Traditional Men-at-Arms are available through traditions and reaching a certain era. Any to 867 or 1166, users take on the role of a warrior. Negative values lower it. This article has been verified for the current version (3.3) of the game. It is also worth mentioning that this guide is only here to provide the trait IDs themselves and does not cover what each trait does in Crusader Kings 3. Armies move one barony per day. These conditions are mostly unavoidable, with fate and old age taking their toll on a character. Negative values lower it. Report. Tribal Rulers pay twice more with Prestige to create a regiment but 30% less for maintenance. Hi guys, I've been testing the console with cheats (because is a way to learn abaout the game for me) and my question is this: Is there a way to turn a county into a certain faith? Men-at-Arms are trained troops that come in several different Regiment types which excel in their given role, all with their own stats and uses. The only thing I have found is to change a person's faith, but I want a certain county. Is 20px France or 20px United Kingdom, Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. Crusader Kings 2 Religion IDs. Interactive corporate website. Adds [amount] of stewardship skill to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Disallows the AI to control [character id]. desc Localization key or block Overrides the default localization key for the description, which is the decision name plus "_desc". event traditional_claims.201 = Will form a new bloodline of your current character, with a traditional claim on either the primary duchy level title (if your a duke) or primary kingdom level title (if your a king or emperor). Default 1000. Reply. on Paradox technology, Legal Modifiers can be temporary or permanent. Default 1000. Table View. The main tree offers more ways to wage war including unlocking Duchy and Forced Vassalage Casus Belli. Removes [doctrine id] from [faith id], if no faith is specified then the player character's faith. Sets the focus to [focus id] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. The goal of GT is to be the best source of easy-to-understand tips and tricks, reviews, original features, hidden cheats and gaming tweaks that will help players worldwide. GamerTweak is where passionate gamers like you will find everything they need to know about video games - new and old. Negative values lower it. Adds [amount] of intrigue lifestyle experience to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. These bonuses and penalties are specific and can be seen in game at the Men-at-Arms regiment management window by hovering over terrain icons. Innovation IDs usually match their name. Event 3500 30% In favor of Trade Unions Event 3600 Safety Regulations Event 3700 40% In favor of Lower Work Hour Reform Event 3750 Public Meetings Event 3800 40% In favor of Increases Wage Reform Event 3900 40% In favor of Trade Unions Reform Event 4000 Slavery Abolishment Movement Support Event 4100 40% In favor of Upper House Default 1000. AI characters refuse all proposals. Type into the window set_county_faith = faith:catholic or whatever religion you want the county to convert to and press 'Run'. Impregnates female [character id] with father [character id], if no character is specified then an unknown father. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Also, in the top-right corner of the event window, hovering over the question mark (?) They are different from scripted commands. This, along with a helpful notification board, allows players to immerse themselves as they control dynasties and try to create massive empires. Crusader Kings 3: Trait ID List In order to enter these console commands, players need to open Crusader Kings 3 in debug mode and then access the console window. Adds [amount] of dread to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Adds [amount] of age to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. progress_struggle_phase iberian_struggle struggle_iberia_phase_hostility 1000, effect = { set_global_variable = { name = char_culture value = root.culture }}, Set current ruler's culture as a global variable to be used later, effect = { every_held_title = { set_county_culture = global_var:char_culture}}, effect = { every_held_title = { set_county_culture = char_culture }}, effect = { every_held_title = { set_county_culture = root.culture}}, effect = { every_sub_realm_county = { set_county_culture = global_var:char_culture }}, Changes every sub realm county to Ruler's culture, effect = { every_sub_realm_county = { set_county_faith = faith:[faith id] }}, Changes every sub realm county to specified faith id, effect = { every_sub_realm_county = { set_county_faith = faith:dynamic_faith_101 }}, effect = { every_vassal_or_below = { set_culture = global_var:char_culture }}, Changes every vassal, and their vassals, to Ruler's culture, effect = { every_vassal_or_below = { set_character_faith = faith:[faith id] }}, Changes every vassal, and their vassals, to Ruler's faith, effect = { every_vassal_or_below = { set_character_faith = faith:dynamic_faith_101 }}, effect = { every_courtier_or_guest = { set_culture = global_var:char_culture }}, Changes every courtier and guest to their rulers culture, effect = { every_courtier_or_guest = { set_character_faith = faith:[faith id] }}, Changes every courtier and guest to their rulers faith, effect = { every_courtier_or_guest = { set_character_faith = faith:dynamic_faith_101 }}, effect = {house = { every_house_member = { set_culture = global_var:char_culture }}, Changes every relative in the house to match ruler's culture, effect = {house = { every_house_member = { set_character_faith = faith:[faith id] }}, Changes every relative in the house to match ruler's faith, effect = {house = { every_house_member = { set_character_faith = faith:dynamic_faith_101 }}, Changes