55 KB swings (Russian) 53/35 5 box jumps Sit ups 6 PU,8-8,10-10..Ext Med ball sit-ups 20/14 - Strength and Skill: Front Squat 3-3-3-3 (5 SEC Hold at the bottom of each rep) Wod WOD In the case of "Cindy," we might substitute push-ups for kettlebell swings or hollow rocks. Perform 1 set of 10 push-ups unbroken and rest 1 minute. Le but est de terminer le WOD le plus rapidement possible. 3 rounds for time, Wod Our terrorist hunters, skiers, mountain bike riders and housewives have found their best fitness from the same regimen. Wall balls This scheme for general orientation in the alternation of load types. 25 push ups Run 1 mile 30 ring rows 5 rounds for time, Wod 10 pull ups (40%)-(50%)-(60%)-(75%)-(85%)-(95%) If you go over 5 minutes, stay at that number of rounds until youre within that time. 30 squats WOD Wod 10 floor presses 185/115, Warm up Back squats 135/95 When looking for a workout, you need to consider many parameters in order to find what you need. WOD - is a workout (also called a metcon or a crossfit WOD). 3 min row 7 Med ball cleans Take a blank piece of paper and make 4 boxes on it. 9 pull ups 5 min rows, 15 GHD back extensions, Str- Deadlift If youve ever injured your wrist or ankle, you know how much even a minor tweak can nag or decrease performance. Cool Down: stretch, Warm up: 5 minute foam roller, 3 rds of Cindy 30 sit ups Run 1 mile Are there any exercises that I know from past experience make me feel extra energized or focused for a workout? 20 jumping sqauts 07 rope climbs Str- press- 10-5-3-2-1 Cool Down: stretch, 12-24 10am only, 12-25 closed, 12-26 closed. Warm-Up . 4 rds for time 100 sit ups 200 m run 35 KB swings 53/35 21-15-9-5 WOD 20 jumping lunges 50 mountain climbers, Wod Ring dips 150 air squats, Warm up 9 push jerks 95/65 10 WY Shoulder Accessories 75/115-lb. 55 Sit ups 20 lunges w/DB 35/25 5 rounds, Warm up WOD 50reps(just bar) 20reps(95/65)15reps(115/75)max reps(135/95) 50 reps(just bar), Warm up Tabata 4 rounds, Wod 21-15-9-5 10 DB triceps extensions 21-15-9 Tabata sit ups 10 med ball cleans 1 min rest KB swings 53/70 (Russian) Str-bench press 5-5-3(5-5-5), Wod 3 min plank(center/side/side 1200 m run 5ea Kneeling Shoulder Taps Or, do a few jump squats, then low box jumps before gradually ramping up to the height and intensity youll be using during your WOD. 5 man makers CrossFit Open 23.3 Workout Description and Strategies 2 burpees 10 burpees 10 med ball sit ups 20/14 Flutter kicks If body weight movements are easy for you, you may be able to do more than 20 rounds. Pull ups, Warm up 10 ring push ups 20 squats W/ DB 35/35 25 double unders These are done to exercise the chest muscles and pump up your chest. Tabata 4 rds: broad jumps, burpees, squats Cool down 1000m row Med ball cleans 20/14, Wod 10 Plate Front Raises, pick load. Cool Down: stretch, 100 sit ups or 50 GHD, Warm up: 5 minute foam roller, 800m run 10 ring dips Wod Tabata sit ups 8 rounds, Wod WOD Typically this is a 20 min AMRAP with Pull ups. I was telling myself before hand that QUITTING WAS NOT AN OPTION! 500 m row for time, Warm up 800m run, Warm up: 5 minute foam roller, 10 min jump rope For each round you want to beat the previous rounds tally. 9 thrusters 50 push ups The workout is done just like the song. 8 shoulder 2 overhead 135/95 In that case, zero in on the upper body pushing component of the air bike. 3 rds Going back to basics and slowing down also resets your muscles to start working differently. Strength and Skill: hang power clean 5-4-3-2-1 Labor Day WOD Tabata Str- 10 sit ups CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc. 10 front squats 155/105 Thanks Mike and CrossFit Steamboat for allowing me to WOD with you this week. Skills training is the most specific portion of your warm-up. (5) So if you start to feel the burn early on, it might actually be helpful during your WOD. -push ups 10 burpees 400 m run If youve made it this far, youve bought into the importance of warming up. warm up for cindy wod - dice-dental.asia To keep pushing through your reps with solid form, you need to lock down exactly how to do each move in your muscle memory. 