Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing invoice date. UPS Account is not authorized for Worldwide Economy DDU service. Valid length is 0 to 9 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing intermediate consignee country code, Invalid or missing producer option. Label Size is not provided in the Cn22 form. Missing or invalid alternate delivery address postal code. revolut top up declined 2020 . Lightly regulated lithium batteries sent via SurePost cannot be shipped outside of the US48. Simple Rate shipment must be single piece only. UPS Account is not authorized for hold for pickup at UPS Access Point Shipment. {Rating Error Description} The weight exceeds the limit for the UPS Letter/Envelope rateand will be rated using the weight. ShipTo PhoneExtension cannot exceed the length of 4. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for UPS Access Point Economy Service when selecting Returns. The maximum Dry Ice for a pallet/shipment is 200 kg or 440 lbs. The following tables lists the errors that UPS may return in response to a request. HazMat TransportationMode violates datatype only ASCII allowed. Invalid license information. Createthe label with the updated Warehouse information. HazMat ReferenceNumber exceeds maximum of 15 characters. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for Mail Innovations Dual Returns Shipment. EmergencyContact is required when EmergencyPhone is provided. Thank you for the response. Valid length is 6 to 15 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing product origin country code for product number {0}, Invalid or missing net cost code for product number {0}. These errors are critical and prevent requests from processing. Credit Card is the only valid payment method for this type of account. The Shipper Export Declaration is unavailable with the selected accessorial. Full Coverage Warranty. Commercial Inside Release applied as per account preference to Package 0}. Updated January 13, 2023 Article Contents: ShipStation is a certified UPS Ready application that allows you to get rates and create domestic and international shipping labels using your negotiated UPS shipping rates. Return Service Type is required for Mail Innovations Single or Dual Return shipment. The request is well formed but the request is not valid. Successful responses may or may not include warnings. Missing or Invalid Page Size for UPS Premium Care Form. Find the order through any of the possible ways (after Import Orders, Batches, Order History, etc) as it applies to the case 2. Valid length is 0 to 10 alphanumeric, Invalid commodity code for product number {0}. The necessary service area validation data could not be retrieved with selected destination country code. The following tables lists the errors that UPS may return in response to a request. MovementReferenceNumber must contain alphanumeric characters only. The maximum dimensions for a pallet are ({0}) in by ({1}) in by ({2}) in for the selected origin. Valid length is 1 to 25 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing product schedule B number for product number {0}. The application may re-issue the request at a later time. The length width and height must each be less than {description} inches or {description} centimeters. The Pickup From postal code %orig.postal% is not a valid postal code. The country of origin associated with the content in the CN22 form is invalid. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing parties to transaction. Delivery confirmation is unavailable with the selected service. Switzerland Domestic Container must weigh greater than 2 KG, Worldwide Express Plus from Europe to Switzerland must be UPS Envelope or document only. Please attach your user generated forms with your shipment. HazMat ReportableQuantity exceeds maximum length of 2 characters. Press Save to apply the changes The same shipment cannot be requested to be created more than once. Valid length is 1 to 20 alphanumeric, Invalid additional comments. Shipment Description is required for this shipment. The maximum number of ISC Types has been exceeded. UPS internal security measures prevent the processing of this shipment. If not using third-party billing, the most common cause is due to missing invoice information during the account set up. Your Shipment Cannot Be Processed. Missing or invalid package notification code for package {0}. Missing or invalid alternate delivery address information. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid intermediate consignee address line 3. The specified country, origin or destination, is not supported. HazMat Quantity is absent or doesn't meet specification. The maximum per pallet weight for the selected service to the selected destination is ({0}) kgs. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Proactive Response Substances. Valid format is yyyyMMdd, Invalid license exception code. The UPS Returns Flexible Access option is unavailable with Large Package. Invalid or missing product NumberOfPackagesPerCommodity. Missing or Invalid InternationalForms/EEIFilingOption. Q Value must be N/A when there are no All Packed in One Basic Descriptions. Number of HazMat entities per package cannot be greater than 3. Valid values are NC or NO, Invalid or missing net cost date range begin date for product number {0}. Invalid freight charges monetary value. Valid length is 0 to 10 numeric, Invalid or missing product schedule B unit of measurement code for product number {0}. Additional Handling is unavailable with UPS Letters. The requested billing option is not available from the selected origin to the selected destination. Valid length is 1 to 3 alphanumeric, Schedule B quantity is required when the schedule B unit of measurement code is not equal to X, Invalid or missing export type for product number {0}. Valid length is 24 characters, Ship From Address for Master Carton ID is invalid, Shipper