the faith to [faith id] for a county [county id], effect title: ( county id ) = { title_province = { add_building_slot = ( amount ) } }, Adds the specified number of building slots to the county, [title: county id], [add_building_slot = amount], effect title: c_isle_of_mann = { title_province = { add_building_slot = 1 } }, Creates bookmark portraits of all current bookmark characters, stored in. Cheats are console commands that can be used to give unfair advantages as opposed to sole testing purposes. Pressing tab reveals all law IDs. The following innovations use a different ID however: Most artifacts are randomly generated through complex scripts and cannot be spawned with the console. These traits can be received from parents who have a founding or descendant trait of their own. Each general region has a diffrent pattern standard that is modified according to the individual dutchy. For modding, it's better to use both a mod and launch options. Advertisement Coins. Kills [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Does anyone know where i can find the list for id's for all the events? Sets the dread to [amount] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. On a more positive note, I hope you enjoyed this guide, and it helps you have fun playing the game the way YOU want it to go. Generates a new coat of arms for the player character's house. These are traits that are obtained after mastering certain Lifestyles. [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Prints all effects, event scopes, modifiers, on actions, triggers, etc. Use notepad++ if yu are on Windows.. Questions, Paradox Adds [regiment id] of of men-at-arms to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Adds [amount] of renown to [dynasty id], if no dynasty is specified then the player character's dynasty. Pressing tab reveals all faith IDs. Executes the commands in [file name]. You must log in or register to reply here. Or more specifically the errant heir event Id. There are a number of mods, like Free Console Access and Debug Toggle. Buys all dynasty legacies for the dynasty of [character id], if no character is specified then the player character's. Gives all lifestyle perks to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Negative values lower it. By default, Knights are appointed automatically based on their Prowess skill, but characters can be manually forced or forbidden to become Knights. add_doctrine doctrine_gender_equal catholic. Currently, Crusader Kings 3 is available for PC. I've used ChatGPT to help analyze and create events for Darkest Hour, a game I've been meaning to mod for myself for the longest time, and it's actually quite helpful. Cookie Notice add_realm_law_skip_effects crown_authority_3. This page was last edited on 4 February 2023, at 06:47. Note: Please use either mtth-parameter or triggered only-parameter. Go to your CK3 directory, "binaries" folder Right-click ck3.exe and create a shortcut Right-click the shortcut, open Properties In the Target field add -debug_mode at the end (so it looks like this ".\ck3.exe" -debug_mode) Launch the game using the shortcut GOG On GOG: Right-click the game, open Settings Rename it to "ck3.bat". Adds [secret id] to the player character. Event can be used to diplay description, trigger, trigger condition and options of an event in a compact infobox. Negative values lower it. Each point of development increases a county's supply limit by +150. While embarked army maintenance is raised by +25% and the army will start to lose supplies after 30 days at sea. Title tags have a prefix based on their rank, followed by an underscore (_) and then their name. Confirm changes when prompted. The [ROOT.Char.GetFaith.DevilName|U] in My Bed, A [bp1_yearly_9019_lover.GetWomanMan|U] in Our Bed, The [bp1_yearly_9016_uppity_child.GetWomanMan|U] Who Would Be [ROOT.Char.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip], The Two [ROOT.Char.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip]s, [ROOT.Char.GetFaith.WitchGodHerHis|U] Gifts Are Plentiful. effect create_artifact_al_dawat_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_al_hafir_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_al_jabal_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_al_sayf_al_khass_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_al_taj_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_al_yatima_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_abhidhamma_pitaka_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_afarganyu_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_arms_of_alexander_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_aruval_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_kantele_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_angelicas_ring_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_aram_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_sculpture_ark_of_covenant_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_ascalon_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_sculpture_babr_e_bayan_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_wall_banner_thankfulness_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_various_bells_santiago = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_branch_relic_boog_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_branch_relic_hinduism_effect = { OWNER = this }, Branch of one of the Wish-Granting Kalpavrikshas, effect create_artifact_pedestal_branch_relic_slavic_effect = { OWNER = this }, Branch of the Tree of Life standing on the rock Alatyr, effect create_artifact_bronze_head_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_khanda_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_goblet_chalice_of_dona_urraca = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_chinese_caligraphy_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_colada_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_justinian_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_nikephoros_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_crystal_carving_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_cup_jamshid_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_curtana_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_dagger_of_rostam_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_david_harp_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_wall_banner_kaviani_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_dhammapada_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_dragvandil_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_durendal_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_excalibur_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_various_aquamanile_santiago = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_great_diamond_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_edmund_head_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_ibeji_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_ikenga_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_wall_banner_edessa_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_crown_iron_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_jewelled_danda_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_joyeuse_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_kaves_apron_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_essen_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_kladenets_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_legbiter_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_makarakundala_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_mantle_of_the_prophet_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_sword_mmaagha_kamalu_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_monomachus_crown_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_koh_i_noor_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_nagelring_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_navaratna_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_olifant_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_papal_tiara_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_peacock_throne_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_sculpture_cabinet_pentapyrgion_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_robe_kassapa_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_qadib_al_mulk_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_quernbiter_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_reichskrone_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_ruyi_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_zomorrodnegar_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_pedestal_shankha_conch_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_siddhachakra_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_skull_cap_charlemagne_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_sledovik_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_spear_of_the_prophet_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_staff_kakusandha_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_throne_scone_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_sutta_pitaka_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_wall_sword_attila_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_wall_muhammad_sword_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_szczerbiec_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_throne_charlemagne_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_throne_solomon_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_wall_cid_sword_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_turquoise_throne_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_vinaya_pitaka_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_fp2_votive_crowns_effect = { OWNER = this }, effect create_artifact_konagamana_effect = { OWNER = this }, Console Window (accepts console commands), Debug Menus (including the Portrait Editor, GUI Editor, Tweak Menu and others), Debug Character Interactions (user can instantly change opinion, imprison and more), Ctrl + clicking on a portrait takes control of the character, while Alt + click kills them, File watcher that automatically reloads changed files (including mods) into memory, Scroll down to "Open game in Debug Mode" section and click Launch, Go to your CK3 directory, "binaries" folder, Right-click ck3.exe and create a shortcut, Right-click the shortcut, open Properties, Check "Add command line arguments" and enter, In the game page, select Settings (next to the Play button at the top of the page). 127. Levies are conscripted peasants that make up the bulk of all armies. Testing commands are used for developer, beta tester or modder testing. Entering it again disables it. Embarking costs Gold proportional to the army size. Join. I'm not playing on Ironman, cuz I got some mods, so I don't mind using the event cheat for this, but I can't seem to find the event ID for a Crusade to start. Army - CK3 Wiki Army This article has been verified for the current version (1.8) of the game. I have seen in the wiki the command 'set_county_faith' but it doesn't work In fact there is a command for culture 'change . To get a trait's tag from its name, perform the following steps: Traits that do not follow this pattern have been listed below for reference. Negative values lower it. RELATED: Craziest Things You Can Do In Crusader Kings 3. Notably, you can gain and lose Traits in various ways in CK 3. Valheim Genshin . It's worth noting that there is some subjectivity when it comes to terms like "positive" and "negative" in Crusader Kings 3. To get a list of faiths, just type