5 min roll Ring rows and ring pull-ups are also good. 10 reps for 5 sets Sit ups Wod 10 one arm DB OverHeadSquat-R WOD Cool Down: stretch, Str- EMOM for 10 min warm up for cindy wod - travisag.com 7 rds of 10 knees to elbows Str/Skill: back squat 6 pull ups If theres stuff left in the tank then, go for broke. 400m run 9 Air Squat, D.T Specific Warm Up 1x: .Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:. 10 Turkish get ups Wod Especially in a fast-paced, intensive sport like CrossFit, no strategy can guarantee that injuries wont happen. 10 push ups 10 sit ups Shoulder raises 10 reps 4 Med ball cleans 2 min planks However, you have to be extremely mindful of the correct posture as otherwise, you might spend more energy for little returns. Strength: deadlifts 5-5-3 (5-3-1) Answer: Check out this book Cross Training WOD Bible: 555 Workouts from Beginner to Ballistic. WOD 10 barbell curls Strength and Skill: press 5-5-5-5-5 4 rounds for time(15 min cut off), Warm up 5 min foam roll Dont forget to include smaller joints like ankles and wrists. 20 dumb bell lunges 10 burpees box jumps 24/20 Therefore, a person engaged in crossfit training is able to perform both high-intensity training in 2 minutes, and long 20-30 minute workouts, and with the same ease run a marathon. 10 push presses 65/45 If your lower back is sagging, find ways to improve your core strength. 10 med ball cleans KB swings 53/35 Answer: We like the W.O.D. 20 lunges W/ DB 35/25 Band tricep pull downs 3 set of 15 40 Double unders Deadlift 553(555) Str- clean&jerk 1-1-1-1-1 10 DB curls Handstand push ups 50 KB Swings 53/35 20 PVC good mornings To maximize your opportunity to get stronger, more muscular, and better conditioned with each workout, here is the best CrossFit warm-up as well as how to customize it to suit your needs. 10 bar bell curls 45/65 Str-deadlift 1-1-1-1 100 squats Rest 1 min The community was friendly and the workouts were challenging. 200 m run Warm up: 5 minute foam roller 1000m row, 10 Turkish get ups Whether its handstand push-ups, kipping pull-ups, or endless overhead squats and snatches, CrossFit demands a great deal of mobility from every single joint. If the EMOM training says 10 minutes, it means that you will need to repeat the task 10 times. What is a good score for the "Cindy" workout? Ring rows, Wod 2 min rest If youre struggling with your push-ups, try these tips. 5 min jump rope, 2 min flutter kicks, Wod Winners of the CrossFit Open qualify to compete at the next stage of . 3 min of thrusters 95/65, Warm up: 5 minute foam roller, 20 double unders 25 ring rows 10 one arm KB clean and jerk 53/35 The Cindy WOD comprises three primary workouts done in quick circuits 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, and 15 air squats. 200 m sprint Box jumps 24/20 100 push ups AMRAP 10 or AMRAP 15 versions of Cindy are a good way for new CrossFitters to get a taste for Cindy. 100 burpee pull ups 5 min jump rope Youll want to pick movements where youll press overhead, squat, and hold weight in a front rack position. 50 thrusters Curls 10 reps 20 bent over rows 45/65 200m run 100 Burpees, Warm up 1000 m row, 100 flutter kicks 241 burpees However, research suggests that warming up thoroughly before strength-training sessions can significantly reduce injury risk. Strength/Skill: press 5-5-5 While CrossFits are generally known for their heavy duty workouts like the barbells and several different kinds of dumbbell exercises using various Crossfit equipment, there is another one which can be performed with hardly any types of equipment at your own home and offers an optimal burn out session with which you can lose about 14 calories per minute. 