Account for Master Carton ID is invalid, The Worldwide Economy shipment must be single piece only. Invalid InternationalForms/PartiesToTransaction. Missing or invalid alternate delivery address city. ShipStation is a cloud-based shipping solution for automating order fulfillment. Refresh your Ordoro account. Valid length is 1 to 8 alphanumeric. The credit card provided as the payment method has expired. Requested TransportationMode indicates this item is forbidden, based on chemical table validation. HazMat EmergencyPhone required since Regulation Set is TDG. HazMat AdditionalDescription Info exceeds maximum length of 255 characters. Change or complete the Name or Company accordingly 4. Import Control Shipments does not allow package void in a shipment. Missing the Cn22 Other Description in the CN22 form, The CN22 Content is not provided in the CN22 form, The Total number of items associated with the content is invalid, The description of the content provided in the CN22 form is invalid, Total Weight of the content provided in the CN22 form is invalid, Total value of the items associated with the content in the CN22 form is invalid, The currency code provided in the CN22 form is invalid. November 2, 2021 . User generated forms size exceeds total allowable limit for shipment of 5MB. Update your Warehouse Name. HazMat ProperShippingName exceeds maximum length of 150 characters. 5. Missing product unit information for product number {0}. The CN22 form cannot be combined with any other form. Thanks! Label Stock Size not allowed for specified Label Image Type. Missing or Invalid Forms PointOfOriginType, Missing or Invalid Forms UltimateConsigneeType, Missing or Invalid Shipment ShipperNumber. [][], Packing Instruction does not match the (PAX, CAO, LTD QTY) packing instruction, basedvon chemical table validation. Package exceeds the maximum length constraint of {description} cm. The COD amount cannot exceed $1,000 when a cashiers check or money order is requested. Get started Once you have created your Integration Manager account, please use the following guides to connect your account to Quickbooks Commerce (as your WMS) and Vend (as a Cart). If invoice is a requested international form, all specified products must belong to invoice, Invalid or missing product unit number for product number {0}. ShipStation also supports UPS Consolidation options like UPS Mail Innovations. A single ChemicalRecord cannot be All Packed in One. Invalid label specification label stock dimensions. Invalid Number of Packages. Should indicate one time POA or blanket POA. Product description should be present at least once. As of January 1, 2017, UPS Policy requires that all air shipments containing lithium ion and metal batteries packed alone to be transported as section I.A or I.B fully regulated shipments. Once that Company name field on the Ship From Location is added, you should no longer see this error message. Package Type must be specified when the package is not Part of All Packed in One. Address Validation Error on Shipper address. Any help would be appreciated. Valid length is 1 to 10 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing blanket period begin date. Thanks for joining us here in the community! The Saturday Delivery option cannot be combined with the Return Services option. Invalid or missing User Created Form Data. Hard errors indicate that an error existed in the request that UPS could not resolve, it is a user error. Invoice cannot be requested for non-document forward shipments. UPS Worldwide Economy DDU Oversize does not apply, and has automatically been removed from Package {0}. The payer of Transportation charges and the payer of Duty and Tax charges must not be the same for Split Duty VAT shipment. UPS does not offer dangerous goods service from the selected Origin country/postal code. PackageServiceOption HazMat TransportationMode has invalid value. Missing/Invalid label specification label image format Code. Valid length is 1 to 3 alphanumeric, Product/Unit/UnitOfMeasurement/Description is required when Product/Unit/UnitOfMeasurement/Code is ""OTH"" for product number {0}. Please select UPS Next Day Air service as an alternative. The currency code is invalid for the shipment. Sold to information is required when an invoice or NAFTA CO is requested. The payer's transportation country is not valid for carbon neutral shipments. Needed for EEI processing, Missing or Invalid Forms EEIFilingOption. UPS Premier or UPS Proactive Response must be present on a Category A shipment. Invalid or missing sold to phone number. Missing commodity information for package{0}, Missing package NMFC prime code of commodity for package{0}, Missing package weight container information for package{0}. Notification phone number may not exceed length of 15. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for Dangerous Goods shipments with TDG RegulationSet. The destination postal code %dest.postal% in can also be %dest.AdjCityName% in %dest.AdjCountry%. Valid length is 1 to 7 numeric, Invalid or missing Product/Unit/UnitOfMeasurement/Code for product number {0}. The declared value amount must be greater than zero. A Commercial Invoice must have at least one commodity in the request. Uploading of your user generated International Forms was not successful. HazMat ReferenceNumber violates datatype only ASCII allowed. Address Validation is the process of checking the Recipient Address against an official database to ensure the address is valid. UPS Worldwide Economy DDU Oversize Surcharge has been added to Package {0}. Valid values are KGS or LBS. Invalid or missing Shipper tax identification. ShipStation is a web-based shipping solution that streamlines the order fulfillment process for your online business. Valid value is 1 to 35 alphanumeric. Exceeds maximum number of Document IDs (13) allowed per Shipment. Valid length is 1 to 30 alphanumeric, Invalid sold to state province code. Click the edit button of the order you wish to change 3. Shipper Duty Fee is unavailable with the selected billing option. The Notification Media Type is invalid for the given country. Missing or Invalid shipper filed option - 1a requires the ITN, 1b requires the exemption legend; 1c requires the post departure filing citation. Missing or Invalid Code in UPSFiled. Invalid or missing product weight for product number {0}. If you are picking up from a city within, enter the correct city. Package HazMatPackageInformation QValue must exist with RegulationSet IATA when AllPackedInOneIndicator present. The shipment for the requested tracking number or the combination of reference number plus shipper number could not be found. Valid values are R or N, Invalid license number. Invalid combination of international forms. