According to Paul, he's tired of not being able to go out to eat or go and run an errand without fans hounding him for an autograph or a photo. Freedom to do whatever you want to do within the confines of the law. People came to see the stars, and the stars would oblige their fans' reasonable requests. (I met you twice and I remember you doing something like Seans story the one time I went to SDCC) However, I have also seen people bring whole comic boxes up to be signed, and frankly can understand charging for that. Beyonce. Thanks for buying my jersey but, too bad you couldnt afford the additional $100 for me to sign it. Sometimes a speaker will advertise a large fee for speakinglike a couple of hundred thousand dollarsnot because they necessarily need the money, but because it both enhances their stature and keeps them from being overwhelmed with requests. Then saying just dont buy it then is what every defense says about something thats wrong like go play a video game people cheat and say the same thing oh well its in the game well ya what thy doesnt mean you should do it and ruin the game same thing here he shouldnt do it. According to the Hollywood Reporter Smith brought in$250,000 a weekend while he was The Doctor. (I think we have one in the program book). Answer: As a rule - no. The forgery laws in California are very specific and selling a fake celebrity autograph is not covered under them. In fact look on ebay most autographs without PSA documentation arent really worth that much. So its not like these fans are going to sell these on ebay for very much. Freedom to not charge. Others have me sign one comic and drop in ten bucks. They should sign full name for a paid and initials for free. Thispractice was quite common before it was curtailed by most celebrities. Her music is about her fans, which definitely proves how much she appreciates them. Fords PR company Coolwaters Productions offered the following pricing options:Option One: $875Photo up to 1620, not signed by other cast membersFlattened Funko pop boxSmall trading cardComic book, not signed by other cast membersMagazine, not signed by other cast membersOption Two: $1,020810 item signed by other cast membersSmall trading card signed by other cast membersMagazine signed by other cast membersComic book signed by other cast membersMetal platesOption Three: $1,275Photo signed by other cast members (1114, 1117, 1218, 1620)Small action figures, How to Send Fan Mail to The Star Wars Cast Members & Request Their Autograph. It was an expected part of celebrity and was included in the price of admission. The cost of celebrity appearances starts somewhere near five months of rent and only climbs from there, so think wisely about whom you want to show up at your birthday party. That sounds like a fine policy. Give me a freaking break Florio. Who Is The Coolest Actor In The World Right Now? What are your thoughts on this issue? 3 weeks after the autograph was sent, the celebrity sees that autograph for sale on eBay. In that signing, Natalie Portmans autograph started at $560 for a signed 810 photo. In 2019, Keaton did his first ever autograph signing at Alamo City Comic Con. If people are profiting off these stars, it may as well be the stars themselves. Famous Men You'd Want To Have A Beer With, The 50+ Most Beautiful Influencers Of 2023. Mark Hamill's Autographs Prove He's The Best Actor A Fandom Could Ask For. There was no option to get additional dedications or inscriptions either so his signature commanded a high price. A celebrity at an event charging for autographs is selling a product and working. b : a person's handwritten signature. To me, it makes them look cheap to expect some additional money for that. Heres a list of 20 of your favorite stars from the world of nerdery and their asking price for autographs. Also noticed an odd message on the Chiller Theatre convention website, officially denying that they make their guests charge for autographs, whereas Ive heard various stories from the guests charging various fees because thats how they break even on the trip. A hug? Thank them. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Its not just adults that are greedy anymore, I think its classless. In a sense I would be using ingenuity to make the price more worth it. How much does it cost to hire a celebrity? Reunited and it feels so good. Of course, that was the good old days when most actors didnt charge, either. If a writer or artist adding their name to a comic increases its resale value, why shouldnt they get some of it? Click Upload and select one of your documents. Cam your already making Millions from your fans do you really need a couple more of their hard earned dollars to pad your pockets? Many of them have their publicists send the items back with a note stating they do not have the time to sign autographs or they charge a fee. That kind of payment, the thank you is mandatory I think. It is very thoughtful of Harry Styles to do things this way because he knows that . I quite like the idea of PADs tip jar, though. Thats not only wrong, but its disgusting and represents the abundance of greed and lack of generosity in this world. Taylor Swift & Arnold Schwarzenegger Are Pioneering Digital Signatures; Whos Doing it Right, Whos Doing it Wrong? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I had a Montana picture in a plaque-like display frame that I got around 1990. Its a little disillusioning to see that, but its worth acknowledging how many of those signatures are going to wind up being resold on eBay or elsewhere. As movie and TV stars and B- and C-listers prices for autographs skyrocket at conventions, comic book writers and artists have been discussing whether or not they charge for scribbling their names on their work. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It would be ok in a charity event that athletes are asking for money for autograph and the collection goes to charity Seems like a acceptable topic to post this on. Or at least a satisfying percentage. Sylvester Stallone. I remember my first Dragon*Con where I brought a copy of X-Factor for you to sign and was floored you signed it for free. A Harrison Ford autograph starts out at $875, but his prices vary based on size and the add-ons that you choose. One of them was the one he collaborated with three other authors on, the Next Gen novel Doomsday World, and the other three authors all happened to be at the same con. Houston's independent source of If he was truly doing that, he wouldnt add a $50 fee for personalizing it. I realized that there exist unwritten rules to getting an item signed for fun and profit. That price would have included the autograph as well as grading and encapsulation of their newly signed comic. Okay, sowhat does this "everything else" entail? It keeps their conscience clear, I guess. Ive met you twice and had a couple items signed each time so it worked out well in my opinion. Or natural characteristics in certain letters may be missing or unnatural. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Wouldnt have occurred to them. 1 Paul McCartney. Some fans bring me thirty books to sign and put in nothing. I reluctantly paid $75 for Nathan Fillions autograph. OT: What is this salty discharge emanating from my eyes after reading the last page of Spidey 2099. It never would have occurred to my young teen self that one would have to pay for them. 1 Can't Pay To Meet Harry Styles. Photo: $445. Merch sales and meet and greet VIP tickets are critical sources of income. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. And some famous people use signing fees, appearance fees, etc, as a way to cut down on the number of requests. I would gladly tip you just for the laugh you gave me that day. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Tom Brady. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. NOBODY charged for autographs at a Star Trek convention, EVER. Further, pro athletes paid millions per year in addition to that money. MDS basically wrote this same post at 8:30 this morning. A celebrity gets a request for an autograph through the mail. I occasionally talk with actors who refuse to do comic book conventions because they are required to charge. Dress as your favorite character and walk around the floor. The earliest "Mickey Mantle" autographs looked. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. In the past when we have tried to collect this information ahead of time, it was deemed "wildly inacurate.". Adding a character name or personalization will each cost an additional $100 on top of the $160 base price and there is a $120 premium to get large format items like posters signed. Celebrities want to be able to spend quality time with their families. Best Bets: Ada Limn, Cowboy Bob and New Beginnings, This weekend was Space City Comic Conan uneven success by the kindest estimates. There is a difference between doing a signing purely for that purpose (which can include free autographs) and being a paid guest, charging money for autographs. She charges between $10 to $55, using the motto: "Where originality meets legacy.". People came to see the stars, and the stars would oblige their fans' reasonable requests. It helps to cover convention expenses because many conventions dont provide per diems. Most will run between $10 and $100 but we have found that many of our celebrities do not even set their price until they see what others are charging. If you went all in on a 2740 poster signed by Steinfeld with a personalization and inscription, youd have to shell out $440.Steinfeld also made some stipulations about what she would and would not sign. If Joe fan wants a signature for free, give him the B signature. Many Hollywood A-listers oblige to fans' requests, but there are celebrities who refuse to sign autographs and have been named to Autograph Collectors Magazine 's "worst celebrity signers" list for several years in a row. As a tattoo artist, I do give free sessions from time to time. Also worth noting, RDJ didnt keep the proceeds, but instead donated his earnings to support the Footprint Coalition which focuses on environmental causes. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The New York Comic Con lists an astounding 243 opportunities for fans to get autographs over the four-day convention. Im personally not going to pay 100 bucks for some persons signature, but if a kid gets it I think they should do it for free. Im ok with charging memorabilia collectors, but not kids. For a kid, meeting your hero is one of them until he charges you for it. One more thing that can add value to your autographed baseball are inscriptions such as when a player adds his MVP year or when he won the World Series MVP. Michael J. Two things to say about autographs and you, Peter. Selfies? Celebrity Guests set their own pricing for their autographs, photosand merchandise, so we really don't have a way to tell you ahead of time. What is the value of autograph? Freedom to not charge. Labor for the event is $1,000. This can be very helpful and fruitful but it can also be frustrating and lead nowhere, it all depends on how the celebrity bought their houseand also how dedicated you are you sifting through data. I lost the autograph a week later. Yes he did, indeed! Its an exchange, you get an autograph and keepsake, they get some cash. (Even cooler when an artist includes a sketch!) If they shell out over $100 bucks to watch a game, then out of gratitude a player should be able to stop for a moment to sign some autographs. Letting him carry you around the convention on his shoulders? amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; On Saturday of the Con, I thought I had better buy a ticket to get my picture with Joe. Now, it's expected that each scrawl will be worth a set amount of money as a way to defray the cost of bringing the guests down. Because people will pay for them, they ave become a marketable commodity. I think one could argue that in giving the public whatever they've become famous for (like great movies) they've already made a significant cultural contribution and don't "owe" us anything further. Why you hurt me like this Peter David? It's a trade: you get an autograph and a memento, and they get money. Visit us, have a discussion, vent away or just have some fun playing games or taking a quiz. Some celebrities may allow the fan to take a picture, using the fans camera, of the celebrity signing the particular item the fan is purchasing. Your policy strikes me as being reasonable. It would just be christopher Lloyd standing on the side of the road handing out autographs. I remember seeing you once at SDCC in the mid-90s when they were cracking down on autographing at any location other than a booth. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The fans in the stands are who pay for the NFL stars salaries. Celebrity Autographs - How to spot the legitimate ones - Mymusicarena. The results are varied. Thats normally far too rich for my blood, but his was the final Firefly cast member whose autograph my wife & I needed to have all 9 on the DVDs. We probably all have that ONE actor/actress weve been pining over. I ran several conventions back in the 90s, and, things where much different then. Create a signNow account (if you haven't registered yet) or log in using your Google or Facebook. I can even recall a time where both an autograph and a picture with a celebrity at his/her table was all lumped into the charge of the autograph. Some may see it as a way to limit the crowd. As a fan, of course, I prefer it when Im not getting charged. There actually are a few movie/TV people who wont charge. Just came back from a local comic book convention and got some autographed DVDs from a few heros of mine though I noticed that autographs are about $20 each. In the mean time, dont let those prices bum you out, there are other less costly ways to enjoy a con. Was he in the Super Bowl did he win it Its a tricky issue. Can someone hack my PC through online games? The nicest ones will spend time talking with the fans and making it a very personal experience. Yeah, I got them autographed by Peter David. I didnt mention the precise mechanics of how that came about. Purchasing a Robert Downey Jr. autograph would set you back $700. The last time that Mark Hamill participated in a signing was in 2017 when he charged $295 per autograph. I know, at Agemecon 5 I was having every one sign my con tee shirt, and I was joking with the B5 cast that this was the second most expensive tee shirt I had. Each makes up to $30,000 for a two-day signing session. Then Ill sign it. Now, it's expected that each scrawl will be worth a set amount of money as a way to defray the cost of bringing the . When I was younger, Id get the autograph out of respect and admiration for the person I was talking with. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. And, Im pickier about which media guests I get autographs from, as minimum prices seem to have risen to $40 (with some tacking on an additional charge for personalization). Why do celebrities charge for autographs? She was also not willing to sign custom art or home-printed images. Freedom to charge. Our goods and services are worth whatever someone will pay for them, and we have every right to charge whatever the market will bear. In recent years, Taylor Swift has made herself known as one of the biggest celebrities that have made their autograph available to her fans in mass quantities. When he found out the price of Joe Montanas autographwell, his explanationascribes to how OUT OF CONTROL this is getting. I gave tables FREE to writers, artist and fan clubs. Back then, only one actor ever tried to charge for an autograph, and since it was so uncommon at the time, I balked and never even bothered to try getting it. One of the problems is that sometimes, like in my case, you dont realize how awkward and awful the photos will look until after youve already gotten one or two your first time. Im ok with charging an adult to pay the fee, considering some get it just to sell it. Others may see it as a way for celebrities to make some extra cash. Most of the celebrity guests charge for autographs, and depending on the celebrity, they may also charge to take photos with them. The Scarefest does not include an autograph price in our celebrity contracts. $40 to added a signature to something you already own can be a bitter pill to swallow if you dont plan to sell the item afterwards. My only problem with the tip jar approach is that I would not have the slightest idea what is a fair amount for the experience of meeting a favorite author. (Wait, I hope I dont give the powers that be any bright ideas). Okay, were charging Star Trek cosplayersextra for a photo op with Karl Urban! Its not about the signature for a real fan, its about the interaction with the athlete so as long as the fan isnt looking to profit then they wont care. Happily winding my way through the crowd of vendors and buyers and fans and artistsI reached the photo-op ticket window. Nah, if I have millions in the bank, I do free work, Tbh, sometimes I do work for free. Some may see it as a way to compensate for the inconvenience or the invasion to their privacy. They can sell them at conventions, or to collectors . No. The stars who receive luxury travel and accommodations . and help keep the future of the Houston Press, Use of this website constitutes acceptance of our. Ive even moved into the current century by getting your New Frontier even though I havent yet got an e-reader. Did I mention even a Star Trek actor took notice of this autograph absurdity? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". You said in a loud, booming voice, THERE IS A POLICY AGAINST ME SIGNING THESE IN THE AISLES AND I WOULD NEVER DO THAT! as you were signing each and every one of them. You dont take a paycheck home? Paul McCartney made the decision to stop signing autographs for his fans. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I have always been a big (thats an understatement) fan of Asimovs. Honestly, this seems like a price set to keep autograph seekers at an arm's length. Hertzler, an actor known to have played multiple roles in the Star Trek franchise. I just didnt agree with MDS assessment that he was only trying to share in the profits of people whod flip his autograph for cash. She FaceTimes with her fans, jumps in to sing karaoke with them, features their YouTube videos on her tour, and even brings them on stage during her performances. I first got into cons via comics. Register now! Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Maybe you could just hang out with your friends instead! Prices vary per celebrity guest. You could shorten your line wait by purchasing a VIP pass for big bucks to pay for something that also costs big bucks. Some things in life are special. I mean you cant be giving stuff away for free when you can make money off of it, right? Selfies? Dragon Con attendees expressed their experiences regarding what they thought to be rather lackluster and costly. What has this kid done to make him worth a dime How soon everyone forgets. No his team was 3rd in the NFC South. But a picture with Joe with no autograph?, Thats right, NO autograph. And while there are certain contexts in which charging for autographs is unseemly (such as when walking off the practice field), the essence of a free market is freedom. Honestly, this seems like a price set to keep autograph seekers at an arm's length. My reason would be to wear the cosplay in the photo op with the corresponding celeb. But my money was tight so I bought just a bit of all the things I liked, including your book. Selma Hayek's autograph starts at $225 but can be as expensive as $730 depending on the size of the item being signed and the number of add-ons. Large format items like posters start at $440 while add-ons like character name or an inscription will each cost an additional $145. Had there been a tip jar, I would have tipped. Ive even suggested, when the autograph line is small enough, that all the person has to do is sit there and Ill take a photo standing in front of the table with my face and his/her face in the same frame, but the people organizing everything have still said no (which