1000m row 10 one arm DB OverHeadSquat-L This will give you a chance to see how long its taking you per round and if youre slowing your pace. 50 double unders. They are squat, running, hinging and pulling. Front squats 115/75 100 front squats 75/45 Wod and roll, Warm up: 500m row, 50 sit ups, 50 back extensions, 15 med ball cleans Spez. Strength: press 553(555) 800m run 50 double unders 5 front squats Its easy over time to forget this. By using our site, you confirm that you have read and agree to our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. Workout Search Page (WOD) WODCAT app is powerful and flexible tool for searching the right workout. 50-40-30-20-10 Wod 5 over the bar burpees 800m run 5 overhead squats 135/95 For each of the four prongs of the warm-up, you can swap out any of the exercises for a similar move that suits your needs a bit better. 3 min of thrusters 135/95 Cool down. WOD 10-10-10 then 10 front squats 115/75, 8 burpees, 5 toes to bar, Wod Wod 400m run, Warm up: 800m run, 30 push ups, 50 sit ups, 25 ring dips 20 PVC overhead squats 5 rounds (you have 10 min to complete) 3 min jump rope Athletes have to complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats. 1 set of 8-10 repetitions of plyometrics for the upper and lower body will make a huge difference. 500 m row Wod This is something pro athletes do from time to time as it helps them make sure their form is correct. 30 kb twists Str- floor/bench press 10-10-10-10 Le WOD CrossFit Cindy. Its a repeatable skeleton of a warm-up you can do every time you go to the gym, and still not repeat warm-ups. How do you score the "Cindy" workout? Ring dips 30 thrusters 65/45, Warm up: 10 Turkish get ups, 20m caterpillar, WOD 12 min AMRAP 8 strict pull ups Med ball sit ups, Str- back squat 20-20-20(50% for all sets), WOD 15 push press 65/45 WOD Cool Down: stretch and roll WOD -1 min rest Row -box jumps 20 Turkish get ups 53/25 Try and beat the heat. Work sprinting and HIIT workouts into your training routines. DB shoulder raises lateral 3 sets of 10, Wod Str-back squats 1-1-1-1-1 Do your push-ups and squats near the pull-up bar. 15 swings (1) Warming up can help stack the deck in your favor for preventing the unnecessary risk of getting hurt. 20 one rt arm dumbbell snatches This focus will serve you very well when youre entering the so-called pain cave in the middle of a tough workout. 15 push presses Max vertical Cool down: stretch and roll, Fri: 10am Free community Black Friday WOD only, Warm up: 10 Turkish get ups Before each CrossFit workout, a thorough warm-up is vital. I stopped for a breath and told myself I wouldnt settle for 17 I wanted that 18. Strength and Skill: press 3-3-3-3-3 12 pull ups 2 min max sit ups Follow along and get. -high knees Str/Skill: bench press If this is too hard, opt for a band. The Best CrossFit Warm-Up to Help You Crush Your Next WOD Here are some basic examples to get your lists started. Regular kipping pull-ups or even strict pull-ups work too, but your shoulders and grip will tire faster. Focus mostly on movement prep, opening up the shoulders, chest, triceps, quads, and glutes. 3 rounds for time Even if you can do strict pull-ups, factor in Australian pull-ups at lower and lower angles. WOD 100 m run Strength: back squats 553(555) 7 burpee box jumps 24/20 Ring dips Mike + Ronnie were welcoming, inclusive and clearly very knowledgable. 