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Hemp/CBD. User level discount not applied, another promotion has been applied. The Delivery Confirmation option cannot be combined with the Return Services option. Please use an RFID Capable Printer with an RFID Embedded Label for UPS Premier Silver package Label. UPS does not offer Biological Substances, Category B service to the selected Destination country/postal code. Packages must weigh more than zero pounds. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing sold to city. Cari pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan Uncaught exception phpmailer phpmailer exception with message invalid address to atau merekrut di pasar freelancing terbesar di dunia dengan 22j+ pekerjaan. The Certificate of Origin is unavailable with the selected service. missing or invalid ship from company name shipstation. Shipper is not eligible to ship Hazardous Material / International Dangerous Goods. The requested billing option is unavailable with the selected packaging. LabelSpecification/Instruction is not allowed with the shipment. Valid value is 01 or 05. International forms can not be requested for letters or documents. Mismatch package dimensions with package type, Mismatch package dimensions, package type and package weight, All Package Dimensions are required and each must be greater than 0, Package weight value cannot exceed a length of 6, Package PackageWeight, Package DimensionalWeight, Package OversizePackage and Package Dimensions do not apply to UPS Envelopes, Package declared value cannot be greater than {Monetary Amount} {Currency Code}. Jeff Kolyer January 19, 2022 01:36 Follow This error means that the recipient info is too many characters for the carrier and must be shortened. The Transportation Mode for ADR regulation set must be Ground. CN22 form is required for combined MI package and CN22 label. Invalid alternate delivery address line 2. The selected service is not available from the origin to the destination. When we see "Missing or invalid shipper name" when making a label via UPS, it means that we need to go to the Ship From Location in ShipStation and make sure that all fields have been filled in, including full name and company name. Valid length is 0 to 9 alphanumeric, The selected international form is not valid for the shipment origin country. Invalid telephone extension. The Authorized Return Service is unavailable with the selected accessorial. Mail Innovations Mailer ID must be 6 or 9 characters in length. {0} of Receiver Return Notification is only allowed to be specified at the first package that has Receiver Return Notification. DryIce DryIceWeight Weight cannot be larger than package weight. Master Carton shipment must be single piece only. The maximum total size constraint (length + girth, where girth is 2 x width plus 2 x height) of a UPS Returns Flexible Access package is . Missing or invalid shipment payment method, Missing or invalid credit card expiration date, creditcard number is not valid for the credit card type. Invalid Pallet Description for package {package number}. Missing or Invalid Alternate Payment Method. Cannot use multiple types of currency in a shipment. The only difference is my UPS account is under a different name than my ShipStation profile (one is Boone's Overstock and the other is Brutal Planet). Invalid Subject Code of {Notification type}, Invalid UndeliverableEMailAddress of {Notification type}, Invalid FromEMailAddress of {Notification type}, Missing or invalid subject text of {Notification type}. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Tobacco. You do not have permission to remove this product association. ReceiptSpecification applies only for PRL or Exchange Return Receipt. HazMat IDNumber Number exceeds maximum length of 6 characters. Missing InternationalForms/PartiesToTransaction. Negotiated rates are unavailable at this time. Transient errors are temporary errors, due to temporary high server loads or scheduled maintenance, for example. Alcohol is not a valid ISC type for the specified destination. Seeking workaround for Etsy Package Dimensions. The maximum per package weight for the selected option is {0} kg. HazMat PackagingType exceeds maximum length of 255 characters. Valid length is 1 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing sold to address line 1. Cannot access the high level business components, {0}, Cannot access the low level business components, {0}, The field, {0}, contains invalid data, {1}, The phone number contains invalid characters, The Integration Indicator is no longer supported. Valid length is 1 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing producer address line 1. Note: If youre using Profiles, you may need to update your Profile Name as well. Change the State Code accordingly 4. Only ASCII allowed. missing or invalid ship from company name shipstation Author: Published on: fargo school boundary changes June 8, 2022 Published in: jeffrey donovan dancing with the stars Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Refrigerated Substances.