I think is patently ridiculous, its no skin off the celebritys back to sit there like they were already doing and smile for half a second). While we try to . Comicfest in San Jose, Humberto Ramos had a policy where hed sign one book for free but then charged after that. I enjoy when writers sell and autograph comic scripts, which is a neat exclusive you can only get by seeing them at conventions (and I can only assume is highly profitable to them as well, seeing as they seem to be printed at home). (Maybe it was two books for free?) So a tip jar is a fine thing to have! If the convention managers had to pay for that big of a celebrity to show up on their own they wouldn't be able to afford to have a convention. I have never had the chance to meet you, as I have two disabled children and I cant travel without them. Last year, Joe Montana was coming to a large mall near me. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. People came to see the stars, and the stars would oblige their fans' reasonable requests. What is the difference between signed and autographed? In fact, there is more freedom when it comes to artist signatures than there are rules. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thats fine. When I couldnt show it to them, they called me a liar. Speaking of Chiller, PAD: This months may be of interest to you Bill Mumy and a Lost in Space reunion, as well as the incomparable Ron Ely . The main reason, because they can. What have you understood about Star interview response? That's A Spicy Spring Movie Preview! Did anyone criticize Tim Tebow for charging for autographs? Many people who stand outside premieres asking for autographs are actually professional autograph traders, who make their living or supplement their income by selling them for full profit, rather than keeping them as a personal souvenir. The autograph is free, as a way of saying, I appreciate you enjoying my work. And the tip jar is a great way to then say, Thanks for the autograph, and know that your work is, indeed, appreciated!. And never more than when in Jr High. Now, it's expected that each scrawl will be worth a set amount of money as a way to defray the cost of bringing the guests down. I walked by your booth (not knowing you HAD a booth there) and you seemed to recognize my face as a recurring fan. I managed to get up the nerve to approach him and left with personalized autographs in my copies of Pebble in the Sky, I, Robot and The Foundation. Now, dont get me wrong, Ive paid the price myself as this is an individual choice. Press J to jump to the feed. The so-called fan was no fan, just an opportunist who wanted to get some free . Mama Mia! If people werent willing to pay, theyd ask for less. Im not paying that., but then pay it anywaylike it or not. BONUS TIP! If you cant get out to meet Fox in person, there are always companies willing to take your items on consignment to get them signed for you. It was just a nice personal memento to have of a brief interaction with the actors. Autograph tickets are often also sold online in advance of the convention. This way, if someone really feels the need to pay, the money goes to a great cause. Use the My Signature tool to create your unique signature. Some may not. At this point in time he is rich but his contract is not that big at all. With the crowds at these events reaching astronomical levels due to the likely population explosion, its no wonder if its worth it to wait 2 to 3 hours in line to get a photo op with a sci-fi/comic book celebrity. The up and coming you can usually get for free. You will all laugh because, I am sure everyone and their mother has his autograph I failed at getting Henry "The Fonz" Winkler No photos could perfectly capture the moment. But it does get out of hand. I am the proud owner of autographed copies, signed at different times, of BUT I DIGRESS and MORE DIGRESSIONS. Heres the standard advice we give about signatures: Since fame has a value, dont devalue it. It was maybe a brief two minutes. I agree, its completely fine that he charged. Overall, however, Cam has the right to charge. Youre no celebrity, but who cares, right? I know there are many creators who do not charge for their autographs, but instead have a tip jar where the proceeds go to the CBLDF. Theysee it as other people making money from their name and . Stephen Amell One source deeply involved in the convention circuit estimates that Amell walks away with $250,000 a weekend more than he makes per episode of Arrow a figure he denies. Thats why Im attending cons less and less. Batman fans were overjoyed to finally have their masks, posters, and comics signed by Keaton who many consider to be the Batman. What do celebrities do with their fan mail? A lot of the people getting the autographs are going to turn around and try to make a profit by selling the stuff on the internet. Theres an A and B signature. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Find out which actors will not be signing your movie poster any time soon. 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