15 DB curls KB swings 50 double unders Strength/Skill: deadlift 5-5-5 50 ring rows WOD 10 min AMRAP, Warm up 800 m run Also make sure youre working in plyometricsmovements where youre exploding your effort. Check out this awesome Cindy video from SGPT Coach Tom Coffey. WOD 10 dB curls 10 OH squats(95/65) 10 sit ups, Power clean 10-5-3-1 8 front squats 135/95 50 Mountain climbers This may be frustrating since youre moving slowly, but youre playing for minute 12 through 20. WOD WOD 2 box jumps 3 min of Because CrossFit WODs are meant to be physically unpredictable, it can be very grounding to add a consistent style of warm-up. 400 m run 50-40-30-20-10 Str- deadlift 3-3-3 20 lunges 20 push ups, 20 air squats, warm up- 5 min foam roll, 20 medal cleans (20/14), 20 thrusters (45/25), WOD- 50 double unders, 40 OH lunges 45/25, 30 box jumps 24/20, 20 ring rows, 10 power cleans (135/95), Every 2 minutes Complete 3 burps, start at 0:00, warm up- 5 min roll, 800m run or row, 30 push ups, 50 sit-ups, WOD- 75 wall balls, 50 russian kb swings 70/53, 25 Toes to Bar- for time, warm Up: 5 min roll, 20 pac good mornings, 20 pvc squat snatches, 20 pac lunges with bar overhead, 100m row, 50 OHS 95/65, 30 chest to bar pull ups, 5 min Roll, 3 min row, 3 min jump rope, 3 min flutter kicks, Warm up: 100ft broad jump, 100ft bear crawl, 20 squats 50 Mountain climbers 10 lunges W/ med ball Youll learn exactly how to do that below. Heres how I would craft my 15-minute warm up, incorporating all 4 components of a great CrossFit Warm Up: Again, the combinations are endless. 10 wall balls WOD 'Annie meets Cindy' 50 DUs 50 abmat sit ups 1 round of Cindy- go strict pull ups for an extra challenge 40 DUs 40 abmat sit ups 2 rounds of Cindy 30 DUs 30 abmat sit ups 3 rounds of Cindy 20 DUs 20 abmat sit ups 4 rounds of Cindy 10 DUs 10 abmat sit ups 5 rounds of Cindy **time cap 30:00** Ci . 5 rounds for time, Warm up 3 rounds of Cindy 3 rounds for time, Warm up 5 Lunges w/KB in Rack position Cool down. 10 KB swings 53/35 Dead lift 3-3-3-3-3 Strength/Skill: bench press 5-5-5 15 power cleans 95 You might be rolling into your garage gym or CrossFit box after a long day at work, or you may be working out at the crack of dawn before your brain is even fully awake. 5 front squats 10 weighted calf raises This is a long, slow, grinding workout, so dont do a ton of cardio. 3 min of max push ups But that doesnt mean you can skip the warm-up if the weather is balmy. WOD 1 min KB swing 10 front squats 155/105 Rest 2 min Warmup Bouldern(Hannah) und Seilspringen(Thorsten), kleine Standard Circuit. 7 push presses No matter which strength sport you love most, a warm-up will help you love it more. 100 ring row 12 cleans and jerks 5 Hang Power Clean @ workout weight 200 m farmers carry 5 rounds for time. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Your body needs time to recover and a lack of recovery can be why youre not breaking current PRs. 3 min shoulder to overhead 55/35, Str-deadlift 5-5-3(5-5-5) 100 sit ups, Str- press 3-3-3-3 5@ 40% 5@ 50% 5@ 60%, WOD Strength and Skill: split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1 2 min of max pull ups This a way you can perform HIIT workouts. 21-15-09-15-21 1 min rest 10 back squats (135/95) Burpees, Cool down: 100 flutter kicks Jumping pull ups Workout 23.3. Answer: This happens to me, too. Floor press 500 m row 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, Warm up: 200ft lunges, 100ft broad jump, 100ft bear crawl, WOD: 800m run, 50 sit-ups, 50 back extensions- 3 rds, Warm up Welder Hand Care Kit as it is great way to get your hands repaired so you can get back to your workouts quickly. 5(40%)-5(50%)-3(60%)-5(75%)-3(85%)-1(95%), Wod WOD This wouldnt be possible if you were to perform two exercises which hit the same muscle group consecutively like the push-ups and a bench press. 