2021 Battle on the Platte

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2021 Battle on the Platte

MD: Travis Carroll

Location: Lexington, Nebraska

Dates: June 19, 2021

Cost: $75

Match will consist of 10-12 stages of a variety of prone and positional stages. Targets will vary from 25 yards to 500 yards. The course of fire will be fun and challenging for all. Awards will be presented to the top 3, high lady and high young gun. A generous prize table is shaping up for this shoot. The Robb Jeffrey shooting range is located next to the scenic Platte River and is a very nice gun club. Lunch will be provided along with snacks and water during the day.


Range Address: Rd 749, Bertrand, NE 68927

Coordinates: 40.6862360, -99.6683935

Saturday, June 19th, 2021
  • 7AM – Range Officer Brief of Stages
  • 8AM – On Site Register/Check-in
  • 8AM – Zero Range Open
  • 8:45AM – Safety Briefing
  • 9AM – Match Starts
  • 3:30PM – Awards following the COF




Rifle Supplies

*All information provided as a service, we strongly advise that all potential competitors do their own travel planning and research to find what works best for them individually!