set_faith in the console and press TAB. It will also print the event trigger, which can however cause some false positive error logs. You are using an out of date browser. You'll need to flex some of your . These traits depict the physical appearance of a character and what people might see when they gaze upon them for the first time. on Paradox technology, Legal To find the ID:, Play and our Changes the sexual orientation to [sexuality id] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Pressing tab reveals all era IDs. RELATED: Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule. So the calculations seem to come out to: 5150 (Kushite is the best I've found so far) base cost +500% (dead religion) +100% (different religion) -75% (apostate) -20% (cynic) -35% (existing religion) The brackets are omitted. [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] All Roads Lead to Rome, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] The Arrival, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Critical Bhikkhu, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Holiness of the Forest, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Ritual Cleansing, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Ziyarat, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Ihram, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] The End Is Nigh, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Adam's Innocence, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Tears of [ROOT.Char.GetFaith.WaterGodName], [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Cocky Lordling, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Wretched Pauper, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] A Desire for Intimacy, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] The Mystic, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Rasping Cough, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Sickness, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Reflections. A list of the ID codes for all traits in the game is mentioned below. Roman Triumph. To specify the major patch for which the event was written or updated. Get acquainted with upcoming games while also receiving in-depth information about evergreen ones. Default 1000. After launching the game, make sure you have the correct checksum. All of these traits are pretty powerful and are indicative of either a player's good choice or great play style throughout Crusader Kings 3 since descendant traits are extremely rare. What exactly are you trying to do? Adds [amount] of development to [county id or barony id], if no county is specified then the player character's capital. CK2 Cheats CK2 Province IDs Other CK2 IDs and Codes CK2 Blog Type the name of an event, or an event ID, into the search box below to instantly search our database of 10559 event IDs. So, I went with the miscarriage. Pregnancies last a day. With debug I'm pretty sure you can just right click on the target and get a start crusade option. Regional Men-at-Arms are made available through regional innovations. A Levy has 10 Damage and 10 Toughness. You will find the event text. I was looking for quick help on this very thing and saw no answers online, so I figured it out and am posting it here for future reference for all you good people. PDXCON ( | history) Event can be used to diplay description, trigger, trigger condition and options of an event in a compact infobox. The method is different depending on how you bought the game. Default 1000. [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] The City of the World's Desire! Adds [amount] of diplomacy lifestyle experience to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Crusader Kings 3 Event ID List. For more information, please see our If no IDs are specified then the player character. Default 1000. To spawn an artifact copy one of the following lines in the console. Debug mode is a set of game tools that allow to modify game behavior outside of normal means. Negative values lower it. The twelfth Olympic Games were recently held in Tokyo, Japan. Pressing tab reveals all perk IDs. If a trait displays two names in-game, use the one in brackets, Turn all upper case letters into lower case (, Open the file with a text editor like Notepad++ and search for any instances of the in-game name using, In the same folder as the previous file, open the file. Changes the culture to [culture id] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Default current era. Pressing tab reveals all culture IDs. These can be given and removed over the course of a playthrough. Each type of Men-at-Arms will counter at least one other type, reducing their Damage proportional to the size difference of the countering Men-at-Arms. Negative values lower it. Crusader Kings 3 Traits Childhood Traits. Adds [amount] of fervor to [faith id], if no faith is specified then the player character's faith. The txt file must be placed in Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings III/run. Armies carry supplies with them as they move around the map. Does anyone know where i can find the list for id's for all the events? Adds [amount] of prowess skill to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Repeat your search for the title's in-game name in this file. I seem to recall doing that by accident once while fooling around with some stuff lol. CK3 Cheats CK3 Innovation IDs CK3 Trait IDs CK3 Blog Enter the name of an event, or an event's ID, into the search box below to instantly filter our database of 2561 event codes. The ID uniquely identifies your event. Adds [amount] of prestige to the player character without increasing level of. 910. Jump to latest Follow Reply. All traits have a tag that is referenced internally by the game. All titles have an internal title tag that can be found in game\common\landed_titles\00_landed_titles.txt. Adds [amount] of martial skill to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Write down the text in the event, search the localisation folder for the text. Certain traits that aren't really of a positive nature are referred to as Criminal traits. May 23, 2015; Add bookmark #2 It's a file in the CK2 folder called /Crusader Kings II/events/event_id.txt Attrition is a loss of Levies and Men-at-Arms that is caused by various factors: Special soldiers are maintenance free armies that belong to historical rulers and do not reinforce. CK3 Console Commands. Interactive corporate website, Members of the clergy and characters with the. For Steam users:. Entering it again disables it. Sets the intrigue skill to [amount] for [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. If an army loses a Battle there is a 10% chance for its Commander to be captured and imprisoned. After accumulating enough stress, characters will have a Mental Break and will turn to certain vices to help cope with their stress. Use the following steps to find a title ID purely on its in-game name: Custom titles (i.e. This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 08:45. But some alternatives exist. When debug mode is activated, characters, interactions and events will show debug info which is normally hidden during normal gameplay. Pressing tab reveals all doctrine IDs. Please use. Paradox Download Available Here [] See All Preview Screenshots Here [] Very Immersive Events and Tales (VIET), the sequel to VIET Events Reborn for CK2, is a flavor mod that adds a vast collection of events about everyday life to spice up your game. First of all, locate the event you want at: ProgramFiles (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Crusader Kings III\game\events. In-game description text of the event. Someone should really put all of the events and their IDs into the CK2 wiki so you can trigger what you want. Spawns [faction type] if there are valid counties or courtiers to create it. Removes all character modifiers from [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Adds [relation id] between [character id] and [character id], if only one character is specified then between the player character and them. Before revealing the list of CK3 trait IDs, let me tell you that these must be used alongside the add_trait and remove_trait console commands. [bp1_yearly_9029_dead_parent.Custom2('RelationToMe', ROOT.Char)|U]! Privacy Policy. Adds [amount] of intrigue skill to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] A Rude Story, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] An Unexpected Encounter, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Tawaf al-Wadaa, [ROOT.Char.Custom('PilgrimageHeader')] Mecca, Hunt: The White [ROOT.Char.Custom('LocalAnimal')|U], Hunt: Rampaging [ROOT.Char.Custom('LocalAnimal')|U], The [ROOT.Char.GetTitleAsNamePossessiveNoTooltip] Peace, Hankering for [yearn_target.GetFirstNameNoTooltip], Thy Neighbor's [yearn_target.Custom('WifeHusband')|U], Servant of [ROOT.Char.GetFaith.HighGodName], The Republic of [mayor.GetPrimaryTitle.GetDeJureLiege.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip], The Growth of [target_county.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip]: Bustling [target_province.GetNameNoTooltip], The Growth of [target_county.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip], The Consecration of [target_province.GetNameNoTooltip], A [ROOT.Char.GetFaith.HouseOfWorship|U] for [target_county.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip], Royal Service: A [ROOT.Char.Custom('MountedWarriorTerm')|U] Spurned, [sc_victor.GetTitledFirstNameNoTooltip] wins the duel, The [neighboring_enemy.GetPrimaryTitle.GetAdjectiveNoTooltip] Frontier. Certain events over the course of the game confer these traits unto players for their actions. These are traits that have a chance of being passed down from a character's parents. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Gives [title id] to [character id], if no character is specified then the player character. Armies ordered to cross a sea zone will embark onto a fleet. 62 Badges. Negative values lower it. Otherwise, Shift + Alt + C may work if the prior combinations did not. First of all, locate the event you want at: ProgramFiles(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Crusader Kings III\game\events. Each Ruler has a limited number of Regiments for Men-at-Arms, but existing Regiments may be upgraded to increase their size (Even if you can no longer create new regiments of that type old ones can still be upgraded). The minimum supply limit of a barony is 1000. set_is_ai [character ID] - Allows the AI to control the character; set_is_player [character ID] - Disallows the AI to control the character; yesmen - Makes AI characters accept every request; Crusdaer Kings 3 Scripting Commands. For the Xbox Game Pass / Windows 10 Store edtion it's more complicated, as you cannot create a normal shortcut for it, so you'll have to run the following commands in Command Prompt every time you open the game: start shell:AppsFolder\ParadoxInteractive.ProjectTitus_zfnrdv2de78ny!App -debug_mode. test_event [eventid] [character] - Evaluate if an event can be triggered for a character. Press tab to see all the (many) possible targets that can be reloaded. They are not very impressive on their own, but are used in great numbers to complement more important troops. If multiple descriptions exist then use only the first one. For more information, please see our We eat, sleep, breathe gaming and we'll keep you updated with the latest right here! You can duplicate the "startgame" executable and type. Set to "yes" if the event has multiple descriptions available for use. She was locked in to die during childbirth despite strong blood, great health stats, and dynasty reduction in risky births.