100 push ups Thrusters 95/65 15 min AMRAP, WOD 10 KB swings 70/53(Russian) 9 min AMRAP(for 9 years of NHB), Christmas Schedule:closed Monday, Tuesday only, Wod WOD 10 Turkish get ups Warm up: 3rds Cindy Str/Skill: bench press 3-3-3 WOD 1000m row 100 push ups 10 power cleans 185/115 Cool down: stretch and roll. 2 min max push ups 30 sit ups Wod Cool Down: 5 minute foam roll, stretch, Warm up: 25 ring rows, 50 sit ups, 50 supermans 3 min of max sit ups 9 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105 lbs 2 300 squats 36 box jumps 24/20, Warm up Wod 5 push presses 95/65 30 push ups These are extremely dynamic exercises, and require a lot of flexibility of movements. JT 12 min AMRAP, Wod Each crossfit workout doesnt look like the previous one, and it is possible that even during the year you will not have any repetitive training. 5 rds for time 10 dB press Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Cool Down: 5 minute foam roll, stretch, Warm up:800m run, 25 burpees Str/Skill: bench press 3-3-3 2 min rest 3 min max double unders, Warm up: 200m run, 25 push ups, 35 push ups, WOD Awesome facility and equally awesome CrossFit community. 5 min jump rope 10 lunges 20 m high knees 3 rds Abad CC, Prado ML, Ugrinowitsch C, Tricoli V, Barroso R. Combination of general and specific warm-ups improves leg-press one repetition maximum compared with specific warm-up in trained individuals. 3 deadlifts @ 60% 200 m farmers carry Kb swings 53/35 5RFT, Warm up It forces your nervous system to wake up before the clock actually starts. 7 burpees 40 kb swings 150 air squats, WOD 50 med ball sit ups 75 double unders This will help you set your pace (#1 key or getting a good score) and also help you warm-up for the WOD. Reduce the push-ups to kneeling or bench push-ups if necessary. 30 min E2MOM If you find your score for Cindy isnt improving like you want, that can indicate holes in your training you need to fill. E2MOM 20 pull ups 20 meters of catipillers, Wod 20 med ball sit ups 50 weighted lunges, 12 min AMRAP Mobility should take into account the demands of the movements you will perform. AMRAP, Back squat 5-5-5 15 floor press Cindy CrossFit Workout Tips | SEALgrinderPT BarBend is an independent website. To Achieve Your Goals. -25 pull ups Strength/Skill: back squats (5-5-5) Strength and Skill: Deadlifts 1-1-1-1-1 10 SDHP 7 push presses 95/65 To prepare yourself for each WOD (workout of the day), its essential to get your brain and body into the right space. BarBend is the Official Media Partner of USA Weightlifting. Then 10 DB Curls 5-10 Strict Press, Cindy Specific Warm-Up 1x: Now youre saying Im supposed to exercise before I exercise? 6 minute AMRAP Calf raises 20 reps #1 for time 50 sit ups, Warm up 20 squats (https://youtube.com/watch?v=ok34YSJqQgE), Lunge Guide | How To, Variations, Benefits, and More (https://youtube.com/watch?v=RqimDHU-tkg), Kassandra Gillis Victorious at the 2023 Wellness International, Ariel Khadr Wins the 2023 Fitness International, 2023 Arnold Classic Results Ramon Rocha Querioz Triumphant in Classic Physique, 2023 Arnold Classic Mens Open Pre-Judging Walker, Jacked, Dauda in the Top 3, 2023 Arnold Classic Results Live Updates and Winners, The Best Creatine Supplements for Bulking, Mixing, and More, The Best Barbells For All-Around Training, Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Deadlifts, and More, Best Home Gyms For the Money, Bodybuilding, and More, Best Pre-Workout Supplements For Muscle Gain, Weight Loss, And More, Athletic Greens Review Price, Flavor and Nutrition Breakdown. WOD (Crossfit workout)-is a certain amount of work (the task), which is necessary to perform. . 6 Push Jerks, 155/105 lbsStimulus: (1). Push-ups-They're The Problem 5. 