No. In No. In the "Ne'ilah" (concluding) service for the Day of Atonement, "inscribe" is changed to "seal." ), with the exception of the concluding sentence, "Blessed be Thou," etc., is replaced by the edushshah. In order to remove the discrepancies between the latter and the former assignment of editorship, the Talmud takes refuge in the explanation that the prayers had fallen into disuse, and that Gamaliel reinstituted them (Meg. Cause Thou to rise up full healings for all our wounds: for Thou, God King, art a true and merciful physician: blessed be Thou, O Lord, who healest the sick of His people Israel.". In the time of R. Akiba the knowledge of the eighteen benedictions was not yet universal; for he advised that one who was familiar with the prayer should recite it, and that one who was not might discharge his duty by reciting a rsum (ib. iii. The change of the beginning into "La-meshummadim" is old (Zunz, "G. V." 2d ed., p. 380). Ber. . According to Yer. 28b). ", Verse 4. iv.) When Abraham was saved the angels recited the "Blessed be Thou . ); they involved the Jews in difficulties with the Roman government (Tosef., ul. 17b): "Look but upon our affliction and fight our fight and redeem us speedily for the sake of Thy name: for Thou art a strong redeemer. (Holiness of God - Evening Worship: Sanctification of God's Name) The third blessing of the Shemoneh Esrei, the Kedusha blessing originated with mystics during the early rabbinic period. So also the term "sha'ah," an adaptation from the Aramaic, occurs as the equivalent of the Hebrew "rega'" = "moment" (secondarily, "hour"). Note that the blessings should be recited while standing, with quiet devotion and without interruption. des Achtzehngebetes"), although the aversion to making prayer a matter of rigor and fixed formula may perhaps have had a part in the neglect of the Mishnah. xiii.) found the fondness for these abstracts so strong that he pronounced a curse upon those who should use them (ib.). Alternatives to the Shemoneh Esrei | Yeshivat Har Etzion Petitions - The next thirteen blessings (middle section): Da'at, Teshuvah, Selichah, Ge'ulah, Refu'ah . The word, (2) In the middle, non-constant benedictions (Nos. It reads: "The sprout of David Thy servant speedily cause Thou to sprout up; and his horn do Thou uplift through Thy victorious salvation; for Thy salvation we are hoping every day. Zarah 6), as the following comment shows: "In the first three [] man is like a slave chanting the praise of his master; in the middle sections [] he is a servant petitioning for his compensation from his employer; in the last three [] he is the servant who, having received his wages, takes leave of his master" (Ber. . xiv. 33 et seq. lxv. is the "Birkat ha-Shanim" (Meg. 10. vii., the prayer for the sick, one desirous of remembering a sick person interpolates a brief "Yehi Raon" (= "May it be Thy will") to that effect. Hence the necessity of resorting to mnemonic verses in order to prevent too much varietya method employed even by very late authorities. 11, from which verse he borrows the name "Moab" as a designation of the enemy in the prayer). p. 79). The reason for this was that an additional "blessing" was added later, but the name Shemoneh Esrei was retained. "my soul"] be silent, and me [my soul] be like dust to all. or "humiliates the arrogant" (Amram); in the former phrase Saadia and Maimonides replace the noun "enemies" by "evil-doers.". 3, 36; lxxxiv. and xix. 7. Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik adds an additional requirement for the first paragraph of the Shemoneh Esrei: One must understand its words. The congregation then continues: "Shield of the fathers by His word, reviving the dead by His command, the holy God to whom none is like; who causeth His people to rest on His holy Sabbath-day, for in them He took delight to cause them to rest. 69a; ul. The form in use is somewhat longer than that given in the Talmud, where it is called "a pearl" on account of its sentiment (Ber. ", Verse 8. For the middle benediction of the Musaf the Sephardim have a simpler form (ib. This is a text widget, which allows you to add text or HTML to your sidebar. Maimonides has this reading: "Answer us, O our Father, answer us on the fast-day of our affliction, for we are in great distress.