Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Umm I think hes paid to play be the face of the franchise and be a mentor to people..with that being said u can have tattoos and still be that..tattoos dont determine the kind of person you arelet JR frown about it I bet if he does get them and have good yrs doing his rookie contract he will get an new contract regardless..sometimes employees dont see eye to eye with there bosses anyway. I have tats all overhowever, I now work in a field that requires I cover them when there. Also look to the military, sure soldiers, sailors, and airmen get tats, but if they are visible like on the face or hands they are subject to article 15 under the USMJ destruction or harm to Government Property like the individual who could be reduced in rank and subject to discharge. He looked at me with such disgust. Its a whole lot easier to sell big business on a nice-looking, clean cut young man like Cam Newton, as opposed to a player like Chris Johnson with all the hair, tattoos, and gold teeth. He didnt draft the guy and then say theses things. If Newton doesnt like it, get them and let Richardson trade him for it. Man I usually HATE when the race card is played but this sure walks a fine line. Who Will Win The Premier League Golden Boot For The 2021/22 Season? Manchester Uniteds star midfielder, Paul Pogba refuses to wear any tattoos on his body. Aug 24, 2011 8:24 AM Wrong. Someone tell Jerry no whiskey and well see how he likes that. As a Panthers fan, this is one of the biggest non stories i have ever read on this site. How some of you idiots turned this into a race/slavery issue is beyond me. The players in the 2013 NFL Draft Class have no shortage of impressive tattoos. As the face of the organization for (presumably, if everything goes well) the next 10+ years, if not for life, you want to roll out a conservative image. 1 draft pick, Jerry Richardson to Cam Newton: No tattoos, no piercings, Report: Derek Carr wants $35 million per year, The Raiders are the betting favorites to land Aaron Rodgers, Mike McCarthy: Kellen Moore wants to light the scoreboard up, I want to run the damn ball, ESPN reiterates report that Lamar Jackson wants a fully-guaranteed deal, Arrest warrant issued for Jalen Carter for reckless driving, racing, Aaron Rodgers says hell make a decision soon enough, Competition Committee begins to explore the quarterback push play, Players say Chiefs discourage them from reporting injuries, have NFLs worst training staff, Bryce Young is just over 5-10 and 204 pounds. You think you can go into a big firm and score a high paying job while sporting tatoos and peircings? Most of them expressed their support for Brady Quinn over Tebow, but not Josh Lucero. But I would think, that if I am him, there will be another contract and I would not want to make the owner mad by defying him. Most other teams expect to win. Its America and both can do what they want in this country. Whether he will get it or not is Cams choice. I guess it is a fair assumption you have never heard of the CFL, UFL or Arena Football League. While Im sure Richardson is an old-school guy who has low regard for any manner of body ornamentation, this isnt so much about Jerry imposing his own personal values on a player; its a matter of maintaining and maximizing Cams image and marketability, particularly as it relates to the corporate sector. I have no issue with an employer enforcing a dress code, theyre paying you to be at work. I dont see what the big deal is. I have no opinion about whether players should have tattoos or not. He seems like an all around great guy. This is the NFL. Jerry, do you care more about winning football games or playing house? If Carolina finishes with better than .500 record, their fans wouldnt care if Queequeg was their QB. You want no tats or piercings? They want the money too. While my personal preference is in alignment with Richardson, I am not ok with the implication that it is a requirement. tats are so common if he held the rest of the team to that rule he would have a lot of roster spots to fill . I dont have tattoos or any piercings, and I would like to keep it that way. This clause is enforced @ ALL TIMESwhether she is on or off duty. but to be able to dictate what one chooses to do with his/her body (as long as its not immoral/illegal) as an employer? Furthermore, check yourself in the mirror bro, for the way you embarrassed yourself and your franchise with your handling of preliminary CBA negotiations. So without further ado, its time to introduce the could-have-been-good, the bad and the ugly tattoos across the NFL. Not to be superstitious but a tattoo would definitely mess up the team mojo if he got one now, right? I bet Tom Brady, Drew Brees, and Peyton Manning dont have any tattoos or piercings. Cmon Cam show a pair! (thats a joke) But really, the team is in the south and the culture down here is still not totally ready to be led by a person of color. No matter how famous you are, somethings are prohibited in the Bale household and that includes tattoos. Its not about race or slavery or any of that other B.S. The reality is if Newton is playing top-level ball, Jerry isnt going to say jack-sh!t to him about his appearance, much less bench him for it. There are laws against being singled out like that. Newton is a grown man, and he can do whatever he wants by way of decorating his body with ink or ice, or by growing his hair as long as he pleases. If not, than hes way out of line. Its a business and some of those things do alienate fans which is alienating customers. It seems to be accepted in industries that dont deal much with the public, except for the carnival. employees do have rights. Thigh Football Tattoos 11. If the boss tells you to do something, you do it, or you risk losing your job. Let me simplify this one for the bloody-do-gooders and first amendment nuts. chrisbntx says: I find nothing as silly as when people try to compare playing in the NFL to a regular job. Its like any other job. ive had many coworkers that have to rock the long sleeves at work to cover up the tats, and theyre cool with that. Besides, every other corporation has a dress code of some kind, it isnt like he would not have faced this perhaps in the work place elsewhere. Is hard reset only way to salvage Jets QB dilemma? July 31, 2013. This Baltimore Ravens fan is chronicling his team's 2021 season in a permanent way -- tattoos for every win. Forearm Football Tattoos 2. I dont care what why he tries to spin it, those comments were clearly racist.. I actually dont mind this and agree with the sentiment. The New York Yankees do the same thing with all of their players. if he doesnt want him to have tqtoos or piercings, he has every right to request that. Please explain to me why it would be so crazy for ownership to enforce something like this. A man child would go get tatoos despite what the guy said. The more disturbing reality is that Jerry Richardson likely pushed for Newton based on his responses to this question, rather than picking the guy who has the best chance to succeed. Such is life. He hired a latino hc, drafted an african american QB, and steve smith adores him(and he hates everybody). Cmon Cam show a pair! This reminds me of the Yankees and their no facial hair except mustaches rule. Fines? We wont allow an employee to enter a home with vivible tattoos or piercings. This is the NFL not Wallstreet. If they are, then hell, I wish I was too. - Who are their critics to say otherwise, nobody? The New York Yankees do the same thing with all of their players. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Richardson is trying to keep Cam Newtons already tainted name from getting anymore questionable. As for Richardson not wanting Cam to get tats or piercings, its his team and he can request or demand how his players look on the field or in front of the press. That being saiduntil the NFL states itI dont think the individual owners have the right as they are just pieces of the whole organization. Cam Newton Just Checked his map and realized hes in that country called AMERICA. Mane Richardson is a hypocrite did he not wanted Mike Vick at one pointSMH. The difference is you can also go to another restaurant that allows tats and piercings. Cowboys rookie receiver Ryan Switzer wasn't allowed to get a tattoo, so he covertly got one done on the inside of his lower lip. if the owner is more concerned with the dress code than whether or not they have that particular talent then thats their problem. Then Richardson would have to risk cutting talent (Im not a Cam fan), taking a PR hit and letting Cam take his talents to another team. How about this.let Cam get the tattoo then rescind his contract and let him sign somewhere else where there is actual talent around him. Cam can choose to bag groceries instead of get paid 30 mil to play a game. He interviewed for a sales position with a company, and showed up at the interview with an earring. Everybody has made good points in this discussion. Speaking about his likes and dislikes, the Egyptian king said: I dont have tattoos, I dont change hairstyles, I dont know how to dance. that some of you morons mentioned. He said, No, sir. It might be just me, but I care a lot more about how a player acts on and off the field than about how many body mods they have. I think we are seeing more and more owners stay out of the football side of things. If Cam chooses to do something contrary to the owners wishes then Richardson will no doubt calculate it when decided to resign him or not. First I think we need to remember that the NFL is a JOB! So I guess hed pass on Tom Brady because his hair is too long? An NFL owner can tell his employers whatever he wants. Tattoos have received a negative connotation in recent years, going as far as the NFL might hire police experts to study players tattoos, according to an article published by CBS . You can. People somehow think it is their constitutional right to take a job somewhere and look and do whatever they want because of freewill.incorrect. Kante is the only chelsea players without tattoos in our list. This is no different than someone going to work for a store that required a certain presentation.thats what the owner wants.his team.if Newton doesnt like it, he doesnt have to play! There are trade offs. I have also placed him on the mythical collegiate, Mt. The recent fight and shooting at the Raider-Niner game last weekend was a huge red flag. Last I checked, if the OWNER wants one of his EMPLOYEES to exhude a certain image, then the EMPLOYEE had better comply. Its ok to have dress codes and other policies for an organization, but young players have tattoos and piercings. I wondered how I would have felt if one of my back surgeons showed up in his scrubs with arms full of tattoos and lips, nose, cheeks and ears pierced. OMG I bet 90% of people work somewhere that has some type of dress code, either cover tatoos, keep your hair neat. He doesnt care about Shockeys appearance b/c Shockey isnt on sportscenter on a daily basis wearing a panthers jersey. Big diff to being the face of the franchise and being a backup linebacker.. Richardson has a reasonable point in this manner.. Newton will be the first face in all of the ads for the team and organization.. Unless Gabbert comes out and says he was told the same thing by Richardson in regards to his appearance, I have a problem with it. The winner has been LEAKED, Cristiano Ronaldo scores STUNNING first-half hat trick for Al Nassr as he totals 2 HAT-TRICKS IN 3 GAMES. freedomispopular says: It would be one thing if he had a hardline policy where he refused to draft any players who had tatts or piercings. But it is rediculous to think that people would watch the NFL less if all the players had tattoos and piercings. Sure, they are drafted by a team and therefore obligated to play for them or else harm their chances of playing anywhere at all, but they are not shackled to the deck and forced to scrub the floors. Just for the record, most old people prefer young people to not have any piercings, tattoos, or ridiculous hair. A guy who has size, strength and perfectly merges RB talent and elite passing skills. If Im getting paid millions of dollars to be a high profile leader in a company and represent that company publicly? Web1. I just wanna know why you cant tackle some fool by his hair if hes going to wear it hanging out so far. I absolutely HATE looking at those players with tattoos up and down their arms, gold teeth, big diamonds in both of their ear lobes and hair down to their a$$. The difference is you can also go to another restaurant that allows tats and piercings. If my QB is spending any time under the needle for a superficial piece of body art instead of studying film or learning every positions responisibility on every single play than he is mismanaging his responsibilities as a professional and I wouldnt trust him as the leader of my franchise. Boy, a lot of people who werent there know for sure what was said and to whom it was said. Jerry Richardson has every right to ask that a player not have tats or piercings. Ill be posting some of the most interesting aspects of their discussion right here. With regards to the NFL, people would watch it still if the players wore snuggies instead of uniforms. The fact is, in todays game, corporate money is where its at. now with that said, i do agree that a no piercings/tatoos policy can hold up. But to single Cam out specifically, esp since hes black, is tainted with the stench of blatant racism. Best comment of the day. thats where again i have issue. Angry, by I have no problem with people who love tattoos (I know several) and want to cover their body in them, but just dont complain about your lack of job prospects because you dont look very professional no matter how you dress.