5 power cleans KB swing Russian 53/35 for time 10 DB curls And with every new minute, a repetition of this task is required. -broad jumps, Wod400 m sprint. You should wear hand grips for the pull-ups on this workout to save your hands. Ring rows Not for time, Warm up 400 m run WOD 200 m farmers carry Box 4666, Ventura, CA 93007 Request a Quote: taurus 1911 45 acp extended magazine CSDA Santa Barbara County Chapter's General Contractor of the Year 2014! Close in meaning to "WOD" is a workout of the day, a complex, a task. WOD 21-15-9-5 Strength and Skill: back squat 20-15-10-05-01 rep max CrossFit is a branded fitness regimen created by Greg Glassman and is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc. Crossfit requires constant alternation of exercises from the three main groups (weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio) to acquire an excellent and comprehensively developed physical form. 1 min rest 25 reps SDHP 53/35 The good news? 400 m run 30 sit ups Post your score in the comments below!Today's workout is \"Mod Cindy\", a variation of the classic CrossFit WoD Cindy. It uses three basic bodyweight exercises pull-ups, push-ups, and squats and tons of transitions to separate those who are just fit from those who are fit and smart about how they approach the WOD. Movements and crossfit workouts exercises can be easily selected independently or with the help of a trainer for any level of preparedness and routine of life. Str- Press 5-3-1 Featured Image: Dean Drobot / Shutterstock. 5 burpees, Str: deadlift 5-3-1 10min AMRAP, Warm up If plank ups are difficult, hold standard plank R1 and push up position R2.Mod Cindy10' AMRAP5 Bent Rows10 Push Ups15 SquatsThis modification is designed to allow you to do the workout almost anywhere. However, you don't do it just once. Join us. Str-Bench Press Str-deadlift 3-3-3-3 Work technique 10 ring dips Retrouvez tous les dtails sur le WOD de CrossFit Cindy ci-dessous. WOD 1 3min rest 2 min max flutter kicks, Warm up sit ups Not for time, WOD 2 10 DB shoulder raises If youve squatted before, you know that hip mobility is important. 30 sit ups, Wod 2 rounds for time, Cool down WOD 100 squats In the mobility section, categorize it by the common movements you find in CrossFit. 3 rounds for time. And bench 5-5-3 (5-5-5), WOD Floor press 135/95 10 toes to bar strength/skill- bent over row, floor or bench press- 5 reps each, 5 rds, TABATA- KB swings, goblet squat,kb russian twist, burpees, bar bell lunges (front rack) 95/65, pull ups, 10 hang power cleans 95/65, 20 paralette bar jumps, 25 push ups- 4 rds for time, Strength: front squats 5-5-5-5 10 sec hold, WOD: 5 box jumps, 10 lunges w/ dumb bell 35/25, 15 sit ups- 10 rds, WOD 100 double unders, 30 turkish get ups, 100 double unders, Strength: 10-10-10-10 back squats 10 sec holds, WOD: Cindy- 05 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats, WOD- 20 squats db 35/25, 20 lunges db, 20 one arm snatches db- AMRAP 12 minutes, WOD- 3 minutes max burpees, 1 minute rest, TABATA This: pull ups, push ups, sit ups, squats, EMOM (every minute on the minute) 5 minutes: 3 deadlifts @75% 1RM, 1 minute rest, Then EMOM 5 minutes: 5 bent over row 75% of body weight, 2 minute rest, wod- 50 double unders, 30 push ups, 15 push press 95/65- 3rds, http://www.crossfitmagnolia.com/2015-competition/. 10 squat cleans 155/105 Strength: bench press 5-5-3 (5-3-1) WOD Wod Cool Down: stretch, Warm up: 5 minute foam roller, 3 minute jump rope, 2 minute mountain climbers, 1 minute lunges At the top of each box, write the 4 components of a good warm up. You can achieve this through plyometric training. 2 rds 15 min AMRAP, Wod 5 min roll Helen Workout Tips 10 DB lateral shoulder raises 800 m run 10 sit ups 5rft 10-1 10 reps SDHP 53/35 20 squat cleans 95/65 15 ring rows, 5 sets 10 ring push ups Kb swings All proceeds go to help the Alief Hot Shots jump rope team get to State. 20 PVC good mornings 50 push ups 5 push press 115/75 400 m waking lung w/DB 25/35 Cool Down: stretch, Warm up: 5 min roll, 3 min jump rope, 3 min row 800 m run 1 min flutter kicks, Wod In this guide, well look at the Cindy WOD, five strategy tips for getting a great score, movement standards, and how to scale. Add in some push-ups and bodyweight squats as appropriate. 40 m of bear crawl, Wod 10 down dogs and cobra stretches, Warm up Wod For time, Cool down Another way you can improve your Cindy scores is to try other workouts like Angie (or half Angie) and Chelsea to workout in a similar manner. 5-5-3(3-3-3) Max reps @50%, Wod Wod 5 min Roll, tabata mountain climbers(4 rounds) jumping jacks(4 rounds). Because of the large variety of crossfit workouts, there is always a need to find a unique, interesting and balanced workout, which would fit perfectly into the athlete's unique training plan. 53/35 20 jumping squats WOD 1000 m row This may seem like a lot at first, but a great warm-up can happen in 15 minutes or less. Wod Thanks to all our Veterans!!!! WOD 20 ring rows(5 sets), 50 weighted box steps 53/35 20/16 WOD 1 min mountain climbers, Wod Strength and Skill: back squat 1-1-1-1-1 Dont be afraid to start breathing fairly heavily during your warm-up. 3 min of max front squat 75/45 5 presses 95/65 40 ring dips 20 calf raises 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 E2MOM WOD Your warm-up is an opportunity to maximize your bodys potential to perform those movements. 1000 m row Cool down- 5 min foam roll, stretch, Warm up- 5 min row, 3 min plank, 2 min sit ups 30 push ups Thrusters 65/45 5 bent over rows 115/75 3 rds WOD This is where skills training comes in handy. 5 rounds for time, Cool down: 10-10-10 DB lateral shoulder raises, Str-back squat 5-5-5 40 Double unders Squats Each component of your warm-up so far has been catered toward your upcoming workout, with each aspect getting more and more specific. 400 m sprint 5-5-3(5-5-5)-Max reps at 40%, Str- Back Squat Str- deadlifts 5-5-5-5 Str-Front squat 1-1-1-1-1RM In all likelihood, by the time you reach that last set of thrusters, your upper body will already be blasted by muscle-ups, handstand push-ups, or both. 6 Ring Row 5@ 40% 5@ 50% 5@ 60%, WOD Not for time, Warmup: 5 min row Tip: try to smoothly distribute work throughout the entire minute, keeping the same pace throughout the workout. 5 rounds of Cindy 5 min jump rope Do you have a tip for how I can make sure Im getting better nutrition? 12 Knees to Elbows 20 sit ups CrossFit Cindy WOD Tips And Strategy - Best Indoor Cycling Bike Reviews 20 push ups Burpees, star jumps, wall balls, box jumps are all examples of plyometric movements. Your chin must go over the bar on each rep. DB lunges 35/25 25 band lat pull downs 3 min jump rope 400 m walking lunge for time 6 Med ball cleans Leg stretch, Warm up- 400m For time Cindy WOD | CrossFit | Ma Box de Cross Front squats 95/65 Standing tricep skull crushers 310, Wod 30 Clean and jerks (135/95) 400 m Sprint Warming up is critical if you want to reach your fitness goals. Press 3-3-3-3-3 Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 Wod Eliminate (or Minimize) Transitions 4. . 10 min AMRAP, Warm Up: 400 m run, 20 burpees 30 front squats 95/65 100 squats, 5 min roll Cindy WOD: CrossFit Benchmark Guide and Strategy - Athletic Muscle 30 floor press @135/95 WOD Benefits Of A Good Warm-up Include Physiological benefits - your muscle tissue can move better when blood flows through it. 5 min row Str/Skill: deadlifts 3-3-3 50 box steps 100 pull ups Deadlifts 225/135, Wod Burpees 42 box steps 24/20 5 dead hang pull ups For time, Warm up: 400 m run, 20 lunges,10 knees 2 elbows However, you dont do it just once. Terry takes on the variation of the classic WOD Cindy, "Cindy's Cousin", as part of the Rokman Adapt & Overcome Challenge Series. For time, Wod 10 lunges w/ kb in rack position Squats, Wod E2MOM 20 min, Wod Cool down. For example, if your WOD is full of thrusters, handstand walks, or overhead squats, youll mobilize your ankles and hips.